Who ruins your fun the most? :mad:
Drswordopolopolis :firerain:
Namkcor (who hates on running?? REALLY??)
Malson (y u always gotta be technical brah)
Quote from: Djangonator on December 03, 2012, 03:14:56 AM
Malson (y u always gotta be technical brah)
^ that haha xD
Modern Algebra. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I already have this one in the bag, but i'll vote cozziekuns anyway
Quote from: Holkeye on December 05, 2012, 05:56:10 AM
Suicide seriously isn't a joke.
Holk :mad:
I feel really crap now ;9
If someone has to tell you that suicide isn't a joke, you deserve to have your joy killed. :mad:
I never said it was. I think you're completely right.
Still a killjoy.
What if my joy committed suicide?
I'll have you know I am very well adjusted and have a strong sense of self. Never has joy even considered suicide. Now...homicide...