The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Resources => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Dominus on September 01, 2006, 07:59:41 PM

Title: [XP] RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: Dominus on September 01, 2006, 07:59:41 PM
Ok so someone was looking for someone to convert Graphics from RM2003 to RMXP on the .org site.  Well I did one better and found an actual program to do it for you!  Works out pretty well.  Here is the info ripped & edited right from the other forum I got it from! 

You're all welcome, just add "Dominus" to the 'Special Thanks' section of your RPG's Credits! ;D

-=Resources Converter Wizard + RMXP Launcher=-


Size: 1.55 Mb
Author: Bodom Child


Here's a program that will allow you to convert all of your RM2000/2003 resources into RMXP resources, using no filter, or a Super2xSaI filter (the one used in Snes emulators that makes great-looking graphics).

But using this filter, a few improvements will be needed (about 2-3 minutes under Paint shop pro for a complete chipset).<BR><BR>The installer also contains a program named "Quick RMXP Launcher". When you launch it it scans your project directory and list all of your projects in a listbox. Then just double-click on one project to launch RPG Maker XP with the project already opened.

Quick Instructions:

Simply select a RM2K3/RM2K project folder, select the Root Folder, where the .exe for your project is located. Then you can choose which resources to convert using the menu at the bottom of the window.


If you don't have a Project folder, but want to convert rm2k3 resources ANYWAY, just create a folder called Project, and create new folders within that are named ChipSet, or CharSet, or whatever rm2k3 resources you have (the names must match the Default setup of the rm2k3 Project Folder.. I suggest
you open someone's and look to see yourself if you aren't sure how they are spelled).

Check this out!!

You start with your RM2k3 chipset, right?


And then you run it through the Resource Wizard and look what comes out!!!

The automated tiles: Not all shown

( (


And the rest are put into RMXP Tileset form!!:


If that don't blow your socks off.. what the hell?!?!

BTW - It edited the last pic it's actually bigger then it looks.
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: Arrow on September 01, 2006, 08:13:02 PM
Pretty nice! I'll be using this.
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: Yossy on September 06, 2006, 06:32:14 PM
I don't mind copy & paste.  :P
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: HowlingWinds on September 13, 2006, 12:12:24 AM
I <3 this, makes things a lot easier. Thank you!  :D
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: Nightwolf on September 13, 2006, 09:17:21 AM
as rpg2k3 and xp are different in graphics, it may be blurr
But both of you have a point.
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: Maglor on September 13, 2006, 12:02:24 PM
Wow, cool!
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: lamont on September 22, 2006, 08:56:28 PM
thanks i wanted this since i didnt want to make a 2k3 game anymore but a XP game :)
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on January 22, 2007, 07:17:57 PM
This should be sticked.

A link to a site with good RPG2003 Stuff! (
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: Taylor on January 24, 2007, 11:17:37 PM
You do realise those water tiles are unusable. :|
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: Arrow on January 24, 2007, 11:53:34 PM
Thank goodness this was bumped, I started converting things the other night by would have taken me MONTHS.
Title: Re: RM2003 to RMXP Graphics Converter!
Post by: alex95 on December 18, 2009, 12:56:23 AM
 :) Whenever I press start, it doesn't do anything.  ???