This is a script for Photoshop CS. I know it will work with CS3 and above, not sure about below. I didn't know where to post this so feel free to move it if this isn't the right board.
// Written by Eclipse
<name>Create Spritesheet from Charset animation</name>
<category>Game Development</category>
// enable double clicking from the Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop
// debugging code
// debug level: 0-2 (0:disable, 1:break on error, 2:break at beginning)
$.level = 1;
// script configuration
function configObj()
// document configuration
this.document = {};
// link of valid document suffixes
this.document.suffix = {
"D" : "D",
"L" : "L",
"R" : "R",
"U" : "U",
"LR": "LR",
"_" : "-",
// spritesheet configuration
this.spritesheet = {};
this.spritesheet.cols = 4;
this.spritesheet.rows = 4;
this.spritesheet.colWidth = 32;
this.spritesheet.rowHeight = 48;
this.spritesheet.xOffsetFormula = "Math.ceil( (config.spritesheet.colWidth - {WIDTH})/2 )";
this.spritesheet.yOffsetFormula = "(config.spritesheet.rowHeight - {HEIGHT})";
this.spritesheet.animOrder = [this.document.suffix["D"], this.document.suffix["L"], this.document.suffix["R"], this.document.suffix["U"]];
this.spritesheet.solidBackground = false;
// current animation configuration
this.current = {};
// detect the name of the current document
this.current.docName =".psd", "");
for (var i in this.document.suffix) {
this.current.docName = this.current.docName.replace(this.document.suffix[i], "");
// create a list of the relevant animations
this.current.rootPath = app.activeDocument.path;
this.current.tempPath = "Z:/tmp";
this.current.savePath = this.current.rootPath;
this.current.docPaths = {};
for (var sufx in this.document.suffix) {
this.current.docPaths[this.document.suffix[sufx]] = this.current.rootPath+"/"+this.current.docName+this.document.suffix["_"]+this.document.suffix[sufx]+".psd";
delete this.current.docPaths[this.document.suffix["_"]];
// create a list of the animations that exist
this.current.validDocs = {};
for (var doc in this.current.docPaths) {
var df = File(this.current.docPaths[doc]);
if (df.exists) {
this.current.validDocs[doc] = this.current.docPaths[doc];
// starting dialog window
// config : the config object (passed by reference)
function dialogStart(cfg)
// create new window
var dlg = new Window("dialog", "Generate RMXP Charset from Photoshop animation files", [100, 100, 700, 500]);
// add Animation Info panel
dlg.msgPnl = dlg.add("panel", [15, 15, 580, 220], "Animation File Info:");
// solid bg?
dlg.msgPnl.aiSolidBgText = dlg.msgPnl.add("StaticText", [20, 20, 300, 60], "Do the animation files have a solid background?");
dlg.msgPnl.aiSolidBg = dlg.msgPnl.add("CheckBox", [300, 17, 320, 45], cfg.spritesheet.solidBackground);
dlg.msgPnl.aiSolidBgWarningText1 = dlg.msgPnl.add("StaticText", [340, 20, 550, 40], "If the animation files have a");
dlg.msgPnl.aiSolidBgWarningText2 = dlg.msgPnl.add("StaticText", [340, 40, 550, 60], "transparent background, the script");
dlg.msgPnl.aiSolidBgWarningText3 = dlg.msgPnl.add("StaticText", [340, 60, 550, 80], "will take much longer to execute.");
// detected files
dlg.msgPnl.detectedFilesTextPnl = dlg.add("panel", [35, 85, 300, 200], "Files Detected:");
// list detected files
var y = 0;
for (var doc in cfg.current.validDocs) {
dlg.msgPnl.detectedFilesTextPnl.add( "StaticText", [20, y+20, 100, y+70], cfg.current.validDocs[doc].substr(cfg.current.validDocs[doc].lastIndexOf("/")+1) );
y += 20;
// add New Spritesheet Info panel
dlg.ssPnl = dlg.add("panel", [15, 240, 580, 340], "New Spritesheet Info:");
// num spritesheet columns
dlg.ssPnl.ssColsText1 = dlg.ssPnl.add("StaticText", [20, 22, 120, 40], "Column Width:");
dlg.ssPnl.ssCols = dlg.ssPnl.add("EditText", [125, 20, 160, 40], cfg.spritesheet.colWidth);
dlg.ssPnl.ssColsText2 = dlg.ssPnl.add("StaticText", [165, 22, 180, 40], "px");
// num spritesheet rows
dlg.ssPnl.ssRowsText1 = dlg.ssPnl.add("StaticText", [20, 52, 120, 70], "Row Height:");
dlg.ssPnl.ssRows = dlg.ssPnl.add("EditText", [125, 50, 160, 70], cfg.spritesheet.rowHeight);
dlg.ssPnl.ssRowsText2 = dlg.ssPnl.add("StaticText", [165, 52, 180, 40], "px");
// add accept button...
