The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK General => Creativity => Topic started by: Acolyte on December 31, 2013, 12:35:56 AM

Title: [Visual] 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on December 31, 2013, 12:35:56 AM
There's a music challenge going on, so I thought there might as well be a challenge for the artists too.

30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge (

    1.Self-Portrait - Introduce yourself
    2.Draw a figure using a reference - link to reference
    3.Draw a figure that's in action, using a reference - link to reference
    4.Draw a part of the human anatomy you have trouble with. x20, with atleast 5 being skeletal/musculature studies.
    5.Draw more figures. Quick gestures and silhouettes. x20, with atleast 10 different body shapes
    6.Let's have some fun. Design a character from this character generator. (created by PreservedCucumbers)
    7.Pick the weirdest object in your house/room. Draw it. Shadows and Highlights.
    8.Find 2-3 objects, make a scene with them. Draw it. Bonus points for creativity. Double points for dramatic lighting.
    9.Draw a landscape of a place you've never been or drawn.
    10.Draw a BG with 1pt Perspective. Negative points if it's a railroad or an empty street.
    11.Draw a BG with 2pt Perspective.
    12.Look out a window. Draw what you see. Bonus points for adding something interesting.
    13.Draw an interior setting with the character you designed on Day #6 in it.
    14.BG with either bird's eye or worm's eye view.
    15.Halfway there! Draw three 'action' scenes with different compositions in each. Quick sketches are fine, just make them interesting and understandable! Bonus points if it's the same scene, but different composition.
    16.Draw a single page comic with 5-7 panels (the story begins and ends on one page).
    17.Draw an animal you've never drawn before. x10  Link references.
    18.Draw a car. Negative points for whining. Hint: Use a perspective grid.
    19.Think of the thing you hate drawing the most. Guess what? Draw it! Negative points for lying to yourself.
    20.Pick an object in your house/room. Now design a character from it, using the shapes, forms, textures, purpose and colors as inspiration. Also link/post the object you used. Negative points for using a humanoid action figure.
    21.Draw a character/object/scene, and shade them using ONLY solid blacks and whites. Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows
    22.Draw a different object/scene/character. Shade using hatching, crosshatcing, and/or pointillism. Bonus points for lights/shadows and textures.
    23.Colors! Pick a color palette, and paint a scene/character/object using only those colors (some blending allowed). Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows.
    24.Draw and color a scene/object/character - no lines allowed! (aka - lineless art). Don't forget light and shadows!
    25.Draw a scene/character in a style you've never drawn before. If emulating an artist, credit+link. Bonus for color style.
    26.Draw a character. Draw 10 emotions/expressions. Bonus points for 'uncommon' emotions. (i.e. anxiety, guilt, despair, loneliness etc.)
    27.Draw three random shapes using your opposite hand (or your foot). Now design characters from those shapes.
    28.Turn on the tv (or load your illegally downloaded movies). Pick an actor and draw them.
    29.Almost done! Let's have some fun. Draw some fanart. Bonus points if it's super obscure and unknown. Make people guess what it's from.
    30.Last day! Find a drawing you did within the last year. Now draw it again using what you've learned! Link it for comparison!


Start on the 1st, or start whenever you like. Just make sure to do it every day!
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on December 31, 2013, 01:20:55 AM
What the hell?  Some of these look boring but I'll do it.

[spoiler="6/30 complete"]
#1 Selfie : Introduction (,47408.msg553011.html#msg553011)
#2 Figure with Reference : Figure ( (Reference (
#3 Actiony Figure with Reference : Figure ( (Reference (
#4 Anatomy Trouble : Hands Suck ( ( I dunno how to do musclular/skeletal references )
#5 Quick Actiony Stuff : Flurry of Feet (
#6 Design a Character : Scarlett ( | Source @ Tumblr ( ( Medium Built, Young Human Female, Horns, Street Clothes )
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: EvilM00s on December 31, 2013, 03:32:47 AM
Very interesting. I probably won't do it now, but I'm saving this list for future use.
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on December 31, 2013, 11:58:43 PM
So hey, laptop battery died a minute ago. Guess who worked on a self portrait for 3 hours and completely forgot to save. :tpg:
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: EvilM00s on January 01, 2014, 12:11:41 AM
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 02, 2014, 12:58:56 AM
Jesus Saves.

