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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Projects in Progress => Topic started by: VD3 on January 02, 2014, 02:48:59 PM

Title: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: VD3 on January 02, 2014, 02:48:59 PM

1 year ago the old man Gonrad told his grandchild Simon the 2nd part of the "Vampires' Dawn" story about the 3 vampires Valnar, Alaine and Asgar, a story, that he once dreamed. It wasn't real, still it inspired Simon a lot to start training sword fighting.
One day Simon along with his adopted "sister" Virginia finds a statue. Inadvertantly they unleash a creature that attacks them. They were beaten down in a bloody fight and the creature transforms into a bat and kills every inhabitant. Simon and Erwin, Virginia's boyfriend, manage to escape while Virginia herself is kidnapped by the creature.

So was Gonrad's story just a dream or do vampires really exist? In addition to that Simon recognizes some changes of his body... Suddenly he needs no more glasses and has rage attacks from time to time. What is going on?

Simon is a 16 year old kid who always loved the vampire stories of his grandpa Gonrad. That's why he started training. One day he wants to become a great and famous adventurer and hero. Unfortunately Simon is quite a dork who is extremely untalented in fighting.

More stuff coming soon. Stay tuned...


The first thing that will be released is a video of the intro. When chapter 1 (out of 7) is done there will be a trailer as well as a limited download of the first chapter.
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: Little Psycho on January 03, 2014, 10:40:38 AM
Looking good so far...
But I would (seeing your screenshots that is) NEVER use street language in a game. Just use correct English, seeing the character and what he says it's easy to understand that he's probably speaking street language...

Also, Commercial games are allowed but if you use any scripts you haven't made yourself you need to follow their instructions on commercial games...
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: VD3 on January 03, 2014, 01:57:37 PM
Don't worry, I won't need any scripts. Event codes are more than enough to make a good game. :)
Also just ignore the hint with that commercial stuff, because all English versions (even the full game) will be for free.

About the "street language" (guess you refer to the "inn"-screen):
That guy is intended to be some self-proclaimed cool dude who annoys the player so that you just want to tear up his ass (comparable to Jar Jar Binks who also talks in some retarded language). However I haven't written his dialogues yet, so that aspect is not fix yet. ;)
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: Little Psycho on January 03, 2014, 02:53:35 PM
Don't worry, I won't need any scripts. Event codes are more than enough to make a good game. :)
Also just ignore the hint with that commercial stuff, because all English versions (even the full game) will be for free.

About the "street language" (guess you refer to the "inn"-screen):
That guy is intended to be some self-proclaimed cool dude who annoys the player so that you just want to tear up his ass (comparable to Jar Jar Binks who also talks in some retarded language). However I haven't written his dialogues yet, so that aspect is not fix yet. ;)
If it's intended to be this one really annoying character speaking that way and the other characters do speak proper English, it won't be a problem... I just thought you were to use that type of speech throughout the entire game, then I would suggest a fix ;)
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: EvilM00s on January 07, 2014, 05:40:53 PM
As long as the vampires don't sparkle and there isn't a bored-looking girl who throws random fits, I say continue.
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: strike on January 08, 2014, 02:12:30 AM
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: EvilM00s on January 09, 2014, 12:50:05 AM

Top shelf, sir.
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: VD3 on February 01, 2014, 07:32:10 PM
I see no reason why vampires should sparkle...   ???

Here're two more screenshots. Some criminal agency tries to steal Simon and Virginia off their money:

This is the bureau of that maffia from the inside:
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: EvilM00s on February 01, 2014, 11:04:21 PM
I like the art. Your battlers have a style I like, one that was prevalent in a lot of the art I enjoyed in the 90's when I was growing up. Good work there, I was a Goth back in my youth (and kind of still am) and the art and colour is a good combination.

Many of your gothy scenes have red, black and white as predominant colours; personally I enjoy that colour combination- perhaps I'm biased, but they are my favourite colours.

I have to wonder, however, why the enemy in the screenshot is wearing a loincloth. I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason, but I would have chosen a different shot for the thread.

I find the title confusing, though. Vampires are typically hurt by sunlight and the use of the word Dawn makes me wonder what's going on. It makes me think that vampires in your mythology are unharmed by sunlight, and that turns me off. Of course, I could be wrong, and it DOES make me want to play the game just to see.

Also, the title's initials are VD, which means venereal disease in modern medicine. Although that is a fine point, and probably one you won't want to change given that this is the third installment of the series, be aware that some people may have fun at your expense for the title.

Finally, I have to ask where the first two installments are. If this is III, what happened to I and II?

Overall, though, this is a project that appears viable- by that I mean, looks like it's worth playing. I look forward to seeing where this is going.

Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: VD3 on February 02, 2014, 06:45:43 PM
The first two installments have been released about 10 years ago. They are not available in English, though. (I heard some guys are translating them, but that was ages ago, so better not bank on it.). Also they are quite crappy (poor graphic mixes, lots of random fights and grinding, endless boring dungeons, ...). I don't want anyone to play them. The good thing is, that, at the end of VD2, it is revealed that all the events in part 1 and 2 were just a dream and so never happened. Therefore you don't need to know about them. However I will give you a short summary in the prologue of VD3. Just for the ones who are afraid they would miss anything.

I have to wonder, however, why the enemy in the screenshot is wearing a loincloth
Let one guy from my game give you the answer:
That's the reason! It is a Neanderthal. That species wore loincloths.

It makes me think that vampires in your mythology are unharmed by sunlight
Some are, some are not. It depends on their generation. The 1st generation is the strongest. The ones, they bite, become the 2nd generation which is a little bit weaker, and so on...
However, the word "dawn" just means something like "rising". It does not really have something to do with sunlight.

About the letters "VD" I don't know. Haven't heard of them before.

I was a Goth back in my youth
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: VD3 on March 30, 2014, 04:58:36 PM
Hi, guise.  ;D

<-- back with a new screenie:


btw.: I miss the old style of this forum...  :(
Title: Re: Vampires' Dawn III
Post by: pacdiggity on March 31, 2014, 06:21:07 AM
btw.: I miss the old style of this forum...  :(

You can still use the old theme. *click* (;area=theme)