The Week on RMRK
From October Tenth to October Seventeenth!
Delivered by your friendly, neighbor hood Mailman!
Game Creation !!
- Dark Gaia's Legionwood (,32460.0.html) is getting mad props for being so long and nearing yet so far from completion! It's a unique, bright looking game that is sure to spend your time daftly! Be sure to check it out, downloadable from here. (
- Milespleasant is looking for help (,40389.0.html) regarding the creating of a gift giving system, ala Pokemon or Earthbound! Make sure to stop in and lend the poor guy a hand if you know how to solve his dilemma.
- Dark Dragon seems to be in quite the pickle (,40430.0.html) as a side view script of his is currently under the fritz. If you think you can help him tackle the problem, don't be afraid to post!
( Creativity / General Discussion !! (
Local ginger kid Dertt wishes to share (,40304.0.html) his music with you in an attempt to put freckles on your paling skin and curl your hair into a ripe carrot color. If you like ambient music, go look. If you don't like being a ginger, stay far, far away from his evil, backhanded attempts to convert the users!
Known Otaku and part time artist Otacon wishes to show her art (,39543.0.html) to you! It won't turn you into a ginger but you might end up with bigger eyes and saying uguu~ after everything. You've been warned.
User Matthew has posted the first chapter of a very long seeming action/fantasy/adventure (,40292.0.html) story which has yet to be named! It's pretty awesome and if you've got some time on your hands to try and tackle it, go for it!
Arrow has an idea! (,40429.0.html) Everybody run and hide and he might go away if he doesn't think we're home!
Mike Portnoy has left Dream Theater for Avenged Sevenfold (Yes, i'm just as confused as you are.) and it's caused a bit of confusion (,40432.0.html) amongst the usual RMRK posters, namely Irock, who is crying himself to sleep at night over the loss of the drummer.
Our lovely admin Roph is touching himself (,40312.0.html) over the new Borderlands DLC, and the rest of the forum seems to agree with it! (The DLC, that is, not the touching.)
Mad Klown's up to no good in trying to create a new social networking (,40402.0.html) site! Could it possibly fell the likes of Facebook and the dying remnants of Myspace? Who knows!
Party time! (,423.12775.html)
The ever vicious RMRK Battle Royale (,39916.0.html) continues, as Xblak and the Communist Admin are nowhere to be seen. Have they been defeated? The users of the costume contest have taken up reign as their characters while they duke it out!
That's all folks, join us next week as I deliver the news! Until then I have to be puffing away across town!
The Mailman.
rofl wtf
Goddammit, where's my magazine? I've been waiting for it for ages. :mad:
I aint crying myself to sleep. I hope he stays gone because the next album is going to rule.
how did he get his rep like that at level 20?
Nigger magic
I enjoy mail, especially from *GASP* the mail man!
i believe it's one of Roph's creations from back in the day... I vaguely remember seeing this randomly
I rather enjoyed reading this. Don't know why
Well mailman, it was an idea not something officially I was going to do.
Quote from: grafikal on October 18, 2010, 06:18:47 AM
i believe it's one of Roph's creations from back in the day... I vaguely remember seeing this randomly
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Yesterday at 03:26:30 AM
Stop stealing my ambiguously oriented porn magazines, Mailman!
Um... I mean...
??? im confused what are you guy's talking about?