The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK General => General Chat => Topic started by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 01:07:20 AM

Title: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 01:07:20 AM
I'm trying to update JW Player. I replaced all the files, but online it says it's STILL the old version.

I DELETED the player.swf file. It's gone. No longer on my webspace. GONE.

so then I type in









Title: Re: [Rant] Am I Losing My Mind?
Post by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 01:22:47 AM
I just made the new player player2.swf and went back and changed all the html files to reference player2.swf instead of player.swf.
This shit is ridiculous. It shouldn't be this hard just to get a decently-sized but still good quality video to stream online.
Add to this the fact that my roomate likes to UNPLUG THE FUCKING ROUTER TO PLAY ON STEAM FOR 8 HOURS WHEN HE GETS HOME FROM WORK. (he pays for comcast, and so do I)
Nice. Now I can't upload anything, because our school's wired internet is complete shit.
ARGH. Guess I'll just go spend another 74 hours trying to get a halfway decent encode of just one of the four videos I have online.

This thread is now the official rant about technology thread.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Roph on May 25, 2010, 01:55:00 AM
Upload the source videos, I'll have a go at compressing them =o
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Grafikal on May 25, 2010, 01:57:43 AM
lol. I like technology, I don't like when my webpages break tho :(
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 12:37:11 PM
Okay. Apparently my web hosting is fucking haunted. I just logged in, and made some edits to the html and css through their file manager online, and certain styles and things wouldn't change. So I downloaded the files, and opened them on my drive, locally, and they DID change. The changes I made show correctly on my local drive, but the virtually identical files on the server do NOT. What the hell is going on with my hosting?

edit: stupid web browsers and their differences between F5, reload, and ctrl+F5.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Roph on May 25, 2010, 12:53:07 PM
What host do you use? Could always move =o
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 01:45:54 PM
I would, but I pay $170 every two years for "unlimited" space and "unlimited" bandwidth at StartLogic.
And I also JUST payed it, lol, so if I'm gonna switch I'm should wait another 20 or so months.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Roph on May 25, 2010, 03:40:40 PM
You should search about your prospective next host on

Incidentally, the entire first page of a search I did on startlogic was 100% bad results.

I would recommend - My experience with them is from using them for more lightweight hosting and serving downloads, which they do pretty good. Actually, when I make my VPS grab files from E2, it regularly gets above 80mbit/s, which is amazing for a cheap shared host.

Nouman is also in bed with them or something, he could probably get you some kind of cheaper deal. I pay $96 yearly.

If you've just renewed with startlogic, then now is perhaps a good time to ask for that renewal to be refunded.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 04:09:05 PM
Granted, their entire first page about StartLogic was all about 1 topic, their email. Which DOES suck. But I use gmail, so what's the point?

I'll look into eleven2.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on May 25, 2010, 06:55:26 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Grafikal on May 25, 2010, 07:05:11 PM
i use:
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 07:14:08 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on May 25, 2010, 09:05:00 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Kokowam on May 25, 2010, 09:51:05 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: cozziekuns on May 25, 2010, 09:54:27 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on May 25, 2010, 10:19:00 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Kokowam on May 25, 2010, 10:31:21 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Grafikal on May 25, 2010, 10:56:39 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Zylos on May 25, 2010, 11:28:37 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Kokowam on May 25, 2010, 11:55:05 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on May 30, 2010, 05:20:23 PM
No matter what you have faced in the world of technology, NOTHING will EVER be more difficult, time consuming, or downright ass backwards than trying to set up a wireless printer.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Kokowam on June 01, 2010, 01:30:28 AM
What about trying to get games to work on Windows Vista? :V
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: cozziekuns on June 01, 2010, 01:32:44 AM
What about trying to get games to work on Windows Vista? :V

What about trying to get games to work on a Mac? :V
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on June 01, 2010, 02:44:42 AM
Mac is for work.
Windows is for games.
Thats's how I run it.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Grafikal on June 01, 2010, 08:49:31 PM
Mac is for work.
Windows is for games.
Thats's how I run it.

Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: tSwitch on June 01, 2010, 09:07:35 PM
Mac is for work.
Windows is for games.
Thats's how I run it.

except for WoW and some Steam games.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on June 03, 2010, 08:49:30 PM
I have Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit.
So in other words, I can't install HALF of my games, because when I try I get "The program or feature "\??\G:\setup.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of windows."

And before you ask:
1.) Yes, i "explored" the disc, running autorun.exe AND setup.exe. Same error message.
2.) Yes, I ran as administrator. Same error message.
3.) Yes, I tried ALL compatibility modes. Same error message.
4.) Yes, I tried compatibility modes AND run as administrator at the same time. Same error message.

Fucking retarded.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on June 03, 2010, 09:29:17 PM
Virtual XP doesn't work, either. What the fuck is this shit?
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on June 03, 2010, 10:25:59 PM
Look for an .exe made specifically for 64-bit Windows. That's still a pain in the ass, but it might enable you to run at least a few more games.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on June 03, 2010, 11:01:49 PM

I might as well just buy it, Walmart has it for like $16. Chances are I had a bad download, or an old one, or something. (It didn't work on my roomate's computer, either)
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on July 18, 2010, 10:36:29 PM
So, my girlfriend is playing Final Fantasy X. It has a tiny little scratch on it. This, of course, makes the game COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE.
I tried downloading an iso, but first Swap Magic wouldn't load it because it was the retarded international version! I downloaded three separate torrents, only to find out that they were the SAME FILE, but with slightly different file sizes. I finally found a way to get ONE of them to work. SORRY. CAN'T FIND YOUR SAVE FILE.

I think I finally found the right goddamn version, but it's on rapidshare. Meaning, I have to "wait 120 seconds" about 30 times before I have it.

Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on July 19, 2010, 06:13:32 AM
Final Fantasy X is like $2 at The Exchange, which is 3 minutes from where you live.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Jonesy on July 19, 2010, 09:01:40 AM
So, my girlfriend is playing Final Fantasy X. It has a tiny little scratch on it. This, of course, makes the game COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE.
I tried downloading an iso, but first Swap Magic wouldn't load it because it was the retarded international version! I downloaded three separate torrents, only to find out that they were the SAME FILE, but with slightly different file sizes. I finally found a way to get ONE of them to work. SORRY. CAN'T FIND YOUR SAVE FILE.

I think I finally found the right goddamn version, but it's on rapidshare. Meaning, I have to "wait 120 seconds" about 30 times before I have it.


Toothpaste and freezer. It's fixed 2 of my games.

What you do is put toothpaste on the underside of the disc, and rub it out from the center, till it's all covered. Leave it for an hour or two and then get it off, you may need to use water to get some of it off.

Make sure it's dry, then chuck it in a bag and pop it in the freezer for a few hours. (like 3 or 4).

Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on July 19, 2010, 03:19:46 PM
I found the right version online ($0), but I will try this toothpaste trick sometime.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Kokowam on July 19, 2010, 03:25:27 PM
I think I'll try that trick with a Super Smash Bros. Melee disc I have that I got for free (thanks, Amazon and your A-Z guarantee!). It's completely mangled up so I doubt it'll work, but it's always worth a try, lol.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on July 19, 2010, 03:36:44 PM
Final Fantasy X is like $2 at The Exchange, which is 3 minutes from where you live.
It's a matter of pride! :mad:
I've already bought another copy of the game once because it got one little scratch and stopped working. I refuse to pay for a third! :mad:
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Kokowam on July 19, 2010, 03:47:31 PM
 If you have Swap Magic, you've paid for that so you might as well refuse to pay for any other PS2 game you wish to play. P:
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on July 19, 2010, 03:50:50 PM
Since getting Swap Magic, I've added 8 new PS2 games to library. lol :v

This post would belong in a "I LOVE TECHNOLOGY" thread.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: mouse on December 19, 2010, 01:05:12 AM

Thank you.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: tSwitch on December 19, 2010, 01:09:38 AM

