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RMRK General => General Chat => RMRKMon => Topic started by: yuyu! on September 04, 2014, 12:05:29 AM

Title: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 04, 2014, 12:05:29 AM
RMRKMon Background Design Contest!

Here's what's happening, OK?

We're planning on having super cool backgrounds, depending on each type of Pokemon! By backgrounds, I mean this thing here:

[Spoiler=this thing here]([/Spoiler]

You know? That thing that appears behind your trainers and Pokemon party? Anyways, we need YOUR help with making the awesome backgrounds! Capiche?

Guidelines & Prizes

~The image size must be 1270 x 143
~Avoid using borders, please! To accommodate smaller screens, the sides will cut off. This may induce terribleness.
~Specify which Pokemon type you are making the background for:
Bug, Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Fight, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water

Your choice of any Pokemon of the type that you made the background for! This includes Pokemon that have more than one type if it includes the type you made! (Example) If you design a water background, you can choose Swampert. If you design a ground background, you can also choose Swampert. (He's ground and water, duuuh.)

Designs & Rewards

Fellow Admins: Feel free to edit this post if I don't get around to it! ;o

Here's where I'll post who made what and what they got for it.

Type: Psychic
Reward: ( (;Mew)

Reward: ( (;Aerodactyl(Shiny))

Reward: ( (;Gengar(Shiny))

Reward: ( (;Hitmonlee(Shiny))

Reward: ( (;Rayquaza)

Reward: ( (;Porygon(Shiny))
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 21, 2014, 03:00:03 PM
Decided to give this a go.
Not sure what the expectations are as far as image fidelity goes, since teh current one has kept a fairly pixel-based style and was unsure if people didn't want anything "blurrier" as it were.
So, tried to keep it somewhere between the two and just go for a simple kind of background you'd expect to see on pokemon cards and such :)
Happy to keep involved with this though, since I have been pondering about it since I saw the backgrounds go and up was expecting the "favourite type" thing to change that too. Totally happy to contribute to that as much as I can~





Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 22, 2014, 02:29:59 AM
Woah, pretty cool! :D Thanks for making it! You can choose a Psychic Pokemon as a reward. :)

I'm not sure what we're going to go for, though. That depends on what Roph prefers. :)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 22, 2014, 06:08:43 AM
Was wondering about the reward bit actually; what's the restrictions on our choice? like, encounter rate, shiny, legendary, 0% etc?

Well, I'll just keep trying to make a couple more in the meantime and if we get a decision for preference then I'll try focus on that more; will try leave them somewhere in the middle for the time being. Done a Rock back as well, based more on the floor graphic under the sprites~
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 22, 2014, 07:09:54 AM
I forgot to ask...did you make that by scratch? o.o If so, I commend you! o_o

I'm not 100% on the prizes yet, but I will definitely get back to you on that. :) Probably shiny normal or regular legendary?
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 22, 2014, 07:22:16 AM
Yeah, I'm just drawing them up digitally. like I say, was wanting to see more backgrounds for the trainer page so when I saw this post I was all for getting involved! ^^
Still need to get around to making a sprite or two since I said I'd do that too, but not really had a look at GIMP yet. Downloaded it but haven't tried it; been a hectic week here with the referendum over, this is the first day I've really sat and tried to just take my mind off it; doing some pixel art is always pretty relaxing :)
Also, got a ghost type back that's been kept to low fidelity pixels to try and see what it'd look like without any styling~
Wasn't sure about the size of the platform but did a wee check to see how it'd look and seems to be fine~

Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 22, 2014, 07:49:41 PM
Those are pretty sweet! :) I'll send Roph a message and see if he likes the pixel or styled ones better! I'll discuss the prizes with him, as well!
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Roph on September 23, 2014, 04:06:15 AM
View someone's trainer profile ( and resize your browser window. You'll notice there's a maximum and minimum width. The images you've linked are also too small, 1024x115 instead of 1270x143. I suspect this is because you're still using photobucket (who still uses that in 2014?)