dlg.beginBtn = dlg.add("button", [195, 360, 295, 380], "Begin", {name:"ok"});
// add canel button.
dlg.cancelBtn = dlg.add("button", [315, 360, 415, 380], "Cancel", {name:"ok"});
// when BEGIN is clicked
dlg.beginBtn.onClick = function() {
config.spritesheet.colWidth = parseInt(dlg.ssPnl.ssCols.text);
config.spritesheet.rowHeight = parseInt(dlg.ssPnl.ssRows.text);
config.spritesheet.solidBackground = (dlg.msgPnl.aiSolidBg.value == "true") ? true : false;
/*// insert author into active documentinfo... = dlg.msgPnl.msgAuthor.text;
// insert copyright notice into active documentinfo... = dlg.msgPnl.msgCpyVermerk.text;*/
this.ena = true;
// when CANCEL is clicked
dlg.cancelBtn.onClick = function() {
this.ena = false;
// show dialog window;
// clean up a path name
// pathStr : the path
function cleanPathStr(pathStr)
var pth = pathStr;
while (pth != pth.replace("//", "/")) {
pth = pth.replace("//", "/");
return pth;
// close all open documents
// save_options : file save options
function closeAllDocuments(save_options)
if (save_options == null) {
save_options = SaveOptions.PROMPTTOSAVECHANGES;
while (app.documents.length) {
// export image in bitmap format
// path : the path to the new file
// filename : the new files name
function exportImageToBMP(path, filename)
var pth = cleanPathStr(path+"/"+filename);
imgFile = new File(pth);
var options = new BMPSaveOptions();
//options.quality = 100;
options.depth = BMPDepthType.SIXTEEN;
options.rleCompression = false;
//options.alphaChannels = true;
app.activeDocument.saveAs(imgFile, options, true);
catch (e)
{ // display error
alert("Error encountered when saving the image! \r\r" + e);
return; // quit
// export image in PNG format (24-bit)
// path : the path to the new file
// filename : the new files name
function saveForWebPNG(path, filename)
var opts, file, p;
opts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
opts.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
opts.PNG8 = false;
opts.quality = 100;
if (filename.length > 27) {
p = cleanPathStr(path+"/temp.png");
file = new File(p);
app.activeDocument.exportDocument(file, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, opts);
file.rename(filename + ".png");
else {
p = cleanPathStr(path+"/"+filename+".png");
file = new File(p);
app.activeDocument.exportDocument(file, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, opts);
// transform - flip layer
// type : 0 = Horizontal, 1 = Vertical
function flipLayer(layer, type)
var x_scl, y_scl;
switch (type) {
case 0:
x_scl = -100;
y_scl = 100;
case 1:
x_scl = 100;
y_scl = -100;
layer.resize(new UnitValue(x_scl,'%'), new UnitValue(y_scl,'%'));
// transform - flip layer
// lyr : a layer object
// x : x position (pixels)
// y : y position (pixels)
function positionLayer(lyr, x, y)
// if can not move layer return
if(lyr.iisBackgroundLayer || lyr.positionLocked) return
// get the layer bounds
var layerBounds = lyr.bounds;
// get top left position
var layerX = layerBounds[0].value;
var layerY = layerBounds[1].value;
// the difference between where layer needs to be and is now
var deltaX = x-layerX;
var deltaY = y-layerY;
// move the layer into position
lyr.translate(deltaX, deltaY);
// calculate spritesheet frame offsets
// fh : file handle
// cfg : the config object
// o : the offset object (p: x,y)
function calculateFrameOffsets(fh, cfg, o)
if (!(o instanceof Object)) {
var o = {};
o.x = 0;
o.y = 0;
// if the animations have a solid background,
// no offset is needed
if (cfg.spritesheet.solidBackground === true) {
o.x = 0;
o.y = 0;
} else {
// if the animations have a transparent background,
// we must scan every pixel of each frame to determine the pixel offset
var sampler = fh.colorSamplers.add([0, 0]);
for (var px = 0; px < fh.width; px ++) {
for (var py = 0; py < fh.height; py++) {
sampler.move([UnitValue(px, "px"), UnitValue(py, "px")]);
var pColor = undefined;
// try to grab pixel data for [px,py]
try {
pColor = sampler.color;
// if there is no pixel at [px,py] , exception will be thrown
} catch(err) { }
// if there is a pixel at [px,py]
if (pColor != undefined) {
// a pixel exists
o.x = px;
break framePixelCheck_X;
} else { // no pixel at [px,py]
for (var py = 0; py < fh.height; py++) {
for (var px = 0; px < fh.width; px ++) {
sampler.move([UnitValue(px, "px"), UnitValue(py, "px")]);
var pColor = undefined;
// try to grab pixel data for [px,py]
try {
