The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK General => Creativity => Topic started by: the_ramen_noodle on October 19, 2006, 03:22:20 AM

Title: [Writing] Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: the_ramen_noodle on October 19, 2006, 03:22:20 AM
Hi, I'm the_ramen_noodle (aka arrowone's brother). I really would have had no purpose here. UNTIL NOW. For the past 3 and a half months I've been thinking up of a story. I've been coming up with some items I thought were cool, and I have been influenced by games like Legend of Zelda, Illusion of Gaia and Brainlord. I just wanted to tell you about the basic items in a specific fashion, and make sure those items weren't too close to items that already exist. Some of the items are...

1. Magnet Gloves- These gloves can push, pull, and lift steel or metal blocks that are in the way or if you need to solve one of those puzzles (or another purpose). I'm thinking of making these gloves have an effect on some enemies, but I'm leaning more towards no on that.

2. Hop, Skip, and Jump Feathers- These feathers go on the back of the achilles tendon part of your boot. The Hop Feather makes you jump 1 space an any direction, the Skip Feather changes that to two, then finally the Jump Feather making you jump up to three spaces. These will also increase the height of your jump. If it's possible with RPG Maker XP, I'll make it so you won't jump 1,2, or 3 every time. Maybe while your jumping you could press the opposite direction of which you're jumping so it won't make you turn around, but instead kind of alter your speed in midair. If this was too confusing, I'll checking here three times a day for the past week so I can address this even more specifically.

3. Shark's Necklace- This necklace will be necessary when you embark to the American/Canadian Border and find Niagara Falls (The game takes place in the early 1670's so they obviously won't know that it's Niagara Falls). You can be as deadly underwater as you are now after getting this!

4. Key Concept- Not only do you have to find "a key", you have to find THE RIGHT KEY. Or the Left key. Or the central key. Yes, only ONE key will fit ONE door. I'm worried about doing this though because Brainlord was the only game I know that did that. But it would increase the game's difficulty a bit, and I welcome anything that would make my planned game harder.

5. Life Concept- I don't want my life to be just 9999 hp, I want it to be in a bar or pieces or something. My brain says to use pieces. But the concept of that is hard because I didn't want a billion life pieces all over the screen, I want like twenty, but I want a design for those HP pieces different from what than those games use (Legend of Zelda, etc.).

6. Game Concept- The game concept is more similar to a game than anything else. Remember the Illusion of Gaia? You know where you go around the world and discover ancient ruins or dynasties and see all the really cool stuff? In my game, the main character's father offers him to see the sights around the world.

So I basically just am checking up on my idea, making sure I don't make a game and then later find it to be a colorless imitation of other more popular games. I'm sorry that this was lengthy.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Lord Dante on October 19, 2006, 03:36:46 AM, youre actually posting.

Ok, so Zelda already has the feather idea, as well as the magnet gloves (ala Oracle of seasons/ages).
also, as you said Brainlord did the thing with the keys, as well as Oblivion (i think). Oh. that, and Chip's Challenge. :P
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on October 19, 2006, 03:45:14 AM
MEh I dun consider your ideas plagarism... But I'm lazy. Fuck it.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Lord Dante on October 19, 2006, 04:18:36 AM
no, not plaigarism, as your hero isnt named a variation of "link" or have the same adventure, but still, theyre familiar game concepts.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Arrow on October 19, 2006, 05:03:08 AM
So will the familiarity reel in or push away new players?
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Lord Dante on October 19, 2006, 05:08:51 AM
well, it really depends on whether or not theyve played any of the mentioned games. its possible ramen screwed up by mentioning the fact that they could be used already, thusly  alerting people to the fact that some of the concepts have been used before. anyways, againm, it depends on if you like the original concepts or not.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Arrow on October 19, 2006, 05:09:41 AM
I see. Well, I'll tell him that you guys posted in the morning!
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Lord Dante on October 19, 2006, 05:11:34 AM

why arent you on MSN anymore?

