I keep seeing art posts. Figured I could share my own scribbles. Some of these are a bit old but they're the most "finished" things I have to show so I'm showing them.
I'll update with new stuff as I do it if people show an interest in seeing it. It'll likely lead to game related stuff as that's what I've been working on.
For those who care about such things; Sketchblog (http://onlyimaginary.blogspot.com/)
[spoiler=Original Characters]
I was experimenting with a lineless style when I did these two, they're characters from a story I'm writing.
[spoiler=Dyre](https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg233.imageshack.us%2Fimg233%2F3412%2Fconceptaltdyrecolors.jpg&hash=e4a10b5aa81bfc7c0b30792de7a8490799ae7096) (http://img233.imageshack.us/i/conceptaltdyrecolors.jpg/)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mitra](https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg33.imageshack.us%2Fimg33%2F8953%2Fmitralineless.jpg&hash=5dbdb1cf1f0222a900ce7ea813b8e808b90e2b2c) (http://img33.imageshack.us/i/mitralineless.jpg/)
Card-size practice, same characters.
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg13.imageshack.us%2Fimg13%2F3641%2Fdyrecard.png&hash=0ce3f0db08c5a732b262bb897a0e4354cba085b8) (http://img13.imageshack.us/i/dyrecard.png/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg691.imageshack.us%2Fimg691%2F4987%2Fmitracard.png&hash=5958c9a1b9d479119e4e1b9e85d3d04ef1c16428) (http://img691.imageshack.us/i/mitracard.png/)
[spoiler=Random meme I wanted to try and part of a clothing exercise...a failed exercise. =/]
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg812.imageshack.us%2Fimg812%2F747%2Fcharacterseyesmeme.jpg&hash=c43510f2f94649f4f567fa1f539d0f314502d05a) (http://img812.imageshack.us/i/characterseyesmeme.jpg/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg830.imageshack.us%2Fimg830%2F1533%2Fvictoriandyre.png&hash=620da241ec1d36559a7a2e84f546ee4aabbd5a4e) (http://img830.imageshack.us/i/victoriandyre.png/)
[spoiler=Zombie girl] I did a doodle of once and decided to try and make in Champions Online, then I re-drew her using the redesigned version that I'm now playing in Champions. That game is essentially a character creator...I spend all of my time making things I never play - but I play this one. =)
I wish they had little companion pets so I could have her bat..
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg823.imageshack.us%2Fimg823%2F6245%2Fzomnom.jpg&hash=467234b11edea479a895f38fc3912cf811545583) (http://img823.imageshack.us/i/zomnom.jpg/)
[spoiler=Flower Pixie]
[spoiler=RMXP Related]
[spoiler=Battler of the main character]
It's a work-in-progress, I'm working on a different style for it but this is what I have right now. She is holding a glass ball, her weapons in-game are crystal balls but she begins with a simple glass ball.
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg268.imageshack.us%2Fimg268%2F5281%2Fsibyl.png&hash=420b7cb18efcc6fe1b619e2170db39f4e72d334f) (http://img268.imageshack.us/i/sibyl.png/)
One of the enemy battlers, spirit of a cleric/nun. Also a WiP. This one is actually the size it is in-game.
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg219.imageshack.us%2Fimg219%2F5940%2Frevenant.png&hash=cacbabc1ce223a33128f3da0ed0b7256211b1cb1) (http://img219.imageshack.us/i/revenant.png/)
[spoiler=Parts of a cutscene. -NEW-] I plan to do a comic style sequence for the cutscenes, so each picture is a panel that will appear in sequence.
Picture display order; Background pans up from bottom, then top left panel shows, then right middle, then bottom left. Each image then slowly fades until only the bottom left remains, it then changes to a copy but with her eyes completely closed. I have a demo of it somewhere if people want to see it in action.