The fact is though, the newer operating systems are programmed much different from the old ones so...old programs are actually prone to break.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Cascading Dragon on December 19, 2010, 03:13:49 AM

The fact is though, the newer operating systems are programmed much different from the old ones so...old programs are actually prone to break.
And backwards compatibility is a waste of time, because it usually only slows down the system, and thus rids the OS of most the advances it has made. :)
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Countdown on March 10, 2011, 08:36:55 PM
My Mac has a dead IP address. Been working on it for 5+ hours and it's still not working. Going to run it through Ethernet now because I don't even care anymore.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on March 10, 2011, 09:27:04 PM
Just received my DSTwo Super Card in the mail today.

It doesn't work.

The one I bought 6 months ago and gave to my girlfriend works. But not mine.

$40, wasted. Awesome.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on March 11, 2011, 06:29:08 AM
Update the DStwo cart's firmware. The problem is probably that your DS's firmware has recently updated, which might have blocked out the cart. If you hard flash the cart's firmware to the cart, it might work. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for the next DStwo firmware update.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on March 11, 2011, 02:34:50 PM
I don't understand how that works.

My DSi is 1.4, and so is my girlfriend's.

The old DSTwo from 6 months ago that has never been updated still works in BOTH DSi's.
The brand new DSTwo doesn't work in EITHER.

edit: Thinking about it again, maybe it does make sense. The old DSTwo was never updated ... I think. Maybe it was, and I wasn't aware of it, I don't know. But if that's the case, it means I need a DS that hasn't been updated to 1.4 yet, and if I could have found that, I wouldn't have had to buy a DSTwo card in the first place, I could have kept using my Acekard 2i.

So ... wait, no, it still doesn't make sense.

I bought the first DSTwo cart 6 months ago because I had already upgraded my firmware to 1.4. Doing so made my Acekard no longer work, so THAT'S why I bought the DSTwo. Because it came ready, and usable on the 1.4 firmware.

So why doesn't the DSTwo I bought 2 weeks ago work if it's still on 1.4? Nothing's changed.

Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on March 11, 2011, 03:41:53 PM
Because your new cart doesn't have the latest firmware on it. You have to flash the cart with the latest custom firmware, and then the DS will recognize it as a valid game.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on March 11, 2011, 04:16:40 PM
But I can't do that unless I can find a DS that has older firmware, right?
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on March 11, 2011, 04:30:51 PM
No, you go to the supercard website and download the latest firmware for the DStwo.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on March 11, 2011, 05:42:19 PM
Okay, it worked.

I don't know how it worked. I'm amazed the technology is smart enough to simply work that way. You know, I thought the DSi would be too smart and to simply ignore what's loaded on the root of the SD Micro card, but I guess I was wrong. I mean, how can it be that simple?

I mean, to upgrade the firmware on the Acekard 2i, you need a DS that hasn't been upgraded yet. I wonder how the DSTwo guys got around that...

Well, it works, so I'm happy.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on March 11, 2011, 06:00:33 PM
Supercards from the DStwo on have an on-board chip, rather than just being ds-game shaped SD cards. This lets them do things like flash the DS's firmware, and run games that use more storage. The Acekard doesn't have the chip, so you need to use another DS. The DStwo is superior to the DSone, because with the DSone, you got a usb-flasher, and had to flash the cart that way. Now you can just do it all from the cart itself.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: jomarcenter on May 17, 2012, 01:55:17 PM
What the **** **** (contain too much fowl language to censored them all)
My hard drive crash in my face which I don't know why...
Why does computer manufacture don't use flash drive instead of hard drive or invent a new type of file storage device!!!! Now I have to buy new computer and also request a ton of activation code renew and a ton of problems...

