Run Common Event When Equipping an Item
Version: 1.0
Author: DiamondandPlatinum3
Date: September 25, 2012
Planned Future Versions
This script allows you to run a common event when you equip an item, be it a weapon or a piece of armour.
- Can call a common event when equipping any weapon or armour
- Instructions are in the script.
Get it from here (
- DP3 / DiamondandPlatinum3
- lauruns ( ~ For requesting this script (
- Modern Algebra ~ Cause he's a pretty cool guy ;8
Post in this thread or PM me.
Known Compatibility Issues
I am unaware of any scripts it doesn't work with; if you find any, post in this thread.
A demo is unnecessary for a script such as this.
Author's Notes
This weeks scripting has been brought to you by the letter F, as in 'Fruit-bats have feelings too :('
Terms of Use
You may find my Terms of Use Here (
The link seems broken and just leads to advertisements.
Does anyone still have the script and wouldn't mind sharing it? Thanks!
Hi there, don't mind me. I'm no longer an active user (3 years away and counting) but did a google search of my username and came across this thread.
My website that I used to host all of my scripts on is no longer active either. However in case you were still looking or interested, you can find all of my scripts available on pastebin. (