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RMRK General => Video Games and Entertainment => Topic started by: haloOfTheSun on April 04, 2006, 05:57:27 AM

Title: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 04, 2006, 05:57:27 AM
As everyone knows, Square started making their FF games with Nintendo, and then joined Sony after FF6 to make them on Playstation. Most of us also know that after FF6, Square had begun developing a demo to test their 3D capabilities on the N64, and then announced they were moving the game to the Playstation and scrapped what they had in the demo, which was, a battle scene, in 3D, with FF6 characters.

The question is (there are actually lots of questions, but we'll keep it at one), do you think Square should have continued developing for Nintendo, and made a FF6 sequel, or are you happy with the current FF7?
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Demonheart on April 04, 2006, 07:27:57 AM
Im happy with the current FF7 but I would love to play the remake of it on the PS3 :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Moss. on April 04, 2006, 04:48:45 PM
I would love to play the remake of it on the PS3 :mrgreen:
I used to think so, too, but then I realized that the deformed characters really added a lot to the charm and appeal of the game. It just wouldn't be the same if they overhauled it...
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Dalton on April 04, 2006, 09:09:01 PM
It's a bit funny in some places in FF7 cause of the deformed characters and fixing them would make it how they wanted it, serious.  Anyway I'm content with the current FF7, personally I think it's the best Final Fantasy and i cna't wait for the remake.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: wildrj on April 04, 2006, 09:21:28 PM
well personaly i think ff8 its the best final fantasy but i heard somewere that they are making a remake of ff7 for the ps3 one reason y im saving up for a ps3 :) also that u can comunicate wiresly from psp to your ps3 :)
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Roph on April 04, 2006, 09:38:48 PM
Everyone still thinks they're making a re-make for the PS3 huh.

I wouldn't have liked playing it on an N64. It would somehow had have to have been a multi-cartridge game. At least I'm guessing, what with all those thousands of static backgrounds, and the many FMVs. Could the N64 even play FMV?
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: dwarra on April 04, 2006, 09:48:33 PM
They are not remaking it i think, it was just a test of the ps3s capabilities, and by the looks of it, not even stretching it. Theyd ruin it anyway, cos voice acting on games with no voices takes away half the effect of using your imagination.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: wildrj on April 04, 2006, 10:00:01 PM
well thats true one thin g that amde the final fantasy series so succesful was that they didnt use voice acting i think thats what messd up ff10 and 10-2
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: sepiroth666 on April 04, 2006, 10:37:35 PM
Yo dwaara if they keep japaneese voices it will be ok look at AC and LO ...but knowing amercans they will ruin the voices...also you can have multi-cart games? and FF7 game will be remade eventually...we just dono when even square said so.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Roph on April 04, 2006, 11:04:06 PM
Yo dwaara if they keep japaneese voices it will be ok look at AC and LO ...but knowing amercans they will ruin the voices...also you can have multi-cart games? and FF7 game will be remade eventually...we just dono when even square said so.

It would be a bit dodgy keeping track of your save game (which would be stored on the cart you're playing on). How is them using american voices ruining it? I see some people buying anime that has English voices in it, and then they watch it in Japanese. What?
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Master_of_Time on April 04, 2006, 11:13:10 PM
I see some people buying anime that has English voices in it, and then they watch it in Japanese. What?

When I (and other people, I'm sure) watch anime in Japanese, I imagine the voice they have but talking in English.
Then, when I watch it in English, the voices don't match up too well and therefore make it less enjoyable.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 05, 2006, 12:17:36 AM
Silverline was one of the only people who posted on topic that entire time. ><

To be clear, we're not discussing FF7 being remade for PS3, I think there's already a topic about that. Or at least there was.  :?
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on April 05, 2006, 12:30:40 AM
FF7 was really over rated. As I look back on it, the game was garbage. Now FF6, that's the best thing square has ever done, and they will never top it.

