The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Requests => Script Request => Topic started by: narwhals on January 15, 2011, 03:16:04 PM

Title: Custom-Made Menu Request? [RMVX]
Post by: narwhals on January 15, 2011, 03:16:04 PM
Hey guys! I need a little help with a script for my game.

You see, with Desorian Chronicles nearing an end, I think I wanna expand on it afterwards, AKA, make a sequel. I just know that I can't fit all of my ideas into this one game, so I wanna take my ideas further, even after the credits roll. =]

Anyway, for the second Desorian Chronicles, I really want to put an emphasis on good graphics and really making the game my own creation. SO, I decided to do some brainstorming last night, and came up with the most darling-looking menu!


This is my idea for a custom menu system! As you can see, it only has two Actor windows, because of the sequel only planned to have two characters in the game at a time, and it also has a stacked layout for the menu options, rather than running down the side.

The menu system would utilize the usual default windowskin, font, and such. having some icons beside each menu heading (Menu options, states, level icon, etc.) would also be nice!

I looked everywhere, and could not find a menu like this, so I was hoping to ask if someone could make this script for me, since I know little to jack-squat about RGSS2. I did, however, see scripts for customization options for a menu. If that's possible, please direct me to a recommended script, and I'll probably figure it all out on my own.

I've also read that you can't edit the actual default menu script in RPGVX, so you actually have to redefine stuff or rewrite everything or something? It sounds like writing a new menu would be a pain, so I won't judge people if they hesitate toward doing this request. =)

Thank you very much, everyone! I appreciate the help immensely!