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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Resources => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: ForeverZero on September 08, 2011, 11:27:01 PM

Title: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: ForeverZero on September 08, 2011, 11:27:01 PM
Gemini Script Editor
Authors: ForeverZer0
Version: 1.1.6
Type: RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor


Gemini, named after the Zodiac Twins (RMXP/RMVX), is a feature-rich script editor designed purposefully for the RPG Maker community.  It can directly read and write archived Scripts.rxdata and Scripts.rvdata files, which allows you to use the power of an external IDE without the trouble of importing/exporting scripts to and from the built-in editor.   




Download (3.93 MB)
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Gemini.exe (Self-Extracting archive)(3.76 MB)
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Mirror 1 (
Mirror 2 (


Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 ( or higher.

Credits and Thanks

Author's Notes

There are still a few minor bugs to work out, but version 1.0 is stable and working.
The largest know bug is some instances of keyword highlighting.  For some keywords, the word will not highlight if it is mid-line after a statement, i.e.  do_something if something_else
In this example, the "if" will not colorize unless it is in parenthesis.  This is an issue with the native library that I am looking into.

Another known issue is some special characters loaded from scripts will not display correctly.  This is a text encoding bug and will hopefully be fixed soon.
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: TDS on September 09, 2011, 12:46:01 AM
Looks very nice.

These are a few bugs I found.

Browse button does not work when making a new project.

Missing the #~ comment shortcut (CTRL + Q)

A right click selection box with options on the scripts tabs would be nice.

Could not test scripts due to bug "RGSS-RTP Standard not found." and I do have the RTP.

I hope you keep working on this, and I love the program overall especially the auto complete feature.

I will continue testing it as it is updated.
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: Nessiah on September 09, 2011, 12:49:33 AM
*speechless* Holy macaroni in a stick. I'm going to download this now!
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: ForeverZero on September 09, 2011, 01:29:28 AM
Updated to 1.02
You can simply use the update function from the menu under the "About" tab to apply it.

Glad you all like so far.  Keep an eye for more bugs and let me know so I can get them fixed.  The context menu for the tabs will likely be seen in a update in the near future.
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: TDS on September 09, 2011, 02:01:13 AM
Alright, updated and now the game appears when testing scripts but the "RGSS-RTP standard not found." still appears in a window with "Converter" as it's title.

I think that it could be because I only have the VX RTP and not the XP RTP.

The CTRL + Q Shortcut adds the comment but only on the selected line and not all selected lines. It also seems to add a space.

This might sound a little nit picky but when making a new project and giving it a name it would be nice if the name of the folder would change as well.

Also adding a "Add word to auto-complete list" to the context menu when highlighting a word from the scripts themselves would be nice too (I don't fully understand how word groups work, so I don't know if this would clash with it).

I will continue testing it and report anything else I find.
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: ForeverZero on September 09, 2011, 02:31:56 AM
Ah, I understand the issue with the converter now.  I misunderstand what you said in your last post, but it ended up leading me to another bug.  I really like the idea for the auto-complete being added from the context menu.

Give me a few minutes and I'll supply another update.  Thank you again for the suggestions, I'll keep fixing any bugs/suggestions you have that I can.  :D
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: TDS on September 09, 2011, 04:39:16 AM
Sorry about that, I'm usually very bad at explaining things.

After poking around the functions and testing out a script, I noticed that for some reason no changes are happening at all when you run a game.

I added a simple p "Hello world" to a script then saved it and the game just ran normally as if nothing had been added.

I tried it with a personal VX project and edited the scripts too and it was still the same, the game would run but none of the edits made to the scripts did anything.

I also have another suggestion, but I don't know if it would really help or not. Feel free to ignore it since it's something I feel is more lacking in RPG Maker itself.

It's the ability to make your own list databases which you could fill with custom information. I was thinking if it would be possible to do something similar to the notes in skills and items the database.

You would make a new list and then fill in the text you want for regexp matching and afterwards you could port it into a ruby module using each index in the list as the ID or whatever is more suitable to extract the information later.

Again, sorry if my explanations are not very good.
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: ForeverZero on September 09, 2011, 05:31:41 AM
The not saving is due to the fact the converter not working, which is what actually saves the data.  Its a simple fix, which I will apply tomorrow.  This problem should only be for RMVX projects at the moment.
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: pacdiggity on September 09, 2011, 06:15:48 AM
It's because you discriminate against VX scripters, isn't it?!
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: ForeverZero on September 09, 2011, 11:55:10 PM
Updated to version 1.0.8
This should fix the issue with data not being saved in RMVX.  You will have to open the application, choose "Delete Configuration" under the File tab, then restart Gemini for the changes to be applied to the converter. 


Updates to v.1.1.5
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: Eclipse0468 on September 17, 2011, 01:22:58 AM
Dude, this is ridiculously awesome!  It even solves the problem of RMXP having to be quit and reloaded when you modify scripts.rxdata!  I was running into this when using scripts I wrote that would extract scripts.rxdata so you could use an outside editor, and then recompile it after.  Very messy.

You can edit other stuff in RMXP while using Gemini as a script editor, and running the project through gemini runs your game with all the new modifications.  However, if you open up the script editor in RMXP, the changes from Gemini WILL NOT show up until you reload your project.  But who would want to use the crappy RMXP script editor when you have this??

You are a god!  Is this going to be integrated into ARC?
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: ForeverZero on September 17, 2011, 02:42:19 AM
Likely something similar, and I will also likely be heading the creation of the script editor for ARC, but Gemini actually is not related to ARC at all.  I wrote it in C#, using the .NET Framework, which ARC does not support.  Using .NET would make ARC Windows dependent, which is not our goal.  While there is Mono and such, we are designing it to not depend on external frameworks.  This was more or less just a little side-project of mine.
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: Nessiah on October 06, 2011, 02:37:36 AM
Man, this is a great thing since it's amazing to script with, but totally obliterated all my Japanese scripts. I'm glad that I made a backup and I really hope the encoding bug is fixed soon! (If you're curious:
Title: Re: Gemini - RGSS/RGSS2 Script Editor
Post by: alfredalfred on May 18, 2016, 10:21:58 AM
You can simply use the update function from the menu under the "About" tab to apply it.