Also with the fighting one, it has special content at the far edges. The center of the background will always stay in the center, but as the browser window shrinks, the sides will be cut off.
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 23, 2014, 05:29:29 AM
Also, it does seem that the pixel ones will work better with the trainer/sprites. :) For now, I'm thinking the prizes will be a pokemon of that type, either Shiny Normal or Nonshiny Legendary.
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 23, 2014, 06:45:46 AM
Yeah, the saved images are the right sizes; didn't realise it was resizing them. And I still use that because I made it years ago and....idk, it's just been my go-to D: Never really looked at where else to store uploads since I already had one QQ

Aye, was wondering about the fighting one if it'd work or not, but I just thought of it and imagined it as a bit of a twist over the expected fighting dojo you usually see in games. That's fine, will re-do them and get them to better pixel fidelity :)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Dr. Mc on September 23, 2014, 06:49:22 AM
Quote from: Brady on September 23, 2014, 06:45:46 AM
Yeah, the saved images are the right sizes; didn't realise it was resizing them. And I still use that because I made it years ago and....idk, it's just been my go-to D: Never really looked at where else to store uploads since I already had one QQ

I use Imgur now, I think
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 23, 2014, 06:09:26 PM
Will look into imgur I guess then. heard of that one, never really given it the time of day though...I feel so lazy!

Getting other ones pixelised as well so that they're truer to trainer quality. Not sure how you plan on doing backgrounds, if they'll be like "pick your favourite type" and that sets a single background or if it'll be like trainer sprites where people will just get to pick, so will just leave the others up there for now, in case a variety is wanted :)
(Am also just leaving them all on my first post, to save clutter or scattered images I suppose~)

As far as legendaries go; what's the restriction on that? (10% 2% 0%) Would squeal if I could get a Mew since I've no idea how to get that otherwise, but I know it's a 0% so not sure if you were going to limit it to like the 10% legendaries or something~
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 23, 2014, 09:33:57 PM
I think any percentage is ok, as long as its not a part of an unreleased gen. :-)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 23, 2014, 10:01:12 PM
Well Mew would be a fantastic prize then for that; have been staring at my shrinking list of "what I need for firstgen" and being stumped how to get 0%s! :D

No idea about anything other types yet though, hadn't really been thinking about prizes as much as just doing pixel art. Will think~ :)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 23, 2014, 10:05:44 PM
Mew was gifted to User Brady

Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Karo Rushe on September 23, 2014, 11:10:36 PM
Give that Brady a Mew al-oh wait, Yuyu has done the deed.
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 23, 2014, 11:33:29 PM
The deed has indeed been decreed. :)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 24, 2014, 06:38:22 AM
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 24, 2014, 06:54:29 PM
Well, now that I've got my breath back!

Have uploaded more pixel-flavoured backs for the two that weren't alongside the others. Have also done this on a brand new Imgur account I now have that doesn't tell me how to get /img links directly from the images like Photobucket did (sob), so they should be the correct sizes as well now. Gunna keep at this, have been thinking up what else to do! :D

Said I'd think about what else; I'm not sure how many prizes I'm allowed before it's just someone else's turn, but am having fun, so will just keep making these until I get told to stop ^^
Ghost: Shiny Gengar
Rock: Shiny Aerodactyl
Fighting: Shiny Hitmonlee (Not sure if the Fighting one is not what Roph wanted tbh, but just in case~)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 25, 2014, 11:22:05 AM

Was planning yesterday on asking for a shiny gen1 dragon for this if I'm still allowed more prizes, but I seem to have inadvertently led Karo and Jules on regarding a trade (honestly, I never meant to cause such confusion x.x) so could I ask for a Rayquazza instead so I can trade both of them, then everyone wins? :)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Dr. Mc on September 25, 2014, 10:17:29 PM
Quote from: Brady on September 24, 2014, 06:54:29 PM
Said I'd think about what else; I'm not sure how many prizes I'm allowed before it's just someone else's turn, but am having fun, so will just keep making these until I get told to stop ^^
Ghost: Shiny Gengar
Rock: Shiny Aerodactyl
Fighting: Shiny Hitmonlee (Not sure if the Fighting one is not what Roph wanted tbh, but just in case~)

I dont know who else is thinking about doing this, so you can continue for as long as you desire.