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg7.imageshack.us%2Fimg7%2F2843%2Fchaosskyscene.png&hash=c00471ad86a7f405db7bdd4e2204a75aa49525de) (http://img7.imageshack.us/i/chaosskyscene.png/)
[spoiler=Second Cutscene Sketch (rough)] (https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg52.imageshack.us%2Fimg52%2F8268%2Fscenewip.jpg&hash=0fffd57fe3212d51a1bc3e6f51020c5eca30c08c) (http://img52.imageshack.us/i/scenewip.jpg/)
[spoiler=Some sprites of the main character.] I took a default child sprite and edited it as she looked perfect and I saw no reason to make a new one if there was one - I did, however, sprite a bunch of poses and actions for her. (Even though they are edits and not from scratch, these took quite some time so please don't anyone grab them.)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg837.imageshack.us%2Fimg837%2F5281%2Fsibyl.png&hash=00b1e24bb429004d19d9284ac93b462e4e0238a4) (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/sibyl.png/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg171.imageshack.us%2Fimg171%2F4821%2Fsibylsitemote.png&hash=43c4a084bd3d45fe5eeb7fa25e0405987c32d65f) (http://img171.imageshack.us/i/sibylsitemote.png/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg140.imageshack.us%2Fimg140%2F6591%2Fsibysitemote2.png&hash=421fee2f8606dd35c376347e2a54e3c828afaab2) (http://img140.imageshack.us/i/sibysitemote2.png/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg593.imageshack.us%2Fimg593%2F8379%2Fsibyljump.png&hash=ab89d6caa9a25cd7094ddf26cf99fbfbee6594cd) (http://img593.imageshack.us/i/sibyljump.png/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg580.imageshack.us%2Fimg580%2F8335%2Fsibylemote3.png&hash=092e7ea34fa19e1e7a726662e726ab4a6aea6197) (http://img580.imageshack.us/i/sibylemote3.png/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg847.imageshack.us%2Fimg847%2F8287%2Fsibylemote2.png&hash=6a3c8304f40230f3999b75d17cf65e3080e38457) (http://img847.imageshack.us/i/sibylemote2.png/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg849.imageshack.us%2Fimg849%2F2268%2Fsibylspritecrystalball.png&hash=048b583f3c365502378c8a7ca2b39a3e37e89e0d) (http://img849.imageshack.us/i/sibylspritecrystalball.png/)
[spoiler=Non-RMXP Game Art]
Rough. Not for anything concrete yet, just playing with character design. Also, robot practice.
Default character/suit
Stealth suit
Speed/blaster suit
[spoiler=Fan and Gift art]
[spoiler=Harley Quinn]
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg684.imageshack.us%2Fimg684%2F6634%2Fharleypreview.png&hash=b6c0247fdc2267466774c4f128db788ac382d641) (http://img684.imageshack.us/i/harleypreview.png/)
[spoiler=Lara Croft - for my little sister]
She likes to ask me for sketches and has little patience to let me really "finish" so all the stuff she gets is kind of messy. =/
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg535.imageshack.us%2Fimg535%2F1189%2Flaracroftcl.jpg&hash=bccf5a7157f66bcd7ef25bbe3772d5bf3386d43e) (http://img535.imageshack.us/i/laracroftcl.jpg/)
[spoiler=Sonja and Selene from Underworld - also for sister]
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg97.imageshack.us%2Fimg97%2F2658%2Fseleneii.jpg&hash=127e1eded0680275ac60337203848c08df64aa24) (http://img97.imageshack.us/i/seleneii.jpg/)
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg856.imageshack.us%2Fimg856%2F366%2Fsonja.jpg&hash=18e8c8a0c5092850de1469261bcaf456b301a815) (http://img856.imageshack.us/i/sonja.jpg/)
[spoiler=Samus and Metroids]
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg191.imageshack.us%2Fimg191%2F6235%2Fmetroidlove.jpg&hash=ef0d3f6a1b7daae3d544852a0c8b4d3be86a75f3) (http://img191.imageshack.us/i/metroidlove.jpg/)
[spoiler=Zero Suit Samus Chibi]
[spoiler=Super Mario Sisters]
A friend, and fellow artist, told me he wanted me to do an entirely lineless picture - no sketches or lineart allowed. This is what happened.