Cloud was a dork who thought he was Zack... So he sucked.
Sephiroth had less personality than a strip of bacon.... He sucked too.
Barret ripped off Mr.T.... Mr.T is cool but Barret sucks.
Tifa's only use was her large chest.... So she Sucked too.
Aeris was the best magic user in the game, but she died.... Suckiest suck to ever suck.
Yuffie.... Can you say SUCKY?
Vincent... Vampires suck.
Cid... He acted too much like Barret, making Him suck.

Am I missing any one? I haven't played ff7 in about six years... So I doubt I remember the whole cast.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 05, 2006, 12:37:03 AM
The two worst characters, Red XIII and Cait Sith
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Roph on April 05, 2006, 01:31:29 AM
FF7 is one of the most popular games out there :|

I've seen plenty of people whoi "hate" it, clearly for the reason that it's so widely loved.

Much like Mental probably wouldn't think of ever listening to any mainstream music. Because, you know, everybody listens to it, so it therefore auto-sucks.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on April 05, 2006, 02:07:51 AM
I mainly hate FF7, becuase Sephiroth had no personality.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: zxm on April 05, 2006, 03:12:27 AM
I mainly hate FF7 becuase people talk about it to much.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: GilgameshRO on April 05, 2006, 05:14:03 AM
Im happy with the current FF7 but I would love to play the remake of it on the PS3
Don't talk anymore.

Personally, I wouldn't really want a sequel to FF6. Theres no need for it. Besdies, if FF6 had a sequel and they called it FF7, then FFX-2 would be FFXI, and FFXI would be FFXII, and everything would be all weird.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Yossy on April 05, 2006, 11:06:07 PM
FIRST of all, I could have sworn this topic was talking about Square (or Square-Enix, of which Enix is the better half) continuing to make games for Nintendo.  That probably could have been the best course of action they could ever have taken, but they did not.  Ahem.

Exhibit A:  The first six Final Fantasy games have been deemed "the classics."  These are the ones that were released on Nintendo systems (NES and SNES).  FF7 is considered the Ultimate Fanboy FF Game (in an unrelated note, I like to think of FF10-2 as the Ultimate Fangirl FF Game).  Post-FF7 games are debatable, and I have no experience with them besides Crystal Chronicles, so I really shouldn't talk about them.

Exhibit B: A sizable percentage of the population is beginning to hold to the belief that as Square-Enix produces more and more games in rapid succession, they are becoming increasingly sucky.  The deep, thought-provoking storylines such as FF6's are but distant memories in the past.  I don't even know what's been going on with the battle system lately.

So, IN CONCLUSION, ....  ...uh.  Wait.  No, wait, I know there was a point I was trying to make.  DANG IT!!  I totally forgot what I was going to say.  MAN!

Okay.  Square's current games would not be sucky if they teamed up with Nintendo more often.  Much like Dr. Pepper, Nintendo has a tendancy to make the world tase better.  Mmm, delicious.

I think that was the point I was getting at.  :|
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: sepiroth666 on April 05, 2006, 11:31:31 PM
Um Square still makes games for nentendo
ported 1,2,4,5,6 for GBA(5 and 6 coming soon)
remade FF3(DS)
making chyristal chrononicals( DS)
made chyristal chronocals(GC)
they just don't make the new main stream ones on nentendo becouse
1.Contract with sony
2.mainstream FF are all about grafixs now...

Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: dragonmagna on April 05, 2006, 11:42:16 PM
Well, ff10, I think was in the future, an insane disgrace to ff games. :-(
And FF10-2 just made square-enix more gay.... Another disgrace.
The "old-school" games I would have to say, are the better ones. They are fun and entertaining. I haven't played any FF games above 6, though. FF6 was SO AMAZING! Probably on the top one of best games ever made.
FF3, well, I haven't played that either.