pColor = sampler.color;
// if there is no pixel at [px,py] , exception will be thrown
} catch(err) { }
// if there is a pixel at [px,py]
if (pColor != undefined) {
// a pixel exists
o.y = py;
break framePixelCheck_Y;
} else { // no pixel at [px,py]
// main method
function main()
// initialize config
var config = new configObj();
// bring up starting dialog
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
// open only relevant animation files
var doc;
for (var idx in config.current.validDocs) {
doc = File(config.current.validDocs[idx]);
if (doc.exists) {
var f = open(doc);
} else {
delete config.document.suffix[idx];
// save all files as animated gif's
var animFiles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++) {
// keep track of file properties
app.activeDocument = app.documents[i];
var fobj = {};
fobj.filename = app.documents[i].name.replace(".psd", "");
fobj.file_ext = ".gif";
fobj.path = config.current.tempPath+"/"+fobj.filename+fobj.file_ext;
// delete the file if it already exists
var aFile = File(fobj.path);
// save for web options
var options = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
options.ditherAmount = 0;
options.dither = Dither.NOISE;
options.palette = Palette.LOCALADAPTIVE;
options.format = SaveDocumentType.COMPUSERVEGIF;
/*options.format = SaveDocumentType.COMPUSERVEGIF;
options.colors = 256;
options.dither = Dither.NONE;
options.ditherAmount = 100;
options.palette = Palette.LOCALSELECTIVE;
options.interlaced = true;
options.lossy = 0;*/
// export the image
app.activeDocument.exportDocument(aFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, options);
// open only relevant animation files (open saved animated gifs)
var animFrameFiles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < animFiles.length; i++) {
// for each animation file
var cur_file = open(File(animFiles[i].path));
app.activeDocument = cur_file;
// hide all layers first
var layers = app.activeDocument.layers;
for (var j = 0; j < layers.length; j++) {
try {
layers[j].visible = false;
} catch(err) { }
// export each layer as a seperate image
for (var j = layers.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
var flipAndRepeat = false;
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = layers[j];
try {
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true;
// face direction
var basefn = animFiles[i].filename.substring(0, animFiles[i].filename.indexOf(config.document.suffix["_"]));
var face_dir = animFiles[i].filename.substring(animFiles[i].filename.indexOf(config.document.suffix["_"])+1);
var aframe = (layers.length-1) - j;
// if the animation file is Left/Right, save Left facing frame first
if (face_dir == config.document.suffix["LR"]) {
flipAndRepeat = true;
face_dir = config.document.suffix["L"];
// save frame as PNG
var export_fname = basefn + config.document.suffix["_"] + face_dir + aframe;
saveForWebPNG(config.current.tempPath, export_fname);
// keep track of saved images
if (!(animFrameFiles[face_dir] instanceof Array)) {
animFrameFiles[face_dir] = [];
animFrameFiles[face_dir][aframe] = config.current.tempPath+"/"+export_fname+".png";
// if the animation file is Left/Right, save Right facing frame
if (flipAndRepeat === true) {
flipLayer(app.activeDocument.activeLayer, 0);
var r_fname = basefn + config.document.suffix["_"] + config.document.suffix["R"] + aframe;
saveForWebPNG(config.current.tempPath, r_fname);
if (!(animFrameFiles[config.document.suffix["R"]] instanceof Array)) {
animFrameFiles[config.document.suffix["R"]] = [];
animFrameFiles[config.document.suffix["R"]][aframe] = config.current.tempPath+"/"+r_fname+".png";
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = false;
} catch(err) { }
// export visible layers to seperate files
//$.evalFile("C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)/Presets/Scripts/Export Layers To Files.jsx");
// create a new document and insert the animation frames
// create document
var charsetWidth = config.spritesheet.cols * config.spritesheet.colWidth;
var charsetHeight = config.spritesheet.rows * config.spritesheet.rowHeight;
var charsetRef = app.documents.add(charsetWidth, charsetHeight, 300, "newCharset", NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT);
// loop through animation frames
for (var i in config.spritesheet.animOrder) {
var wDirFrames = animFrameFiles[config.spritesheet.animOrder[i]];