(itll be like christmas for him!)
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Blizzard on October 19, 2006, 11:28:29 AM
Hello, arrowtwo. :=
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Yossy on October 19, 2006, 12:14:38 PM
1. Magnet Gloves- These gloves can push, pull, and lift steel or metal blocks that are in the way or if you need to solve one of those puzzles (or another purpose). I'm thinking of making these gloves have an effect on some enemies, but I'm leaning more towards no on that.
As Dante said, these have been implemented in Zelda games, especially the Four Swords games.  For some reason, I also think of Mega Man when magnets are mentioned (could it possibly have anything to do with MAGNET MAN?!?!?!?!?!111one).  There are some awesome puzzles you can come up with for magnets... I say, go for it.

2. Hop, Skip, and Jump Feathers- These feathers go on the back of the achilles tendon part of your boot. The Hop Feather makes you jump 1 space an any direction, the Skip Feather changes that to two, then finally the Jump Feather making you jump up to three spaces. These will also increase the height of your jump. If it's possible with RPG Maker XP, I'll make it so you won't jump 1,2, or 3 every time. Maybe while your jumping you could press the opposite direction of which you're jumping so it won't make you turn around, but instead kind of alter your speed in midair. If this was too confusing, I'll checking here three times a day for the past week so I can address this even more specifically.
This is pretty cool, it reminds me of the Roc's Feather/Roc's Cape in Zelda, or the feather item from the older Super Mario games.  However, DON'T make turning around in midair a component of gameplay.  It's physically impossible.  DO NOT EVOKE THE WRATH OF PHYSICS.

3. Shark's Necklace- This necklace will be necessary when you embark to the American/Canadian Border and find Niagara Falls (The game takes place in the early 1670's so they obviously won't know that it's Niagara Falls). You can be as deadly underwater as you are now after getting this!
Pretty neat; in the Zelda game, Oracle of Ages, there was an item called the Mermaid Suit that allowed you to swim underwater... deep underwater.  As in, a completely different map.  It's sweet.  There can be some unique puzzles that involve diving around to get from room to room.  Or map to map.  The "dive" skill in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire is also similar to this.

4. Key Concept- Not only do you have to find "a key", you have to find THE RIGHT KEY. Or the Left key. Or the central key. Yes, only ONE key will fit ONE door. I'm worried about doing this though because Brainlord was the only game I know that did that. But it would increase the game's difficulty a bit, and I welcome anything that would make my planned game harder.
Dragon Warrior games, especially 2 and 3, utilzed named keys (such as "Wooden Key," "Jail Cell Key," "Metal Key," etc.) that could only open the specific doors that matched those types.  The "difficult" aspect of this involved, say, a Metal Door in the very first town; obviously you can't open it at the beginning of the game.  You would have to lock away that information (pun intended? maybe) for the later point in the game, when you would finally have that key, forcing you to backtrack to the first town and hopefully find some treasure.  Yay.  Another possibility is to color code the keys (Red Key, Gold Key, Blue Key, etc.) like in Jet Force Gemini.  A Red key can open any chest, door, or whatev that is red.

5. Life Concept- I don't want my life to be just 9999 hp, I want it to be in a bar or pieces or something. My brain says to use pieces. But the concept of that is hard because I didn't want a billion life pieces all over the screen, I want like twenty, but I want a design for those HP pieces different from what than those games use (Legend of Zelda, etc.).
Yeah, bars are ineffective for adventure games.  So are numerals.  I would definitely want to go with "pieces" of health.  The circular health "bar" of Super Mario 64, I think, was very effective.  And it didn't take up a lot of space on the screen.  You could go with several of those circular bars (which are composed of pieces, making them not-bars), or just have a big one in the corner, or whatev.

6. Game Concept- The game concept is more similar to a game than anything else. Remember the Illusion of Gaia? You know where you go around the world and discover ancient ruins or dynasties and see all the really cool stuff? In my game, the main character's father offers him to see the sights around the world.
Actually, no, I don't remember Illusion of Gaia.  But, that sounds like a choice method of gameplay!