And to remove spam, I say there SHOULD NOT be a sequel to FF6. FF10-2: suck.
The 3d effects were cool, since I have seen some screenshots. But FF6 was perfect and sequels remove perfection.
So thats my opinion.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on April 05, 2006, 11:43:54 PM

Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 06, 2006, 01:12:44 AM
There seems to be some confusion, although most of you are now still posting on topic, but you're covering all bases to make sure you aren't spamming. It's kind of funny actually.  :lol:

I suppose there are two questions to answer in this topic really:

Do you think Square should have stayed with Nintendo?

and Do you think Final Fantasy 7 should have been a continuation of Final Fantasy 6? Basically a Final Fantasy 6-2.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: wildrj on April 06, 2006, 01:34:20 AM
final fantasy 7 started square onto making 3d rpg games asson has that sold out the started the greates ff game of all final fantasy 8  :-D
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 06, 2006, 02:26:19 AM
final fantasy 7 started square onto making 3d rpg games asson has that sold out the started the greates ff game of all final fantasy 8
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: wildrj on April 06, 2006, 02:32:37 AM
have no idea lol wait  yeah i do it shows that making ff7 made future ff games worth playing
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on April 06, 2006, 07:58:50 PM
Square should never of had anything to do with sony. Sony cares more about a game looking good than playing good.

Sony has had some good games. I will admit. But most psx/ps2 games aren't very fun.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: sepiroth666 on April 06, 2006, 11:39:53 PM
Sony has no influence over the games produced.
Square is 3rd party.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Tyhan on April 07, 2006, 01:47:17 PM
I mainly hate FF7, becuase Sephiroth had no personality.

Don't talk, you're only 30 miles off.

Personally I think 6 was okay, but I really liked the original 1 and 3.

A sequel on the N64? No. Nononono @_@

You have to play FF7, but Sephiroth wasn't a jackass who killed anyone until he found out what they had done to Jenova (his mother).  He was partnered up with Cloud, both 1st rank soldiers, and they travelling around on a mission given to them by Soldier, big mistake by them.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Blizzard on April 07, 2006, 02:50:41 PM
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Tyhan on April 07, 2006, 03:20:20 PM
I heard the SNES could have been made with a 3D graphics driver but it wasn't all that good so they chose not to.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Blizzard on April 07, 2006, 04:21:45 PM
Yeah, actually there were some games using a 3D chip. e.g. Star Fox or Mario Kart. I forgot the name but it was called Super FX chip I think. It was with the catridge together.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: lilgoaliebro on April 13, 2006, 07:47:05 PM
Yeah FF7 was really cool so I'd keep it. But who knows what FF6-2 would be like. but cloud and Sephiroth are like the coolest (and they are so awesome in KH1 & 2!) But a remake of FF7 on PS3 would most likely be the most amazing game ever. And even if it was just okay, it would sell so much becuase of all the hardcore FF7 fans.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Jet on April 13, 2006, 11:19:47 PM
There are still a lot of rumors about there even being a remake of VII.  Don't get me wrong, I'd love it, but I'm not so sure it's going to happen.  Anyway, I think Square made a very good choice.  Nintendo is known for being rather "cartoon"-ish.  Square did not go that route, and it's worked out nicely.  :)
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Blizzard on April 13, 2006, 11:37:31 PM
There are still a lot of rumors about there even being a remake of VII.


So better stop hoping. You will only get disappointed.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Yossy on April 13, 2006, 11:56:09 PM
I always sort of got the impression that the character design of Sephiroth was largely based on Setzer's appearance (FF6).
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 13, 2006, 11:58:25 PM
Ah, screenshots, good idea. I should've done that to begin with.

Erm.. there's no screenshots actually. I guess you're getting them right now.

