Author's Note: Looking back, this is probably one of my least favorites of my work. I was half-asleep when I wrote it, honestly. If you're looking for something better but also mystical and romantic, I think From the Woods (,48886.0.html) captures that a bit better.
by Deanna Coulton
Theme: Death
Word Count: 500
The huntress stalked her prey: a man both alone and afraid. He was terrified of the strange noises that creaked and screamed from somewhere beyond the red trunks and violet leaves. In the horizon, there was black. Pure black – and nothing else to be seen.
To make matters worse, he couldn't remember anything.
In watching him turn in frantic circles, she found a small pleasure and almost uttered a chuckle.
Alas, had she made a sound, it might spoil her fun. Her heart knew a joy of this hunt more deep than the black abyss that might have been the sky of this world.
Still, she could not lie to herself – the thrill of the chase had been defeated by the anticipation of capturing her prey.
After hours of running, the man found himself worn and aching. He made a bed of lavender leaves and rested for a minute or two, unbeknownst of the presence of the tireless vixen that watched him still.
The feather-like grace of her landing upon the azure ground did not wake him. Instead, she would wait with the patience of a predator for him to regain of his own will.
As expected, the sight of her sent him rushing with a pressuring chill.
"Run if you'd like," her soft voice finally spoke, worn and rusted from staying silent and spared.
He stopped at the sound of a human tongue, but gave no response and remained still as a petrified rodent in the eyes of a panther.
"You'll find no solace in this world. Why not take a chance and take my hand?" She offered a delicate palm that was quickly chastised by long, thorn-like nails. He found no welcoming in this gesture, but the howls and groans of the hunched trees gave him no greater tranquility.
He reached out his own trembling hand, extending his arm to the eyes of what may have been hell itself.
Hesitation didn't exist for the claws that gripped his hand and brought him into the void he desperately feared. He was sure that he would become one of the creaking screams that tormented the next unlucky being.
"Open your eyes," said a soft, familiar voice that was accompanied by a gentle stroke against his cheek.
He obeyed, but his eyes would mist at the sight before him. Surrounded by a garishly proud light was a radiant and beautiful woman.
Her smiling face echoed the memories of when their hands joined, a decade ago, at an alter.
The mist in his eyes became forceful tears as his once shaken arms grew steady around the waist of the angel before him.
"We've made it together," she whispered in his ear, "welcome to a world where you shall have no fear."
Their fault, you will learn more and involve the people if the denial. Aging is inevitable that growing demand. It is seen clearly as you can see, the only other
I love how poetic it all is. :3
And mystical, too!
The scenery I pictured looked like some enchanting forest out of WoW. ;]
You could sense his impending doom, but it turned out to be quite lovely in the end.
Short, but it was perfect with how soothing it was.
Aces! ^^
;o; tis beautiful!
[Spoiler=Dr.Mc posted this before I could finish :mad: this is a super spoiler]
I love the switch from the River Styx to the Heavens![/spoiler]
I'm glad you liked it! :)
I know it was a little confusing, but here's basically what happened in the depths of this thing that I wrote (that may or may not be easy to see):
[Spoiler=SUPER SPOILER. Go read the 500 words first pls B(]
He's essentially in the river styx - or the pathway of souls after dying. His wife has been dead for awhile already and is pursuing his spirit, in order to bring him to the upper world with her.
In the styx-like world, everything is dark, obscure, mistrustful, and confusing until she guides him to the light, basically.
I hope someone got it, so I don't feel like I made it way too confusing. ;_;
I totally got it, don't worry about it.
Excellent wording as always, yu. The ending was so beautiful and such a brilliant contrast that I couldn't help but let my face light up, despite it ultimately fitting the theme as well.
Awwwww, shucks!
What can I say? I'm a random person. :B
Random is good.
It's fantastic.
It's... :strike2: yeeaaahhh :strike2:
I had a feeling that's what was going on.
I got it, and I liked the direction it was going. It does require thought; that's not always bad!
The descriptions were a bit off. I understood what you wanted to say, and I think the fatigue you were under while writing may have had something to do with it. To wit, some words were used incorrectly- such as when you describe the woman's hand as being chastised by her nails. Chastised by nails makes me think of someone being scratched.
The world you took me to, however, is captured well in your passage. The darkness and gloom of an otherwise lovely scene is a refreshing juxtaposition to my mind's eye!
All in all, I'd say that while not your best work, it is worth reading and could be improved upon with a few hours of sleep behind you.
You still get kudos!
Darn it. ;_;
I was actually fully conscious of the use of "chastised", and I fully recognized the consequences of using the word in that way, but I tried it anyways. :p For some reason, I thought it would suit for making her hands appear less lovely because of them - like, they punished the beauty or something stupid like that I dunno. It failed. ;9
Siiiiigh. Back to soul searching for something that works! ;_;
MEh, it's the tiredness. Sleep deprivation does bad things to a writer's brain... you just don't make the connections you ought, and see things that aren't there.
But it's not bad! It was still enjoyable.
I hope its sleep deprivation and not just my stories getting worse! :V My last one didn't do so hot, either. ;9
...confidence...melting...away...raaaaagh... must do something right. :mad:
Tomorrow for sure.
I enjoyed it, although it was a little bit unclear for me, I had to read the spoilers, and then reading it again it all made sense and oddly I enjoyed it more. Definitely not bad, and I can easily ignore the few grammatical mistakes :D you may want to consider re-reading it again once you've slept (which you should do soon silly).
You're experimenting. Right now is your public author version of the awkward teen years. And you're tired! Tired brains have substandard ideas.
Yes, tomorrow will bring more energy, but don't force it; if it's not organic it's not time for that story yet.
Yeah, don't write until 6am... <.<
[Spoiler]That's what I diiiiiiid~!
place holder, reading later xD
Quote from: Queen Unikitty on March 27, 2014, 07:01:18 AM
I enjoyed it, although it was a little bit unclear for me, I had to read the spoilers, and then reading it again it all made sense and oddly I enjoyed it more.
Me too lol And don't get discouraged, heck reading all of your works discourages me sometimes. You guys are awesome at this story telling thing o.o Keep on keeping on miss!
I read this for about three times before I really pieced all of it together, it's clear that the woman is death but the perspective threw me. One line describes her own feelings, and another his. I felt a switch between the two characters that was a little jarring, but it wasn't enough to deter the story. Very well written, and it shows that you're putting a lot more thought into your writing. Very nice read, short and succulent. ;)
Quote from: Queen yuyubabe on March 27, 2014, 05:27:02 AM
[Spoiler=SUPER SPOILER. Go read the 500 words first pls B(]
He's essentially in the river styx - or the pathway of souls after dying. His wife has been dead for awhile already and is pursuing his spirit, in order to bring him to the upper world with her.
In the styx-like world, everything is dark, obscure, mistrustful, and confusing until she guides him to the light, basically.
Awww, shucks! :) Mr. Sophist inspires me again! :ladyj:
Well, aestheticism takes hold and although the woman was intended to be his wife/paramour etc, what is to say that an interpretation that the huntress is death, bringing him to his lost love, is wrong? ;o
I have no problem leaving it up to different interpretations! B)