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RMRK General => General Chat => Topic started by: bethesdacam92 on November 05, 2014, 10:19:52 PM

Title: Being Outdoors
Post by: bethesdacam92 on November 05, 2014, 10:19:52 PM
Do you like the outdoors? Have you ever been on a great camping trip? Have you ever worked for a conservation crew, been a member of a scout group, or assisted government agencies like the forest service? Post here. Pictures if you have em!

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Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: haloOfTheSun on November 05, 2014, 11:02:13 PM
You're on an RPG Maker forum, nobody here goes outside.
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: Irock on November 05, 2014, 11:20:53 PM
I went to California! this year (yes, T H A T  California!!!)

I hiked up MOUNT WOODSON and camped at A PLACE

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Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: Sophist on November 05, 2014, 11:51:44 PM
Dr. Sword and I once had fun in a canyon together
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: Jules on November 06, 2014, 12:15:10 AM
And you still owe me pictures of that :mad:  there are pictures of my summer trip around here somewhere. Our family loves camping. Beautiful pictures.

Spoiler for:
yes, I realize you guys are going to twist that first comment and run with it. Sophist you know what I mean :mad:
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: Acolyte on November 06, 2014, 12:32:10 AM
I haven't been out of the house in like five years.
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: strike on November 06, 2014, 01:21:07 AM
why the fuck did you bring what appear to be bolt cutters into a national park?
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on November 06, 2014, 01:55:12 AM
i go outside multiple times a day to smoke
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: Irock on November 06, 2014, 03:56:49 AM
i go outside multiple times a day to smoke
You've seen the slick cigarette ads in magazines and on billboards. They show beautiful people participating in all kinds of fun activities while they smoke. The message seems to be, "If you smoke cigarettes, you can be as cool as we are."

Cigarette manufacturers have to tell lies like this in order to get people to buy their products. People surely wouldn't buy cigarettes if the ads told the truth about smoking. The truth is...

- Smoking is unattractive. Smoking stains your fingers and teeth and creates wrinkles on your face. Smoking also stinks, literally! It leaves a stale smell on your breath, hair, and clothes. If you've ever spent time in a car or a restaurant where people are smoking, you know that the smell sticks with you long after you leave.

- Smoking is bad for your health. The chemicals in cigarette smoke make you cough and they make it hard for you to participate in athletic activities. In the long run, smoking can actually kill you. It's a leading cause of heart disease, cancer and lung problems.

- Smoking harms others. Think of how you feel when you're around a person who smokes. Your eyes, nose, and throat burn, your heart beats faster, and you get a headache. Secondhand smoke not only makes non-smokers uncomfortable, it also kills over 50,000 of them each year. It is especially harmful to pregnant women and newborn or unborn babies.

- Smoking is expensive. People who smoke a pack a day spend over $1500 a year on cigarettes. Think of how many CDs you could buy with that kind of money! If you smoke, you also have to worry about replacing the clothes and furniture that you burn with your cigarettes.

Sometimes people try to influence the way you behave or think. If you are being pressured into doing something, think before you act. Think about the things that are important to you (your values), and then decide if the behavior that you're being pressured into fits with those values.

Do you value your appearance, your health, being able to play sports, having extra money to spend, and not hurting others? If so, smoking doesn't fit with your values. Choose to remain smoke-free.

Once you've made your decision, let others know. If somebody offers you a cigarette, look the person in the eyes, and in a firm, clear voice, simply say, "No thanks. I'm not interested."

The best thing you can do for yourself is to quit. But the longer you continue to smoke, the harder it is to stop. That's because nicotine, a chemical in cigarettes, is addictive. Your body starts to crave cigarettes and feels sick without them.

If you try to quit and don't succeed, try again. Many smokers have to try more than once, and try more than one method before they are able to quit for good. It's hard work, but you can do it! Ask your friends and family for their support, and be sure to ask your doctor for support and medical advice.
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: bethesdacam92 on November 06, 2014, 06:01:32 PM
why the fuck did you bring what appear to be bolt cutters into a national park?

Because, I was working for the Bureau of Land Management on a trail reconstruction crew in southern Arizona. The cutters were used to repair barbed fences along the borders of Arizona, Mexico, and the Tohono O'odham Nation. We also covered up roads atvs had been using for trafficking. We worked pretty closely with the border patrol, etc.

I earned a $1400 college scholarship for doing this.
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: bethesdacam92 on November 06, 2014, 06:07:44 PM
Thank you so much for sharing that, irock. Those are dope photos!
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: yuyu! on November 08, 2014, 04:02:22 AM
I went to Virginia last year to visit my opa, and he took us around to some pretty awesome historical sites! Nerdiness -> activate.

Spoiler for A street ok:
Everything in my area is newly built, so we don't have any charming old buildings like this (not many, at least). ;_;

Spoiler for Mountains:
We don't have many mountains where I live, either. The view was amazing! I could do without the weirdly thin air and bugs, though. And the massive headache I got from being on a high altitude for possibly the first time in my life (except when on a plane).

Spoiler for Thomas Jefferson's House!:
We weren't allowed to take any pictures indoors for legal reasons or something, but the house was amazing!

Spoiler for The Natural Bridge:
I didn't even know this was a thing, but apparently George Washington carved his initials in it. We managed to find it - someone had outlined it in bright yellow for the tourists to see. Pretty neat. B) There was also a painting of it in one of  the houses we visited, though I can't remember which. It was either Thomas Jefferson's or Monroe (or Madison, I can't remember which).

Spoiler for Mountain View of Liberty University:
My aunt works at Liberty University (which is pretty much more of a small town than a college), so she took us up some cool mountain path and we got a neat view of the campus!

We also visited a ton of other old houses and historical sites, including Appomattox courthouse. :]
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: strike on November 08, 2014, 03:07:11 PM
why the fuck did you bring what appear to be bolt cutters into a national park?

Because, I was working for the Bureau of Land Management on a trail reconstruction crew in southern Arizona. The cutters were used to repair barbed fences along the borders of Arizona, Mexico, and the Tohono O'odham Nation. We also covered up roads atvs had been using for trafficking. We worked pretty closely with the border patrol, etc.

I earned a $1400 college scholarship for doing this.
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: bethesdacam92 on November 08, 2014, 10:07:06 PM
Wow... I didnt know the natural bridge existed either, it's so gorgeous!

Great pictures thank you all so much for sharing.
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: Sophist on November 09, 2014, 03:42:24 AM
yuyu that is mega radical, american history is the best history
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: yuyu! on November 09, 2014, 05:07:19 AM
I definitely recommend Virginia (Lynchburg?) as a vacation spot for any History nerds! :-)

There's nothing like walking into a house preserved (as best as possible) from the 1700s. Old houses have a really weird, old wood smell that almost makes you feel like you might catch asbestos or something. It was neat. B) Jokes aside, I really loved the interior designs they had going on back then. I wouldn't ever cover my house with a different tacky color (or wallpaper) in every room, but it was interesting to see how different things were back then.

Spoiler for some pictures I took of the interiors:
Awful quality. Sorry. :(
Spoiler for Appomattox Courthouse:
Title: Re: Being Outdoors
Post by: bethesdacam92 on November 11, 2014, 01:23:34 AM
yuyu, your additions to this post are fantastic!
i admire your historical appreciation.