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg854.imageshack.us%2Fimg854%2F1201%2Fsupermariosistersbydyre.jpg&hash=b5c9dd7435da77969d33218c3b40fb078c2f0a9a) (http://img854.imageshack.us/i/supermariosistersbydyre.jpg/)
And as a "please don't kill me" to those with slow connections - HERE IS A SQUID
(https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg848.imageshack.us%2Fimg848%2F3309%2Fsquid.gif&hash=cab43e67cda1947272ed2d1d0d192f46e1133c7d) (http://img848.imageshack.us/i/squid.gif/)
Badass artwork.
Thank you. ^.^
I do like that squid :)
That artwork is the boss :)
Edited the first post to add a bunch of new things. I wasn't aware that editing didn't bump the topic. >.<
I guess I'll start bumping for new stuff then.
OMG I love your art style ~ All your characters look so charming and feminine, even though in such badass poses (the gal in black suit, simply love her XD). Your coloring is simple but effective as well, especially the one you are using as avatar and the mario-esque lineless drawing ~ I love the Dino.
Though the coloring for the first lineless drawing is kinda messy ~ But I see you've made a lot of improvement on lineless art in later drawings ~
Just followed ya on dA as well :3
Thank you. ^.^
You'll have to be more specific about the girl in the black suit, a lot of them are in black. =/
I need work on the coloring. I've been too lazy/lately busy to take it seriously so it's usually pretty messy.
Are you Valkryz then?
LOL it would be the gift art of Sonja and Selene :) I would address the others as black dress though :P
Yup it's Valkryz, though I no longer go there to update, just for looking at pretty pretty art only
I know some who use "suit" interchangeably with "clothes" so I had to ask.
I did those so quick I was never very proud of them. I must be even worse a judge of my own stuff than I thought. heh.
Aww, that's too bad. The few things you have on there are nice. You should update again.
Pretty wicked stuff :)
Really nice stuff. Your coloring is clean and shiny and I love it.
Thank you both. =)
Life robbed me of time to dedicate to drawing for a while. I've been trying to catch up, however, and have a few things to share. =)
The RMXP game I was working on outgrew the program. It is now a side-scrolling platformer to be created using Construct. The title is Starfall and the story follows a young fallen star on her quest to return home. I'd like to keep this topic for art, but if anyone wants to know more of the story just ask and I'll share what I have.
Onto the Scribbles!
[spoiler=Starfall Concepts]
Sybil (Protagonist, just some quick actions shots and a basic turn)
Reapers (some enemies, with Sibyl and an adult for size comparison))
Soul Death (there are a few ways to die, this is the only one that leads to a Game Over)
[spoiler= Sketches]
I'm planning to start a webcomic at some point, these are thumbnails for possible pages. Not much to show yet.
30-second sketch practice of comic characters.
[spoiler=RMXP Stuffs]
Planning an RPG about a little mage girl who goes on a quest to find her brother, who was sent on a world-saving grand quest and never returned.
She can only use magic, and not that well, so she enchants dolls to assist her in battle. Each doll can be equipped to teach her new magic and other abilities. Upon learning all they teach they can be transformed into party members. I'll be using the RTP primarily and custom stuff where needed. All I have right now is a battler for the girl with variations for three dolls and a recolored sprite.
[spoiler=Sprite Stuffs]
A simple base made for practice
Tess, a basic design to practice with
That's all for now. Sorry for the messiness, I only have time for sketches lately. =/
Sybil is just too cute. I wanna play when you finish it.
Also, I know they're just gestures, but the comic sketches are pretty cool.
I'll be making every resource for Starfall myself, so it will be some time before it is playable. I'll certainly post about here though, so you'll know when it is.
Thank you for the compliment on the sketches. I'm still very new to comics, so it means a lot that they came out well. =)
Been awhile again, but here's some more stuff from the RMXP game I'm working on.
I've started exploring a new style, so the battlers are different now. They are all .png as well, sans background, so let me know if it's difficult to see them and I'll give them a background color. (the sketches look a little odd without one)
I'll try to keep updating as I get further in the game, as I have little free time lately so all of it goes toward working on it. ><
The game is currently titled; "Oh, brother" and it's the one from my last update. A little girl on a quest to find her older brother.
