Simple enough... but I haven't been able to find any that suit my needs, and I've searched all over RMRK and Google, so...
The thing is, I need both a tileset for the inside of a tent, something I can find, but also... a tileset that has tents viewed from the side and back, instead of just the front like in the RTP Grassland tileset. And then, I would need the interior tileset to reflect that...
I would really appreciate it if somebody could make or find me a tileset like that. :/ I would need it to also have all the tiles from the Grassland set... If anybody can do that, I'd be very grateful.
I forgot who I snagged this from, but I like the way the interior tent looks (it's at the very bottom.) As for side view of tents and the interior reflecting that, godspeed on your travels. And also if you do find any, you should repost them here so I can grab them lol.
This didn't seem to get posted with the previous message.