Good luck, and happy game-making. ;)

By the way, your DEATH BEE avatar is awesome.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Lord Dante on October 20, 2006, 03:57:38 AM

yeesh yossy, way to kill a thread with awesomeness mod powers.

anywho, good points. But wait, why do you think that "pieces" are less effective for a life meter? think zelda!

and yeah, i sorta remembered the mermaid suit. the zora village kicked ass.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Yossy on October 20, 2006, 04:55:11 PM
But, I did say he should use pieces... didn't I?  Now I'm confused.

I could have mistaken what Mr. Noodle meant.  We'll have to wait until he comes back and corrects us. :P
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: the_ramen_noodle on October 21, 2006, 04:56:00 AM
Well, thanks a lot everyone! I realize that I have a lot of revisions to do. Thanks for the tips guys and the criticism, seriously it will help. For life pieces, I'm thinking about rectangles (upright). Sorry if it looked like my ideas were strikingly similar to other games. For example, I never knew Link used magnet gloves. And I was afraid that my feathers would be too similar to Link's Awakening's ROC's FEATHER. So, thanks again, and I will be hard at work on this game (AND THE EARTHBOUND ONE. YES, THE IDEA IS STILL ALIVE AND KICKING). I'm also beginning a series so I can make the game's plot run easily. But it won't have TOO MUCH plot. Just enough to explain what's going on. So far, so good. It's almost midnight, so I'll talk to all of you guys tomorrow, possibly spam a little, even though I'm not that good at it. See ya!
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Yossy on October 21, 2006, 09:58:49 PM
How is it possible for anyone to be "not good at" spam?
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Arrow on October 22, 2006, 06:41:13 AM
Just not his style, really.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Malson on October 22, 2006, 04:54:41 PM
How is it possible for anyone to be "not good at" spam?

ljfkew byf8043wrg 8ruoihf 8h43- - CACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GIMME SODA SODA SODA :V :V :V TPG ??? ??? :? :donkey fouewifwoeq898898989

Oh, and hi Ramen. Good luck on your project.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on October 22, 2006, 05:59:41 PM
How is it possible for anyone to be "not good at" spam?

It's imposible. No wait... Geno sucks at spam. So it is completely possible.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Yossy on October 23, 2006, 12:33:04 PM
Zypher is the awesomest spammer.
From what I noticed, the two posts above me are quite long. As such, it feels out of place to respond to this thread with a short post. I aim to continue the trend set forth by Yossy and inspired by Fantom, a trend in which long posts shall reign. Most people assume that long posts contain some sense of intelligence and opinion on a certain subject. However, it is entirely possible for a long post to also be spamful in nature, as evident by this very post. You see, this post does not contain any ounce of worthy content for a person to read, as I am simply typing this response in stream of consciousness, with no stops in between. As a result, some of it may not make very much sense. But let's face it, when should a spam post ever make any kind of sense? They call it Spam for a reason, you know. Actually, now that I think about it, it's entirely possible this post will get deleted. Guess I better put some relevant content in. Ahem. Crime Life: Gang Wars was a steaming fucking turd.

Anywho, I've been doing some thinking, and...

If somene is "bad at" spamming, i.e. just saying stupid random pointless stuff, aren't they fulfilling the very definition of spam, thus making them "good at" spamming?

This whole thread is becoming spam.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Blizzard on October 23, 2006, 12:41:44 PM
Good spam:

Either something new random and dumb OR something seriously hilarious.

Bad spam:

Hard to define, look at veltonĀ³'s, Blaze's and Geno's spam.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Lord Dante on October 23, 2006, 07:55:49 PM

oh...nobody else has seen super troopers?


anyways, yossy, i misread your post about life pieces, my bad.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Malson on October 23, 2006, 07:56:47 PM
Basically, spam is bad if it reeks of utter stupidity.
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Arrow on October 24, 2006, 05:06:16 PM
I have seen Super Troopers. *chugs syrup*
Title: Re: Plaigiarism Checker
Post by: Lord Dante on October 24, 2006, 10:09:12 PM
I have seen Super Troopers. *chugs syrup*

"do i look like a cat to you? jumpin all nimbly bimbly through the trees?!"


please, lets stop the spam.