She binds souls to dolls for use as weapons. She also finds already enchanted dolls on her journey. They have their own abilities, personalities and reasons for assisting Nini. They play a major part in game-play and story as she is practically helpless without them.
With that said, here is Nini and her doll weapons. Her battler will change depending on which doll is equipped, so there are quite a few of them.
[spoiler= Sketchy]
Nini Matilda Chelestra - Unequipped.
Nini and Sister Rosetta Monei - A porcelain doll that houses the spirit of a divine priestess.
Nini and Paskal the Grand - A plush cat that holds the soul of a lancer knight from a long forgotten royal army.
Nini and Mistress Lenore - A ragdoll wherein the soul of an assassin witch resides.
Nini and Master Felkin - A treasured teddy bear, animated with the soul of an ancient and powerful magus.
Nini and Templar Magnus - A stuffed bunny which holds the spirit of a holy knight from bygone days.
Nini and Daedra - A felt fairy wherein the soul of a void beast from before the Maddening is bound.
Mason Walker Chelestra - Nini's older brother and the reason for her quest.
[spoiler= Colored]
Nini - Unequipped and at full size.
Battler size
Mason - full size (just flat color for now)
Battler size
Here is how they look in battle
More rough sketches.
Nini has four costumes, counting the default, that act as her armor.
These are the three she obtains on her travels.
-Cute Miner-
A mining outfit, complete with light.
-Little Witch-
The preferred garb for any witch, allows teleportation.
-Magical Girl-
Nini's ultimate armor. Unlocks special abilities.
[spoiler= costumes](https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-FnNBpcSEr6Q%2FTvj4wsSBdDI%2FAAAAAAAAAJw%2FpwR_Mpih1rM%2Fs1600%2FNini%2Bcostumes.jpg&hash=d49b854864843a462907349289ac4fa3bd39eb21)[/spoiler]
Some sprites - mostly just edits. Posting for comparison to any artwork and because not all of the edits were easy and I want to show em. For critique, mostly. ^.^
=in order of Attachments=
A sprite of Nini's "Little Witch" costume - I did the dress myself, from scratch, but the rest is recolor/franken-spriting.
Nini's default sprite - Frankensprite of four different hair types recolored. I'm only responsible for the face on this one and even then it's just the rosy cheeks and big eyes.
Hair Blowing - I did the moving hair myself. If that's worth mentioning. Did take a bit to do. =/
Jump - Massive edits to create a jump.
And Nini in her nighty - Mostly because of the bunny slippers.
I've had some time to draw a bit and redesigned two of my main characters (from a story, nothing to do with the rpgmaker game).
The images are fairly large.
Redesigning my two main characters drove me to look through my old designs of them.
Every style I've tried on these two lies in this collage. Even a few very very old traditional sketches.
I have drawn many more of these two but this is all I still have, I gave away or threw away a lot of my old sketchbooks.
Some of these are embarrassing.
It's good to look at how far you've come though, to remind yourself that maybe you're not as bad as you think.
Working on my game, here are some sprites and a battler sketch-
[spoiler=Nini's Mom]
Sketch of Nini's mom, who will make a brief appearance in a battle thus required a battler.[/spoiler]
Cute Miner costume
(took the default Nini base I made and sprited the rest from scratch with refs)
Magical Girl Costume
(Dress is an edit of a Sailor Moon sprite by Sithjester. The rest is mine. - still a wip, need to correct some things and add some things)
Little Witch Costume - Teleport
(I've shown this sprite already, this is just the animation I made for the costume's teleport ability)[/spoiler]
That's all for now. I've just been working on my game when I have the time, so I'm mostly doing pixel stuff.
No way. You did NOT do this yourself, it's too good... It's so fantastic I don't even know what to say! The style and consistency, the color and proportion, it's all effing PERFECT. I really, really dig your work and I am looking forward to more, even if it's just to look at the skill you have.
I am not entirely certain how to respond to such kind comments. Thank you is all I can think of. ><
Thanks are acceptable. More art is better! I think you have a bright future in this field. Are you currently in some kind of program for professional art?
