There's medicine
i need to take
It turns the key
and off I drive
the only way
I feel
is when i hear my roaring motor
pop the clutch an spin the rotors
white lines in my mirror start to pass so fast they blur
when i put it in the redline hear that mother fucker purr
It's turning asphalt into gravel turning guts and bones to gel
turning tricks and turning stomach turning life into a Hell
and even though I know it's bad for me I put the pedal down
because this might be it I might be done i think i just might drown
but if I run a little faster one more time that's all I swear
I can outrun all the bullshit if i'm clever if I dare
but one more white line in the mirrior passes by I ought to quit
i'm running past the limits one more exit now that's it
the dotted line is getting solid turning stomachs turning tricks
turning life into a prison smoking tires smoking dicks
I think I finally did it think i've gone over the top
speeding right into a wall
where all
the white lines
I was waiting to hear about kitties, but well done M00s :D
Pretty cool! 8)
And I missed you, M00s!! ;_;
Tee hee, Hi, yuyu. I'm glad you both enjoyed it. It came from a place of hopeless desparation but turned into something beautiful.