The RPG Maker Resource Kit

Other Game Creation => Program Troubleshooting => Topic started by: biohazard on December 06, 2005, 05:46:42 PM

Title: tilesets help
Post by: biohazard on December 06, 2005, 05:46:42 PM
:) need some help here, i found the ultimate outside tileset, named the ultimate outside tileset  :^^: anyway, i cant move on it at all, i have passability right and all that and it wont let me move  :evil: help please
Title: Re: tilesets help
Post by: dwarra on December 06, 2005, 05:48:58 PM
Quote from: biohazard
:) need some help here, i found the ultimate outside tileset, named the ultimate outside tileset  :^^: anyway, i cant move on it at all, i have passability right and all that and it wont let me move  :evil: help please

Make sure you have directional pass and priorities set too.
Title: tilesets help
Post by: biohazard on December 06, 2005, 09:12:42 PM
directional pass is all arrows and the priority is the dot
Title: I need some help too...really, reeeeeaallly noob question..
Post by: Cryforequanimity on December 17, 2005, 02:34:23 PM
Alright, I've just started with this thing a few days ago, and I don't know my way around it yet, really.

Well, I've been poking around with it some and I went and downloaded some recourses (sp) and things, and I'm trying to import this tileset that I downloaded. It isn't acting as I suspected it would.

Okay. So I click the 'Materials' tab up on the opens my materials window, naturally.  I highlight the 'tilesets' folder on the left.  I click the 'import' button on the right...Then find the image that I downloaded, and click open.  It comes up with a little preview window type of thingy with some zoom buttons, which are easy enough, and then at the bottom theres some blocks of color and the words 'transparent color' and 'semi-transparent'  I think I know what these mean, but I'm not I click the backround color of the image that isn't supposed to be seen, and I click what I think should be a shadow on the semi-transparent color. I then click ok.

And, the tilesets show up on the list, except they have an alarming red-orange dot next to them, instead of the normal, soothing blue dot thats next to all the included tilesets, and furthermore, they don't seem to be included in the list of tilesets when I try to change a map to said tilesets.

I'm confused, and need help.  Sorry about the length, but I wanted to be sure to include details and specifics...and it was a fun story. :-P

Thank you if you can help.
Title: tilesets help
Post by: biohazard on December 17, 2005, 03:28:16 PM
umm start your OWN thread instead of hijacking mine and the red dot is tottaly normal, it comes with everything you import, and you have to go to database and make that tileset, choose the pic, set passability etc. now can somebody help me?  :roll:
Title: tilesets help
Post by: Cryforequanimity on December 17, 2005, 05:57:43 PM
Alright, I suppose I'll entertain your 'hijacking' comment. Not because I need validation from you, but because I was justified, even polite, for posting the way I did, and hopefully other users will read this reply and understand my reasoning, and maybe make this great forum a litte easier to navigate.

-This isn't 'your' thread. You started it, and yes, it has your name on it..but It belongs, in fact, to the forum and it's users.   You started it, true, but if it was only for your use, then it would be limited to replys by -you-.

-Also, you did name the thread 'tilesets help', and it is a public thread, so by any normal logic, anyone who needed help with tilesets would post here, as I did.

Can you imagine the sheer number of threads there would be if even one person started their OWN thread each time they had an issue they needed help with, let alone an entire forum community?

Thats it...moderators, sorry if I'm long-winded, but I don't appreciate being reprimanded for being polite and following ettiquite.  If I'm incorrect in my reasoning, please edit this and let me know, thanks.

Oh, and even though I disagree with your position, Biohazard, thanks for the help with the tilesets, it helped.
Title: tilesets help
Post by: biohazard on December 17, 2005, 10:16:29 PM
no, my german friend, this is MY topic to get ME help, not for you to HIJACK. so go maker a new thread by clicking the "NEW TOPIC" button to ask for your own help. and you wont reply. and mods out there lock this topic. its just going to die thanks to him  :x