I am not in any program. I've never taken a class or anything for this. My father was an artist, I tried to emulate him. He kept himself to one style and refused to try anything new, so I stopped trying to emulate him and went off on my own. I've been trying new styles and learning a great deal more since.
On that note, here is more art. = )
I've just discovered new brush settings to get the painted effect I've been eager to use for a long while now. Took me all night and it still looks odd, but it's the first piece I've done without any lines. Not even a sketch. Just lots and lots of painting and color picking. ><
All one layer too, which is another first.
Edit: I should probably say what it is. >< It's from the Metroidvania I want to make in Construct, entitled Starfall. This will be one of the first enemies of it's type encountered. There's a sketch of it up top, which I even forgot to use as reference for this. I didn't have a color scheme in mind yet anyway, so let me know if the colors are bad.
More painting practice, this time with Nini. Not sure about using it in the game, it took a while and did not come out how I wanted, but I'll share it anyhow.
Nifty! THe image in post#23 reminds me of Frankenberry cereal for some reason; I think it will fit very well with the style of the game.
Fantastic work, Miss Dyre.
Aha. Yes. I can see that. He is blue and cartoon-y, it makes perfect sense that you see Frankenberry in there. I actually like that you do, means the cutesy thing is working. ^.^
Oh, man, I hope the style fits. Starfall is going to be my big project. The "I might take it commercial if it comes together well" project. As such, it is in the back of my mind constantly. The RPGMaker game is my first step on the road to making Starfall. They're completely different in gameplay, but I've never written or done artwork for games before and need to make sure I can. My husband and I want to make games together, he's teaching himself programming and I'll likely be doing everything else (because I am crazy). Starfall will be all mine, however, as I found that Construct is a pretty nifty program and seems a nice fit for the style of gameplay I'm planning. If I can accomplish that then I will be ready to take on my husband's far more ambitions ideas.
Well, that was an awful lot of rambling. I apologize.
On to more arts!
Re-post from Project thread is all I have right now. These are just the portraits though, not screenshots.
Very good! I have a thing for the sexy witches, I like the first potrait.
Inks and Colors for portraits - Not finished shading, and may color the lines. This is all I had time to do though. =/
That is so pro, dude. Top drawer.
Been a while, and most of the stuff I've had time to draw has been game-related, so it's in that topic.
I wanted to take a small break from that though, not the game but the art for it. There's only so much cutesy I can handle before I burn out, it seems. I still have little time for these things, but I managed a sketch of something entirely different from the game stuff.
Some old characters, from a story I may eventually do something with, that I am quite attached to. It was fun to draw them again.
Pardox is the large figure with the big grin there, he has...interesting hobbies.
Mitra is a nuisance, so he decided to include her in one of them.
I've been asked before, when showing pictures of Mitra, why she doesn't have wings when she's supposed to be a fairy.
Truth is, she had wings once. Fleshy little opaque fairy wings that grew from her back and made a soft whistling sound when they flapped.
Then she upset the wrong person and lost them. She has new wings now, not of flesh and not entirely of her - but at least nobody can rip them out.
Now back to drawing the stuff I'm supposed to be.
[spoiler=Kirin Sketches]
Here is a sketch thing.
Been up too long, there are so many new features in vxace ><, can't wait to try spriting her in the super adorable chibi style.
Figure it is art, may as well stick it in this thread instead of filling the project thread with these things.
Bunch of quick costume redesigns for Nini, to suit the now chibi style sprites in VXA.
This went much faster than I expected, and now I have better refs for sprites. ^.^
[spoiler=Lots of Images!]
In order obtained;
Nighty (begins in)
Favorite Outfit (first costume)
Cute Miner Gear(second)
Little Witch Robes (third)
Magical Girl Costume (final/special/one of three -need to design the others still-)
Been a while since I put some art stuff up. Still game related, but I'd rather not fill that topic with random pictures.
So I'll fill this one instead. ^.^
Kind of happy with these, so wanted to share.
Hoping to keep the same quality as the Brother/Father faces for all of them.
More than likely they will be lineless when finished. Just wanted to get sizes down and redesign the men-folk.