I'll be getting started on this when I get home in a week.
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: bluntsword on January 02, 2014, 05:30:13 AM
Quote from: tSwitch on January 02, 2014, 12:58:56 AM
Jesus Saves.
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 02, 2014, 06:58:55 AM

I think I'm going to do the second one next because I don't want to do another self portrait. :<
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 06, 2014, 03:28:34 AM
Okay, I was in a little bit of a slump after losing my work, but I did finally sketch a figure for number 2.


Reference (
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: EvilM00s on January 06, 2014, 04:59:40 AM
Baaaagh, gotta get a deviantArt membership...

*typetypetype*     *Clicky click*

Okay. Yes, well done!
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 06, 2014, 05:51:42 PM
wait, deviantart won't let you view stuff without a membership now? that's really lame :/
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: bluntsword on January 06, 2014, 06:12:23 PM
Looks like it's a personal setting of the artist. I can't view other stuff on there no problem.

Plus well done Acolyte.
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 06, 2014, 06:41:34 PM
thanks  ;8
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 08, 2014, 04:45:09 AM
Got a bit lazy so the other hand isn't finished.:S[/spoiler]
Reference (

So uh, am I going this alone then?  :(
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: yuyu! on January 08, 2014, 05:37:30 AM
I wanted to join, but...stuff been happenin'. Haven't quite had the time. ;9

I'm with you in spirit! (If I get bored, maybe I'll jump in a do a couple of these). :)
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 08, 2014, 05:54:10 PM
Quote from: Acolyte on January 08, 2014, 04:45:09 AM
So uh, am I going this alone then?  :(

I was on vacation for a week, so I can get up on this now ;0
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 13, 2014, 05:38:51 PM
Double post because I'm an admin and I can.

#1 Selfie : Introduction (,47408.msg553011.html#msg553011)
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 13, 2014, 09:17:02 PM
Cool :D
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 15, 2014, 01:27:59 AM
#2 Figure with Reference : Figure ( (Reference (
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 16, 2014, 02:21:41 AM
#3 Actiony Figure with Reference : Figure ( (Reference (
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 16, 2014, 02:55:03 AM
Good job!
I should have my hands finished for tomorrow.
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 17, 2014, 03:11:46 PM
I didn't post this yesterday, but I did do it yesterday.

#4 Anatomy Trouble : Hands Suck ( ( I dunno how to do musclular/skeletal references )
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 18, 2014, 02:15:40 AM
I dunno if I got 10 different body types in, I didn't bother to count.  They said quick gestures so I didn't let myself stick too long on any of them, but I do know the actions I was trying to do.

#5 Quick Actiony Stuff : Flurry of Feet (
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: EvilM00s on January 18, 2014, 01:51:23 PM
I'll need to remember to check up on this when I'm home. WOrk computer has all kinds of filters and other stupidness.
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 18, 2014, 07:07:44 PM
#6 Design a Character : Scarlett ( | Source @ Tumblr ( ( Medium Built, Young Human Female, Horns, Street Clothes )
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: Acolyte on January 20, 2014, 01:47:55 AM
Well, there were three others besides this, but my computer shut off again. Fully charged. Plugged in. No fucking rhyme or reason whatsoever. Guess I'm gonna just ctrl+s every five seconds because my laptop is a piece of complete garbage now apparently.


There was even a muscular study in there that I was super proud of. ;___;
Title: Re: 30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Post by: tSwitch on January 20, 2014, 02:09:56 AM
Not bad Acolyte!

I missed mine today because I'm a little fucked up right now, I'll get back on it when I recover.