Proto Color Helper
Version 1.1
AboutAre you a coder? Need to find a good color for that style or text? Proto Color Helper is the tool for you. Get any color's RGB value and HEX value. Choose a color from the color sheet or enter in your own values. With user friendly features like,
Window Opacity, Always on Top, Hotkey Minimize and Maximize makes PTH so easy to use.
Features- Convert RGB Colors to HEX and Vice Versa
- Always on Top to keep the color data right there
- Window Opacity to keep it out of yor way
- Hotkey to Minimize to and from tray
- Color Sheet to instantly grab a color
Planned Features- Creating, Saving, Loading Palettes
- Convert color to code in several different languages e.g. R = 100, G = 50, B = 0, => Color color = Color.FromArgb(100, 50, 0);
- Helpfile
How To UseProto Color Helper is an easy to use program. If you are indeed a programmer then you should be able to navigate around the program with no instructions at all. But for people who aren't programmers and are using it for other reasons, here is a step by step guide to help you.
Step 1: Basic Color Grabbing[spoiler]We're just going to grab a color from the Color Sheet. The color sheet is placed on the left side of the window. Simply click anywhere in the color sheet and it'll grab your color for you. Then it'll grab all of its data and place them in the text boxes to the right.[/spoiler]
Step 2: Altering Colors[spoiler]Okay so you have a base color but its not quite the right one. Simply slide the slider bars that appear under
Red, Green, and Blue. Then when your color is just right use the data wherever needed.[/spoiler]
Step 3: Inputting Own Color[spoiler]Okay so say you have the RGB values but you need the HEX value. Or vica versa. Well don't waste the time trying to track down that color in the color sheet. Simple input the RGB values into the Red, Green, and Blue text boxes and it'll automatically fill the HEX text box for you. Or vica versa. Place your HEX value into the hex text box and it'll convert it to Red, Green, and Blue.[/spoiler]
Step 4: Keeping on Top of Things[spoiler]Tired of alternating between this program and your code to get the color values? No problem! Simply click on the
Settings menu on the menu bar up top. Then click
Always on Top and the window will always stay on top of every program. To disable this, simple click the option again.[/spoiler]
Step 5: You're not Glass! Or are you?[spoiler]Alright you have the program on top of everything but its in the way and you can't see behind it! No problem! We just need to change the opacity of the window! You should see a number box on the menu bar that says Opacity. Simply change the value anywhere between 1.0 and 0.1. It'll make the window transparent so you can see behind it![/spoiler]
That basically covers it!
DownloadsProto Color Helper 1.0 (210 KB) (
Credits- Ronnie Mooney (game_guy) ~ Creator of Proto Color Helper
- Winkio & Blizzard ~ C# Teachers
- Google ~ C# Code