I'm totally #^#%%*%#^%%#*%%#*#
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Mushu on May 17, 2012, 02:05:02 PM
How old was your computer?
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: jomarcenter on May 17, 2012, 02:16:38 PM
How old was your computer?
4-3 years
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Mishka on May 17, 2012, 03:04:42 PM
What the **** **** (contain too much fowl language to censored them all)
My hard drive crash in my face which I don't know why...
Why does computer manufacture don't use flash drive instead of hard drive or invent a new type of file storage device!!!! Now I have to buy new computer and also request a ton of activation code renew and a ton of problems...

I'm totally #^#%%*%#^%%#*%%#*#
Might want to try Solid State Drives.

Thing is, the tech is super volatile.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Dwarra? on May 17, 2012, 06:09:53 PM
And super expensive
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Gracie on May 17, 2012, 06:33:59 PM
The newest java makes my new computer crash.

Its brand new, custom built, runs Brink, Amnesia, fucking everything under the sun on full graphics, and fucking java makes it crash constantly. I know its Java doing it since when I uninstall it it works perfectly again. I'm happy to just not play minecraft since thats all I need it for, but still. Its fucking ridiculous.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Lethrface on May 17, 2012, 06:44:57 PM
What the **** **** (contain too much fowl language to censored them all)
My hard drive crash in my face which I don't know why...
Why does computer manufacture don't use flash drive instead of hard drive or invent a new type of file storage device!!!! Now I have to buy new computer and also request a ton of activation code renew and a ton of problems...

I'm totally #^#%%*%#^%%#*%%#*#

You sure seem to have a lot of computer problems.  Are you sure it is your harddrive?  Afterall, you were saying that google + your game caused your computer to BSOD.  I just don't think you have a full grasp of hardware issues.  I would have someone look at it before jumping the gun and deciding to buy a new computer...It could be as cheap as having to buy a new stick of ram or a watch battery for the motherboard.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: jomarcenter on May 18, 2012, 01:13:33 AM
What the **** **** (contain too much fowl language to censored them all)
My hard drive crash in my face which I don't know why...
Why does computer manufacture don't use flash drive instead of hard drive or invent a new type of file storage device!!!! Now I have to buy new computer and also request a ton of activation code renew and a ton of problems...

I'm totally #^#%%*%#^%%#*%%#*#

You sure seem to have a lot of computer problems.  Are you sure it is your harddrive?  Afterall, you were saying that google + your game caused your computer to BSOD.  I just don't think you have a full grasp of hardware issues.  I would have someone look at it before jumping the gun and deciding to buy a new computer...It could be as cheap as having to buy a new stick of ram or a watch battery for the motherboard.
1. My harddrive is now making sound...
2. I don't have back up
3. I will get a hard time to renew my activation code on my RPG maker vx ace, and other program I've use.
4. I lose up to 200 gb of files...
And also if there any mistake on my word...  **** iPod touch auto correct.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Mishka on May 18, 2012, 01:19:31 AM
You could buy a new harddrive for a fraction of the cost of a new computer...
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on July 03, 2012, 08:44:34 PM
Psp just died literally SECONDS before I could get to a save point in Xenogears. It was during that sequence where you break in to Fatima castle. You know, the one that takes an hour and gives you NO save point.

Why does this make me hate technology? Because the PSP doesn't charge with USB unless you're not playing a game. Seriously, what fucking genius came up with that idea? Hey, let's let the PSP charge with USB, but NOT when someone's playing a game!

My AC adapter is at work, because that's usually where I play.

Fucking stupid.

Oh, and once the PSP is dead, USB STILL can't charge it unless you turn it on and TELL it to be charged by USB. Meaning my PSP is dead until I get back to work, which because of the holiday will by Friday.

Hey, let's let the PSP be charged by USB, but only when you aren't playing a game, and only when you go cycle through 4 or 5 menu choices and TELL it to charge that way.


Seriously, the save point was ON THE FUCKING SCREEN. And then it just fucking shut off.


Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Grafikal on July 03, 2012, 08:56:08 PM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: DoctorTodd on July 03, 2012, 09:05:48 PM
That makes me think of the time when I bought a PSP go and when I tried to buy a game I got an error code. I looked on the internet and there was no help on it, so I called Sony but they had never heard of the error so I had to return it and buy a PSP 3000.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Roph on July 04, 2012, 12:35:53 AM
The way the USB standard works, a device must negotiate with the host to enter high-power mode. Only then would it get enough current to charge with, and even then the max it will get is 500mA. That's why a device needs some initial power to start charging, in order to communicate and ask for the higher power. Yeah it kind of sucks if you have a dead battery and want to charge off USB.

You can run most smartphones nowadays hard and they will actually still slowly discharge even while "charging" from USB.

Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Esmeralda on July 04, 2012, 10:48:16 AM
If you're running CFW you can just toggle and option that lets it recharge using USB no matter what you're currently doing. Very handy if you're like me and broke the official charger.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on July 05, 2012, 03:36:45 AM
aahhh I have a CFW I wish I knew that
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Countdown on August 02, 2012, 02:33:41 AM
So...I use VLC player on my Mac to play MKV files. Always has worked beautifully...except when I try to play one movie that I hav that is 2.02 GB. It skips, it lags, and it throws audio video sync off. I've played it in other programs, and they all skip at the same spot, but they all skip to different segments of the movie. So I updated the stupid program, and what did it do? Nothing. Still skips.

Is there a fix to this thing? Or an alternate program that actually works?

My comp is plenty good enough. 2.8 Quad Core with 8 GB RAM and a good graphics card with 1 GB for it. I'm also not running any other program while using VLC. It's starting to really piss me off.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: D&P3 on August 02, 2012, 02:40:00 AM
I use mpc-hc to watch videos. Seems to work fine on every movie I play.

But if more than a few video players are skipping at that spot, it's more than likely a bad sector in the video than the video player at fault.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Arrow on August 02, 2012, 06:31:05 PM
If I could just say that not being able to maintain a stable internet connection makes me want to scream

because this is a thing that is very completely true
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on August 02, 2012, 09:53:49 PM
Yeah, I'm having that problem as well. Not sure if it's Comcast or my router, but it just ... stops ... every other day or so, and I have to unplug things to get it working again.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on August 03, 2012, 12:19:09 AM
Update: Moved the router 10 feet closer to my desktop computer. Now it's 3 times faster. ::)
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Countdown on August 03, 2012, 01:54:25 AM
That's why I only use an Ethernet cable. I'm so far away from my router (my family has it upstairs by the family computer).
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: MagitekElite on August 03, 2012, 06:50:33 PM
Ugh! I can't get Ruby to install on Windows properly. It is annoying me beyond belief! Time to try Ubuntu!
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on August 15, 2012, 11:33:03 PM
Tried to play a game on Steam, today.

4:00 : Shitty router drops connection for about 30 minutes. (Even though it's rated #2 on Google Shopping, and is a "great router!")
4:30 : Router finally fixed, internet working again.
5:00 : Internet stops suddenly, again. Turns out it was Comcast this time.
6:00 : Comcast service is back, router not working. (I plugged directly in to the modem, and it was fine.)
6:30 : Factory reset router, internet working again.
7:15 : Router drops connection again.
7:30 : Internet's back, but Steam is down. Can't log in.

I'm about to have a fucking aneurysm.

edit: Oh, it's a Steam update?

God. Dammit. I just want to fucking play video games on my one goddamn day off.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Jules on August 16, 2012, 01:56:23 AM

/me hugs you

I've had days like that ;9
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on January 18, 2013, 09:06:37 PM
I need to edit some PDFs, so I went to piratebay to download Acrobat. But then I thought "wait, there's a trial period, so there's really no need for me to do this." So I went and tried to download it from Adobe's website, and it made me install Air, and then use their ridiculous download assistant software. And then it wouldn't even let me download it because of "restrictive access permissions." I couldn't figure out how to fix it. The one thing the download assistant is meant for (assisting downloads), and it couldn't even do it.

So I went back to piratebay.

