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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Reviews => Topic started by: mouse on May 30, 2005, 07:53:51 PM

Title: Schion: The Awakening
Post by: mouse on May 30, 2005, 07:53:51 PM
Website: ?I think

Name: Schion: The Awakening
Creators: Flygon (Fox RPG)

First of all, this game is an RPG Maker XP game. It is set in the worlds of Schion, and has a lot of potential. The game follows you in the role of Kris, a teenager from a town in Schion, and starts with him searching for his father in Petern. This game features lots of excellent mapping right from the very start, all though a lot is copy-paste work, but that can be accepted if not overused to make all buildings in a street look the same which they do in real life.

This game is not very long but comes in chapters. I have only played Awakening and Mortimus' Quarter, and both are great games. I can't wait to see more in the Schion series, and I heard that a new MMORPG based on Schion is in the making as well as the third and fourth chapters in the series. A great game for an RMXP game, with custom character sets and cool map work, can't wait to see more.

Story: 7/10
Mapping: 8/10
Characters: 7/10

My rating: 7/10
Title: Schion: The Awakening
Post by: Flygon13 on May 30, 2005, 08:35:40 PM
Wow thanks :D My review of your game is on my site in the reviews section
Title: Schion: The Awakening
Post by: Mitch434poj on June 15, 2005, 08:39:57 PM
I played this and FULL of missed parts like I went through the mine with one character and when I got out some guy pops out and is like "well it was fun thanks for the part but I got to get back now!" lol and then I get to this girl who is like "you here to avenge your daddy's death?" and I'm like I didn't even know he died.. so they need to make there games a little more straight on the story, like when you walk into an area he should say to himeself "hmm, Maybe I should visit so and so and see if he knows where my father is"
Title: Schion: The Awakening
Post by: LinkaN on December 07, 2005, 01:26:47 PM
Where can i Download this game?
Title: Schion: The Awakening
Post by: dracohaze on December 16, 2005, 11:10:28 AM
dude, this topic was made in may... I don't think anyone is even messing with this topic any more, and it should be locked considering the link to the game doesn't work any more. So, unless someone gets the guy who posted the link posts the games link on again, we should not have a reason to post here. If you ask me, that is as close as it gets to spamming... :|