The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Requests => Script Request => Topic started by: Aznkid367 on July 17, 2012, 05:54:52 PM

Title: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: Aznkid367 on July 17, 2012, 05:54:52 PM
Hey, I m looking for a HP Bar that's not Ventwig or Yanfly since Yanfly isn't compatible with my battle engine and Ventwig is not preference.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: modern algebra on July 17, 2012, 08:15:02 PM
If you are having trouble with scripts not being compatible with your battle engine, then it would be helpful to identify your battle engine and provide a link. Otherwise, someone could take the request and end up just writing another script that isn't compatible.
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: Aznkid367 on July 17, 2012, 10:34:02 PM
Sorry about that, I m currently using the Z-System by Zetu and most of the scripts that I've been using comes in conflict with the Z-System which basically shows an alternative sources for skills as oppose to mana. The Z-System basically shows Mana, Rage, Energy, Focus, and Heat. Certain scripts apparently overwrites that only displaying Mana as oppose to the one mention above which really aggravates me. So if you can find a solution to my problem I would very much appreciate it I been having this problem for about a week since I start using VXA. I didn't like Ventwig HP Bar only because the combat txts keeps overlapping the enemies hp bar during battle and its annoying. If you can help me I would really appreciate it!! Thank you for your time and consideration.
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: modern algebra on July 17, 2012, 11:16:58 PM
I don't know what those scripts are, so please give links. I would need to see the script.

Z Systems is the name of a series of scripts, but it sounds like you are referring to: Alternate MP X (

Anyway, I don't know if there is a solution in the abstract for other scripts not drawing the alternate MP. As it is, the script overwrites the Window_Base method, so that is a good step, but there is no standard method for drawing mp on sprites, so any script which is drawing MP on sprites would have to write a new method specifically to do that. It would be impossible for Zetu or any other scripter to anticipate and accomodate for every script that might be written in the future. The offending scripts need to be identified, and then a compatibility patch can be written.

Anyway, I'm not really sure how that is supposed to interact with your request. Do you not just want to show the Enemy's HP with a bar but also its various forms of MP?
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: Aznkid367 on July 17, 2012, 11:31:26 PM
Yes, I m using Alternate MP X and I just want an Hp bar system like Yanfly so that when I target them the Hp bar shows up as opposed to Ventwig where its just on the screen. I didn't like it because the combat txts keeps overlapping the hp bar. I don't care about it showing the mana of the enemies for now I just want a simple one thats show Hp bar when targeting.
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: modern algebra on July 17, 2012, 11:39:57 PM
And you've tried just putting the AMPX script below Ace Battle Engine in the Script Editor and it doesn't work?
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: Aznkid367 on July 17, 2012, 11:45:42 PM
Nope it doesn't work I just tried it.
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: modern algebra on July 17, 2012, 11:52:50 PM
Alright, well try putting this snippet below both:

Code: [Select]
class Window_BattleStatus
  # * Overwrite method: draw_actor_mp
  def draw_actor_mp(actor, x, y, width=124)
  if actor.resources.nil?
    width /= actor.resources.size
    offset = width
    if actor.resources.size != 1
      offset += 2
      width -= 1
    for i in
      draw_actor_ampx(actor.resources[i], x+offset*i, y, width)
Title: Re: [VXA] [Requested] Enemy's Health Bar request!
Post by: Aznkid367 on July 18, 2012, 12:00:45 AM
Once again dude you just saved the day. Thank you!