for (var j in wDirFrames) {
// open frame
var aFile = open(File(wDirFrames[j]));
// duplicate layer into the new document
// calculate frame offsets
var offset = {};
calculateFrameOffsets(aFile, config, offset);
// position the new layer properly
var new_x = j * config.spritesheet.colWidth;
var new_y = i * config.spritesheet.rowHeight;
//offset.x = 0;//eval(config.spritesheet.xOffsetFormula.replace("{WIDTH}", aFile.width));
//offset.y = 0;//eval(config.spritesheet.yOffsetFormula.replace("{HEIGHT}", aFile.height));
app.activeDocument = charsetRef;
positionLayer(charsetRef.layers[0], new_x+offset.x, new_y+offset.y);
// close frame
// save new charset as PNG
saveForWebPNG(config.current.savePath, config.current.docName);
// cleanup - remove temp files
for (var i = 0; i < animFiles.length; i++) {
var f = File(animFiles[i].path);
for (var i in config.spritesheet.animOrder) {
for (var j in animFrameFiles[config.spritesheet.animOrder[i]]) {
var f = File(animFrameFiles[config.spritesheet.animOrder[i]][j]);
// end main method
// execute script
To install, place the code in a file with the extension .jsx in your Photoshop scripts directory.
The default should be something like: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Scripts
When I do graphic design, I like working at the pixel level, especially when I'm doing custom charsets. I've always wanted a way to easily make changes at the pixel level to my charsets if something doesn't look right, while keeping each frame separate with layers (for different elements of the character, like jacket, hair, eyes, etc), AND being able to "play" the animation and watch it. So I started using Photoshop animations.
I have separate files for each walking direction, and I can zoom in as close as I want make sure the animation looks perfect. I also have each frame broken down into separate components. Excuse the watermarks on the pics, I don't want anybody heisting this character just yet.
Here are the files I have for this character. They correspond to the Down, Left/Right and Up walking animations:
Basically the naming convention is as follows: CHARNAME-DIRECTION_LETTER.psd
CHARNAME can be anything
DIRECTION_LETTER can be U, D, L, R, or LR. If the L and R animations are supposed to be very different, have them in separate files. Otherwise, use LR as a suffix and the R animation will be assumed to be a mirror image of L.
Keep in mind this is just my naming convention, and the default for the script. You can change the highlighted part of the script if you want:
So what you do, is have all your properly named PSD files in a directory, and then open one of them and run the script. It will show up in a separate category as "Create Spritesheet from Charset animation" under File -> Scripts in PS.
This window will appear! It will show you the other animation files it detected for the current one you have open. You can change the width/height of a cell if your charset uses a non-standard width/height.
Pay attention to the checkbox at the top. If your animation has a transparent background, the script will take a couple minutes to run. This is because photoshop has no way of copying empty space from one document to another, so the script must scan each frame of the image to determine how many pixels the sprite must be offset in its cell. Unfortunately I don't think there's a way around this.
However if your animation has a solid color background, the script will finish in seconds because every frame is the same width and height.
After your done setting the options click Begin! After some seconds/minutes, the compiled spritesheet will appear!
Ignore the "X" frames, those are not completed, my animation file contains those exact frames.
It will also be saved as a 24-bit PNG in the same directory as the other animation files by default.
You can change the save directory in the configuration by changing the value of this.current.savePath. You can put your projects charset directory there and the compiled spritesheet will be automatically exported and ready to use in RMXP. Just make sure Photoshop can write to that directory.
Anyway I've put a decent amount of time into this script, so hopefully other Photoshop CS users will find this useful. Enjoy!
Scripts in this Board means RGSSx scripts, but I will move this to Resources. It seems like a very useful tool for charset designers.
This is wonderful!