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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => General Tutorials and Eventing => RPG Maker General => Tutorials Database => Topic started by: Supervisor on March 28, 2006, 08:56:05 PM

Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Supervisor on March 28, 2006, 08:56:05 PM

I made this tonight, it might come in handy for some newbies.
It's working perfect for me


Ok, I'll explain every step.

Make a weapon called "Woodcutter's axe" for the first branch.
It has to be equiped at the hero.

Well, you start with a image of a full grown tree.
The first move event is a graphic with tree parts all shattered around.
The second is a tree stump.

The variable Woodcuttings level is needed for the advancement in level.
With woodcuttings levels you can for example make it possible that you have to be lvl 5 to cut a certain kind of tree.

The random variable isn't needed but is extra fun.

You gain experience after every tree you cut, 20 for when you randomly get 2 logs en 10 for 1 log.

With the next branch and the Woodcuttings exp variable you make it possible to increase in level.
So with 50 exp you gain 1 level.

Then you have to make a load of new skills... called "Woodcutting level 1 till how far you wanna go. (Woodcutting level 100 would be a lot of typing :p)
You make it a passive level 1 skill for you're hero and you make him learn woodcutting level 1 before the game starts. or if you want you can make him learn level 1 ingame by someone.

Well, the last branch is for the advancement in level.. so if you're level 3 woodcutting and you gain a level you become level 4, you will see that in you're hero's skillmenu.

Any questions? Just post, I will reply.

You can do this with every skill of course. like mining, stone cutting, whatever you want.

I'm working on a house-building script now, I'll post it too.

Now, this didn't take much time till now...
Can someone PLEASE gimme some help for respawning the tree's.
I can't get it fixed.
Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Blizzard on March 28, 2006, 09:14:28 PM
Make a common event that counts from 0 till 999, while increasing a variable every 20 frames. When it reaches 999, set it to 0 and make the switch off, that you turned on after choping the tree down. Best is, you use exactly THAT switch to activate that common event (parallel process!). Your tree will be there after 2000 secs (about 33,5 minutes). Change the frame waiting rate to change this time.
Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Zeriab on March 28, 2006, 10:01:24 PM
There's some issues with your event:
Woodcutting skill advanced, it should be Woodcutting skill basic. That title is also better fitting with it being good for newbies.

Besides the small mistakes it's alright. Hopefully you'll learn from your error and don't make them again. That'll be cool.  8)
Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Blizzard on March 28, 2006, 10:05:59 PM
The infamous copy-paste mistake... Well you can
Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Zeriab on March 28, 2006, 11:25:24 PM
Quote from: Blizzard
The infamous copy-paste mistake... Well you can
Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Supervisor on March 29, 2006, 07:32:04 AM
Ah, thanks for the info so far :).

I tested coupla times seems to work..
But you guys 're right...
I have to stop "programming" at midnight..:)

I'll try what you guys say in a couple hours, first have to work a bit.
Title: Tree respawn demo
Post by: Blizzard on March 29, 2006, 11:52:14 AM
Here is a demo how to do it.

BTW, 20 frames are 1 second. I was wrong about that in the post above. It would be 1000 secs.
Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Supervisor on March 29, 2006, 05:17:27 PM
Thanks alot Blizzard.

I have the level up meganism fixed too, so every level needs more exp to increase...

I'll post it soon, have to doublecheck it became kinda huge.
Title: Woodcutting skill advanced.
Post by: Blizzard on March 29, 2006, 06:36:24 PM
Quote from: Supervisor
Thanks alot Blizzard.

I have the level up meganism fixed too, so every level needs more exp to increase...

I'll post it soon, have to doublecheck it became kinda huge.