The RPG Maker Resource Kit

Other Game Creation => Program Troubleshooting => Topic started by: Kioku on December 25, 2005, 05:08:29 AM

Title: Question about choosing hero names events
Post by: Kioku on December 25, 2005, 05:08:29 AM
Okay, I understand I need to download the patch for RPGM2K to make the selecting your own hero name thing work, but the problem is...

I'm -really- bad with computers. It said to simply change the new patch with the .exe file. And that is where I'm stumped ^-^ I tried everything I could, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I don't want to break anything ._.

So, can anyone tell me in very, very, very simple terms (i.e. Find the one called [whatever] and click [whatever]) so that I can stop screwing up?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm aware this question might be asked a lot, but I couldn't find anything when I searched ._.
Title: Question about choosing hero names events
Post by: Dalton on December 25, 2005, 05:11:24 AM
Okay, first of all...  Are you using RPG Maker 2000? That pachi s specifically for that version of RPG Maker and everyone these days uses 2k3 and XP.  Check that, and to make this easier add me to AIM DaltonOwnzChu or MSN: .... faster help there.  If you can.
Title: Question about choosing hero names events
Post by: ArkBennett on December 25, 2005, 05:13:10 AM
Lol, Ok.

1. Download the Patch.
2. Right Click the Patch and select "Copy".
3. Go to the folder that your games .exe is in.
4. Right click in there and select "Paste"
5. A message box will ask you if you want to replace the old one, click "Yes"

Then that should do it.
Title: Question about choosing hero names events
Post by: Kioku on December 25, 2005, 05:38:21 AM
It worked, thank you so much!!

Hmm... The little box that shows where the next letter will go covers up the one before it (i.e. THe name I tried, Ayumi, looks like "Ayum", but if I type, say, another m, you can see the "i" at the end). Anyway I can fix that?

And yes, I am using only the 2000 version, my computer is ancient and I didn't want to tax it with a more advanced version ^-^ I'm heading to bed soon, it being Xmas and all, but I'll definitely try to catch you on AIM later DeathTrooper ^-^

And thanks for putting it so simply, ArkBennett, that's exactly what I was hoping for ^-^
Title: Question about choosing hero names events
Post by: ArkBennett on December 25, 2005, 05:38:23 PM
Yeah I know. I used 2K back in the day, my very first maker ever used in fact. I of course even used that patch also.

But no, not unless someones makes something to patch that, it'll stay that way. It jams two characters into a blank unfortunately. So your S.O.L.