There was a demo video I watched, with Terra, Locke, and Shadow doing battle with some monster. It was pretty cool I guess, but kind of repetitive.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Yossy on April 14, 2006, 12:07:29 AM
Yes, I just editted it.  :-D  That page also has some videos, probably the one you just mentioned.  Oh-em-gee Shadow & Locke = HOT SOUP!!  :-D :-D
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 14, 2006, 12:24:00 AM
That's not where I saw it, but they did steal the title of my topic, hehe.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Blizzard on April 14, 2006, 12:24:20 AM
If they had made FFVI-2 instead of FFVII, that would
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: dragonmagna on April 14, 2006, 12:27:27 AM
Going back on topic, I've have heard some good stuff about FF7, although I haven't played it, so I say keep that. But I do happen to NOT HEAR anything in the world involving 8,9 ,10, 10-2, 11, 12, 13, or however many stupid ff games they've made now.
If square was just square and worked with nintendo, then, well, you would have super mario rpg, which is when two companies knew what they were doing. (square didn't become stupid until they left nintendo, although they got even more stupid after ff7) *o*
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 14, 2006, 12:28:37 AM
I think FF VI-2 would've been great, except maybe for the small problem that magic was supposed to no longer exist at the end of FF VI. But, little loopholes like this never stopped SquareEnix before.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Blizzard on April 14, 2006, 12:47:24 AM
If square was just square and worked with nintendo, then, well, you would have super mario rpg, which is when two companies knew what they were doing. (square didn't become stupid until they left nintendo, although they got even more stupid after ff7) *o*

I totally agree with that. I think I
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Yossy on April 14, 2006, 12:58:59 AM
I think I said this before, but people seem to agree that as Square-Enix's quantity of games increase, the quality decreases.  I, for one, wish they would step away from RPG's for a while, and make some sequels for Enix's sequel-deserving-non-RPG-games.  But Square seems to be too busy... like... NOT doing anything of Enix's (with the sole exception of Dragon Warrior 8, which hardly even counts because it had been in production before Square and Enix merged).  I think Mischief Makers, an awesome Enix game created with obvious Mega Man references, deserves a sequel.

Um.  Wait.  That's pretty off-topic.  Sorry.

ENIX ROCKS!  WOO!!  *runs away*
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Blizzard on April 14, 2006, 01:12:09 AM
They didn
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on April 14, 2006, 01:56:54 AM
I would like FF7 a lot more if they didn't kill Aeris in the middle of it.  :-(

An FF6 sequel would be nice, but games like FFX-2 and Tony Hawk (uh, what is it now, 27?) have shown that sequels only ruin game series, not enhance them. It doesn't need a 3D overhaul. I don't like where RPGs have gone since 3D graphics came about. People focus way too much on the visuals instead of the characters or storyline. That's why I fear what will happen when RPG Maker 3D comes about. People will spend so much time making their newfound 3D graphics look good that the game itself will lack in quality.

As for the question itself, I'd say FF7 as it is, because although I didn't like the game as much as FF6, I wouldn't have wanted a sequel of FF6 potentially ruining the game.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: GilgameshRO on April 14, 2006, 11:35:36 PM
Am I the only person who actually enjoyed FFX-2? Or just the only one who will admit it?
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on April 14, 2006, 11:50:12 PM
I really don't like that they reverted back to ATB for X-2. FFX had the best battle system of any RPG, in my opinion, and ever since they trashed it for X-2 I've lost interest in future Final Fantasies.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: GilgameshRO on April 14, 2006, 11:53:46 PM
The ATB is what I loved about FFX-2. Best and fastest ATB I've ever seen. Unfortunetly, the game was pretty easy. It would have been nice if it had the same kinda fast paced ATB battles... but was actually hard.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Roph on April 15, 2006, 01:07:13 AM
That's why I fear what will happen when RPG Maker 3D comes about. People will spend so much time making their newfound 3D graphics look good that the game itself will lack in quality.

lol, I think the graphics will suck, along with the games. Maybe if the entire forum teamed up and all worked hard for at least like 6 months, we could make something maybe pretty good. But that's never going to happen.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: monster-doog on April 15, 2006, 01:26:57 PM
Dont give up hope!! LOL!!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Yossy on April 15, 2006, 08:56:38 PM
That's why I fear what will happen when RPG Maker 3D comes about. People will spend so much time making their newfound 3D graphics look good that the game itself will lack in quality.