This could have been easy, Adobe. This could have resulted in me NOT illegally obtaining your program. You brought this on yourself.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Kokowam on January 18, 2013, 10:03:58 PM
Refer to: All DRM
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on January 18, 2013, 10:35:17 PM
For real. Related; fuck uPlay.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: LoganF on January 19, 2013, 12:49:23 PM
For real. Related; fuck uPlay.

The only thing I like about it is that you can use your achievement points to get some free stuff. Otherwise,

Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on February 12, 2013, 12:22:02 AM
Hey guys, here for another rant!

So I'm trying to play Witcher 2, and after waiting 3 hours for it to download all fucking 16 GB of it, it hanged for 2 minutes with "first time install" crap before it started up. But hey, whatever, it worked. I stopped playing, and came back to it just now, and it's doing the first time 2 minute install hang thing AGAIN, and apparently this is a common and completely unresolved issue, which is fucking ridiculous. Have you not made video games before, CDProjekt? Is this your first time? I tried one of the user solutions of uninstalling .NET framework, because that's what it keeps trying to install again and again and again, and each time it takes 2 minutes. So yeah, did that and now it just crashes on startup, it doesn't even try to install it one more time, correctly, like people said it would. So I uninstalled the whole damn game, and I'm gonna try downloading it again.

So I figured, in the meantime, maybe I'll play Minecraft. It's been a while, and I've been jonesing for it. is down. Server error.

See, this is annoying because my girlfriend and I just went out to dinner, and got back, and were like "let's do our own thing for an hour or so and then watch Netflix and go to bed." So now "my own thing" consists of staring at a computer screen waiting for a fucking 16GB file to download, and NOT playing Minecraft. And then watching Netflix and going to bed, which isn't bad. Well, actually, I'll have to stop the download to watch Netflix. And then I'll turn the computer off when I go to bed, because it's noisy and blinky. So the 16GB file won't be done until tomorrow at 10 am, if I get up at 8. But oh, right, I have an interview at 11, and another at 2:30.

tl;dr: I just wanted to play some fucking Witcher 2, and I won't be able to, now, until 4 PM tomorrow. For an hour. Then my girlfriend will get home, and we'll have dinner, and then it'll probably still not work.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: haloOfTheSun on February 12, 2013, 01:49:32 AM
I'm also getting really tired of unresolved issues in video games, including gamebreaking bugs and glitches. I guess those are still better than not being able to even install the game at all. It's like they're saying "HAHA WE HAVE YOUR MONEY SCREW YOU BITCHES"
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Moss. on February 12, 2013, 02:06:06 AM
Honestly, if I complained to CDProjekt they would probably give me my money back, and then mail me an Xbox version and a free Xbox 360 to play it on, with an additional collector's edition and a 7' tall cardboard cutout of Geralt the Witcher, a replica necklace from the game, and 35 t-shirts.

Seriously, did you hear what they did when people weren't 100% crazy about the game? They re-released an "enhanced version" of the game, adding 10+GB of content, expanding chapters, and including the current DLC, and gave it away FOR FREE to people that had already purchased the original. Plus the enhanced version came with a goddamn map, a DVD of extras, an art book, and all this other crazy neat stuff. Like, the first version wasn't even BAD. It just had a few flaws, and was a bit too difficult, so they were like "you know what, here. Better game, and tons of free stuff. Because we love you! <3"

And full price, on Steam, it's still only $20. And it's on sale all the goddamn time. Like 50% off. They're practically giving the damn game away.

Edit: Better article:

I may hate technology from time to time, but I do love CDProjekt Red.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Roph on February 13, 2013, 07:09:01 AM
Often times you can just start the game's .exe directly, without having to start it via steam. At least then it should avoid the "first time setup" stuff.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Holkeye on February 13, 2013, 07:13:32 AM
CdProjekt gave me a free copy of the Xbox version to review on Facebook and spread the word, because I'm a huge fan of theirs. They, Valve, and Irrational are the three best game companies for big-budget releases, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Official 'I HATE TECHNOLOGY" Rant Thread
Post by: Roph on February 13, 2013, 09:05:09 AM
Stardock also deserves some love.