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RMRK Announcements, Support, Feedback and Archives => Board Support / Feedback => Topic started by: Roph on April 10, 2014, 10:06:47 PM

Title: Float tags
Post by: Roph on April 10, 2014, 10:06:47 PM
We had these years ago, I dunno why/when they ever disappeared. Either way, re-implemented. With the same bbcodes too, not that I know of any posts that ever used them.

If you don't know what "float"ing something is when talking about the layout of a webpage, read this article about floats ( The important bits are floating things left and right, but also clearing.

Put simply: A floated object aligns to the left or right, with the remaining content wrapping around it. Different to normal left/right tags which break lines.

A clear is useful if you want to make sure something appears under your floated content and doesn't wrap around it. No matter how wide you make your browser window, this text will never appear alongside the kitten but always under it. Without the clear, it'd go up between the pidgeot and the kitten. A clear is like a special invisible HR to always go under any floats you've used. Note that the real HR above still wraps even though it's an otherwise block level element.

Floated text to the right.
Floating text behaves a little odd, this tag is mainly aimed at objects like images or youtube video embeds and the like. The invisible box of a floated object is invisible / unstyled on purpose so it doesn't get in the way of any creative uses people might have, for layouts of fancy posts and such.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
So with that said, here are the tags:

 [fleft]Stuff to float left[/fleft]
 [fright]Stuff to float right[/fright]
 [clear] - used on its own

:roph2: Quote this post to see its BBCode source if you're still curious how this post is layed out. Also, the bbcode source for my current sig is this:

[center][fright][img][/img][/fright][fleft][img][/img][img][/img][/fleft]Hello :tinysmile:[/center]

Which appears as:

Hello :tinysmile:
Title: Re: Float tags
Post by: Sophist on April 10, 2014, 10:40:33 PM
Title: Re: Float tags
Post by: Sophist on April 10, 2014, 10:40:43 PM
Title: Re: Float tags
Post by: yuyu! on April 10, 2014, 10:49:38 PM
yay! :yuyu:
oh kewl! B) I like it!!
Title: Re: Float tags
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on April 10, 2014, 11:31:50 PM
formating is phun
Title: Re: Float tags
Post by: Irock on April 12, 2014, 05:02:51 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fringilla lorem id felis posuere pulvinar. Morbi sit amet dui eget ante tincidunt euismod vel non eros. Aenean cursus varius ipsum, eget porta dui mollis bibendum. Nunc faucibus sollicitudin justo id mollis. Praesent quis urna dapibus, cursus tortor sit amet, eleifend purus. Cras fermentum, massa ac porttitor dapibus, justo nibh dignissim est, vel pretium turpis nulla non neque. Vivamus mollis lorem ac enim cursus, egestas euismod urna dignissim.

Nam rhoncus enim quis nisi mollis ullamcorper ac vitae ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin condimentum orci vel pretium pellentesque. Quisque tristique elit at ante mollis porta. In sapien est, cursus ac metus eget, imperdiet pharetra dui. Nam facilisis dictum tellus sed porttitor. Phasellus pretium mi vel ligula vulputate, nec fringilla mauris ullamcorper. Vivamus non orci et nibh faucibus elementum. Nulla ac adipiscing lorem. Ut cursus tristique orci. Mauris laoreet lectus vitae sem ullamcorper cursus. Nam ornare velit nec eros laoreet cursus. Donec elit massa, dignissim sit amet sapien sit amet, gravida ullamcorper justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Nullam ac rutrum velit. Nullam fringilla lobortis enim ac luctus. Nunc diam nisl, egestas eget orci eget, venenatis rutrum elit. Proin faucibus felis cursus turpis sollicitudin mollis. Vivamus quis urna venenatis nulla aliquet pulvinar eget a nisl. Aenean massa massa, vehicula id aliquet eget, sollicitudin at arcu. Phasellus tempus quam sit amet nisi posuere pharetra. Nam quis tempus augue, et malesuada justo. Nullam nisl sem, rutrum venenatis lacus sed, porta accumsan dui. Suspendisse facilisis pretium neque, in vestibulum mi accumsan sed. Proin pulvinar nec sapien a consequat. Nullam feugiat diam nec porta suscipit. Curabitur at neque vehicula, euismod lectus id, ornare dui.

Integer facilisis sem risus, vel egestas velit mattis id. Sed feugiat mollis purus, id tempus turpis auctor vitae. Mauris porttitor ultricies quam, a malesuada diam scelerisque quis. Maecenas non erat tellus. Etiam nisl sem, bibendum et interdum eu, sollicitudin eget lectus. Cras nunc metus, porta in magna sit amet, congue venenatis turpis. Sed imperdiet feugiat ante, ut commodo metus lobortis in. Sed vel risus sed urna elementum lacinia. Donec a tincidunt justo. In in quam id nisi pellentesque ultricies sit amet ut turpis. Sed et arcu pellentesque, tristique nisi at, hendrerit nulla. Donec in est nec metus faucibus suscipit ut quis quam. Pellentesque tellus justo, sodales in arcu adipiscing, pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ac ante lorem. Mauris eget iaculis leo. Duis a mi tincidunt, congue sem eu, gravida diam.