You may have to tweak them if Roph asks, but I will give you all of the rewards you asked for :]
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Dr. Mc on September 25, 2014, 10:30:56 PM
Gengar(Shiny) was gifted to User Brady
Aerodactyl(Shiny) was gifted to User Brady
Hitmonlee(Shiny) was gifted to User Brady
Rayquaza was gifted to User Brady

Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 26, 2014, 09:07:17 AM
Thank-you ^^

Aye, will make any changes if they're needed, still not entirely sure if the fighting one is expecting a redo or not, but will do that if needs to be done.

Been thinking about Fire next, trying to think of a way to make it interesting beyond just "here's some fire!" xD
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Dr. Mc on September 26, 2014, 06:19:38 PM
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Karo Rushe on September 26, 2014, 06:57:27 PM
Quote from: Dr. Mc on September 26, 2014, 06:19:38 PM
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 26, 2014, 06:59:12 PM
volcano ;o
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on September 28, 2014, 01:29:10 PM
Still having trouble coming up with a clever Fire background so thought I'd go to another boring-turned-fun one.
Realised that Normal was fundamentally boring; even the card backgrounds were all just like fields and empty rooms, the gym leaders were blank boring walls. No way to make that interesting without taking it to the extreme: a super normal boring pink household of normalness!


If this is accepted and prize-worthy, I just need to ask if Missingno counts as a legendary for the sakes of this? I finally have the regular 151 from gen1 and am basically done now and ready to go shiny collecting, but Missingno is the last gen1 poki that I don't have!

Does he count? c.c....?

EDIT: Taking on Roph's advice from the fighting back with the side props, I've made sure that the natural minimum size of the background doesn't clip over any of the extra stuff. At minimum size you only see the window, plant pot, chansey picture and pokiballs. When it starts to stretch out you see the snorlax bean bag chair and the table.
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 28, 2014, 10:23:34 PM
Very cute! :aco: Sadly, missingno doesn't count as a Pokemon that we can give away (as far as I'm aware). ;9
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on September 28, 2014, 11:41:53 PM



Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Karo Rushe on September 29, 2014, 12:11:25 AM
Quote from: Brady on September 28, 2014, 01:29:10 PM
If this is accepted and prize-worthy, I just need to ask if Missingno counts as a legendary for the sakes of this? I finally have the regular 151 from gen1 and am basically done now and ready to go shiny collecting, but Missingno is the last gen1 poki that I don't have!

Does he count? c.c....?
Quote from: yuyu! on September 28, 2014, 10:23:34 PM
Very cute! :aco: Sadly, missingno doesn't count as a Pokemon that we can give away (as far as I'm aware). ;9
Missigno can't be gifted. (At least from my understanding)
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on September 29, 2014, 01:45:54 AM
O.O did you make those, boe? Those are awesome ;___;
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on September 29, 2014, 02:30:24 AM
i didnt make em i just took the game things and resized em eh
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: Brady on October 13, 2014, 11:27:31 PM
Aye, they look pretty mental.  Just resized from the actual games, like? Couldn't say I recognised them at all o_o

Gutted about Missingno though :)
Shiny Porygon more appropriate?
Will get back to making some more by the end of the week; crazy busy this week and I just had a weekend binge of Hyrule Warriors that set me back three days of coursework c.c
Title: Re: RMRKMon Background Design Contest!
Post by: yuyu! on October 14, 2014, 03:16:02 AM
It has been done :-)