Soon enough, we will have a rarity system completed. As things stand right now, every pokemon is as likely to appear as every other, and all pokemon have an equal (currently 80%) catch rate.
Once the rarity system/data is done, rare pokemon will be rare, hard to catch pokemon will be hard to catch and so on. We're also thinking of completely disabling some pokemon (ultra-legendaries like mew, celebi, possibly legendaries like articuno, entei and so on). I'd let those who have owned these pokemon keep the pokemon in their pokedex.
Just this info alone might already have you at least partially agreeing with me that pokemon should be reset to make it a level playing field. Does the fact that trading is on the horizon cement it?
Discuss :strike2:
[spoiler=also]Caught a forretress by posting this
I support a reset, but I have no pokemon so to some degree of course I do because I'm relatively unaffected. But I think it would make things more fair.
I second the support. Yeah, all I have to lose is like 2 Hypnos or something like that, but even still, I like the idea of the different changes. Makes it a little more like the games..
So I need to furiously search the forums for legendaries???
I don't mind a wipe.
but....but.....Articuno ;o;
Quote from: bluntsword on February 19, 2014, 03:06:45 PM
So I need to furiously search the forums for legendaries???
That's what I caught in that post too lol
I can't live without my Xatu ;__;
Quote from: bluntsword on February 19, 2014, 03:06:45 PM
So I need to furiously search the forums for legendaries???
Actually not the intended idea. Another item on my to-do list is to implement some kind of cooldown to try and discourage someone from just spamming refresh on the forum to try and mass-capture. Say something like:
Time since last capture Difficulty increase
5m 5x
10m 4x
30m 3x
60m 2x
>1hm Normal
I mean that'd be cool to stop...
From spamming and stuff.
Seriously this thing is really fun. Thanks for working on it!
Can we at least keep 1 each? ;_; I love my ninetales...
But if not, it's okay. ;o;
I plan to offer everyone who used the system before the wipe a free pokemon of their choosing :)
Quote from: Roph on February 19, 2014, 09:31:56 PM
Quote from: bluntsword on February 19, 2014, 03:06:45 PM
So I need to furiously search the forums for legendaries???
Actually not the intended idea. Another item on my to-do list is to implement some kind of cooldown to try and discourage someone from just spamming refresh on the forum to try and mass-capture. Say something like:
Time since last capture Difficulty increase
5m 5x
10m 4x
30m 3x
60m 2x
>1hm Normal
Damn your eyes.
Quote from: Roph on February 20, 2014, 02:34:01 AM
I plan to offer everyone who used the system before the wipe a free pokemon of their choosing :)
*All the awesome in the world goes to Roph*
A reset is definitely coming, though it'll be at least a few days away. I'm changing a lot of the database structure and will start tracking new information, a side effect of which is that current pokemon data would be invalid. I'll warn beforehand if you want to screenshot your current collection or something :)
I'm going to miss the small army I was able to amass in this short time. I am also going to see how far I can go before the reset kicks in or at least try until I nab a mewtwo.
Great idea by the way! Not the reset, the Pokemon system.
i would say just have legendaries be super rare and hard to catch like they are in the actual games. maybe even make them specific to a "region" and then not tell anyone.
Quote from: Strike Reyhi on February 20, 2014, 04:37:47 PM
i would say just have legendaries be super rare and hard to catch like they are in the actual games. maybe even make them specific to a "region" and then not tell anyone.
At the moment they are, only Mew and Celebi are uncatchable. Others like Articuno, Entei etc are at 10. Mewtwo is 5, in 10,000 encounters he showed up twice.
It may sound low, but think/look how many pokemon we've all caught in just a few days. This minigame should be going on for months or potentially years, so we should slow it down a bit :)
I'm sorry, I've been trying so hard to resist ;_;
And yes, shiny support is on the way :)
Quote from: Roph on February 20, 2014, 02:34:01 AM
I plan to offer everyone who used the system before the wipe a free pokemon of their choosing :)
Neat. I am in favor of the wipe, BTW, it'll give other members the opportunity to catch up.
So the wipe is coming very soon now, one last thing:
I was planning to just wipe the pokemon that everyone owns, leaving the pokedex and seen pokemon untouched. Should we wipe the pokedex and seen pokemon too?
You can only pick a favourite pokemon from your pokedex, though currently chosen favourite pokemon would remain :)
Might as well do a full wipe, some people have seen a bunch of pokemon that would be much harder to even encounter, let alone catch.
I agreed with the above. As much as I'll miss the little guys and records, I think a reset button is what we need to get things rolling at a fair start. ;o;
Quote from: Sophist on February 21, 2014, 11:39:28 PM
Might as well do a full wipe, some people have seen a bunch of pokemon that would be much harder to even encounter, let alone catch.