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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => VX Ace => VXA Scripts Database => Topic started by: vindaca on July 03, 2013, 01:54:07 AM

Title: V's Relationship/Bio Window v2.4
Post by: vindaca on July 03, 2013, 01:54:07 AM
V's Relationships/Bio Window v2.4
Written by Vindaca

I have had a few requests for a relationship window, so I decided to make one. It's easy to use. If anyone has any requests to add on please let me know.


Here is a link ( to some screenshots.

How to Use
Instructions can be found in the top of the script.


This script is too long for now, so here is a link ( to the script

Here is a link ('s_Master_Demo.exe) to my Master Demo.


Q: I keep getting an error. What do i do?

A: Make sure that you are using the add_relationship script call properly.

Credit and Thanks
- Vindaca here saying thank you to all who have inspired someone. If you plan on using this script please credit me in your games credits. This script was not intended for commercial use.

- Special Thanks to:

Diamondandplatinum3 on youtube for the great tutorials

There's a thin line between love and hate..
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v0.1
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on July 03, 2013, 03:01:08 AM
ooh i wanna try somtin lol
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v0.1
Post by: vindaca on July 03, 2013, 03:16:30 AM
??? I'm listening...
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v0.1
Post by: &&&&&&&&&&&&& on July 03, 2013, 03:25:00 AM
whooo im the best artest in teh wurld lololol

( (

Thank you for sharing this script with us. I really like it. One thing though, what is the "Fountain" image meant for? I just threw in a blank image when it gave me an error because "picture/foutain" was missing.

EDIT: Also, what I was "trying" to do, wasn't needed. My first thought when I saw this was that you using the characters. I was going to see how making dummy characters would work out, but turned out that wasn't necessary.
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v0.1
Post by: vindaca on July 03, 2013, 03:49:25 AM
Thank you again Lord Shark. "Fountain" is just the bg image i was using to test, and is meant to be changed. If anyone has any suggestions for more info, as always, my ears are open.
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v1.0
Post by: vindaca on July 10, 2013, 01:37:27 PM
I've updated to v1.0, and added a lot of new features,
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v1.0
Post by: modern algebra on July 13, 2013, 11:13:23 AM
What are the new features?
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v0.1
Post by: Acolyte on July 13, 2013, 04:34:33 PM
I'm sorry, I don't have anything to add here other than "cool script", but this

Thank you again Lord Shark.

made me laugh hysterically for some reason. So thanks for that too I guess. :V
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v1.0
Post by: vindaca on July 13, 2013, 07:37:55 PM
The features are listed in the top portion of the script under the Description section, but some of the features, in a loose description are; a leveling system complete with customizable rewards  for each relationship. more detailed info, and I have added the a selection page and a details page instead of just one scrollable page. Again this is just a loose description a more detailed on can be found in the top portion of the script.
Title: Re: V's Relationship Window v2.0
Post by: vindaca on July 18, 2013, 11:15:55 AM
Updated! The script now doubles as a character bio of sorts and the leveling system is now optional, along with many others new features that can all be found in the top of the script!
Title: Re: V's Relationship/Bio Window v2.4
Post by: vindaca on February 23, 2014, 11:48:15 AM
I updated the script again!