But, that already happens with the 2-d RPG Maker games.  There are way too many RPG Maker games that just suck.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: GilgameshRO on April 15, 2006, 09:09:56 PM
What do you expect? It is a program that gives people easy access to making a game, and to get out their ideas. Did you somehow think everyone has brilliant ideas and mad skillz? They don't.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on April 16, 2006, 12:21:36 AM
But, that already happens with the 2-d RPG Maker games.  There are way too many RPG Maker games that just suck.

This is true. Unfortunately, the addition of 3D graphics may only increase the so-called "suck factor," because one would only spend more time on visuals. On the other hand, three dimensions would shoo away anyone who would simply lay down a bunch of tiles and message events to make an RPG, so that the ratio of good to bad games would increase. I guess it's all how one would look at it.

P.S. Sorry for derailing your topic, Halo.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: GilgameshRO on August 31, 2006, 06:30:59 AM
Zypher was always taking things off topic, even when he was a newbie. I guess hes just that kind of terrible spammy kinda guy.

Thats why we love him.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on September 02, 2006, 12:52:56 AM
Haha. The funny thing is, all my posts were still completely serious even when they were offtopic.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on September 02, 2006, 02:59:38 AM
Really? AH MAH GAH!
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Arrow on September 02, 2006, 03:58:00 AM
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on September 02, 2006, 04:34:44 AM
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Arrow on September 02, 2006, 05:03:29 AM
  |  ___     ___ |
 |      |        |      |
  |  /\______/\ |                Rawr, bitches.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Knownot on September 02, 2006, 05:04:21 AM
I liked the FFVII on Ps it was good like that i hated the N64 so i thought it wulda recked it.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: vivilakers on September 02, 2006, 09:44:43 AM
I hate ff7 even though it was 3d their hands look like Horse feet.If they made it in N64 it would kill FF.FF10 by the way is the step to the 3d world so I think people is just changing so they don't like it yet but when they see Kingdom Hearts they all said one thing WoW.Anyway FF7 sucks because Cloud is BS Squall is the real dude man.

Cloud is Gay Lol...
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on September 03, 2006, 02:35:42 AM
Oh, you came back. Allow me to be the first to say that you need to take grammar lessons, as I only understood about a fifth of that post.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Arrow on September 03, 2006, 02:38:16 AM the way is the step to the 3d world so I think people is just changing so they don't like it yet but when they see Kingdom Hearts they all said one thing WoW.

Out of all the things they could have said, they said World of Warcraft. People these days...
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on September 03, 2006, 04:49:31 AM
Honestly, FF 7 was really over rated. And FF8 killed the franchise. Square is kicking a dead horse.

I'm still pissed that thye Ruined the SaGa frnchise. Any ways, Square is only good at one thing now, ruining franchises. There a good Shot Mana may be ruined. Uhh oh yeah FF tctics was ruined with the gba one. Uhm they'll probably ruin front mission soon too.

I hate you square.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: GilgameshRO on September 03, 2006, 06:38:37 AM
FF8 is one of the few FFs I actually like. =/
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on September 03, 2006, 04:11:27 PM
I still hate square.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Arrow on September 03, 2006, 10:47:10 PM
I didn't like any of the FF series, cept for 1, 4, and 10. The rest of it was a fucking bore. I liked some of the stuff they did on the SNES, but they lost any points they may have earned for that when they devoured Enix. Square must die.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on September 04, 2006, 03:24:35 AM
I loved the battle system in FFX. You know, the one that Square just ignored for any subsequent game of theirs. THAT is gay.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: GilgameshRO on September 05, 2006, 06:25:44 AM
Didn't this topic die? It needs to die again.
Title: Re: The Real Final Fantasy 7?
Post by: Malson on September 05, 2006, 11:36:08 PM
Does that mean we don't bump it like I just did?