The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => RPG Maker General => General Tutorials and Eventing => Topic started by: Solundor on April 22, 2010, 09:53:02 AM

Title: Chest open
Post by: Solundor on April 22, 2010, 09:53:02 AM
I can't remember how to make the Chest open
the only thing I can think is to use self switch for each opening sprite
can one one help?
Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Zeriab on April 22, 2010, 11:00:15 AM
You need to make it turn.
Try choosing a chest as your hero. (the one you can see on the map)
That way you can easily derive how to move the chest with a Set Move Route to animate it opening.
I believe you will also remember it better than if I just give you the solution.

Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Solundor on April 22, 2010, 11:38:30 AM
Man i just did 18 events all with self switches and all with different sprites,
I'm going to leave it, unless you can tell me your way is better and why
but thank you for the response
Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Grafikal on April 22, 2010, 02:18:51 PM
HAHAHA 18 EVENTS?! that's the most retarded way I've ever heard.

Zeriab told you the basics. He's not into telling you the answer, he's into helping you find it for yourself so that it sinks in more.

But unfortunately he is gone, and since you're doing it just a dumb way, then I will tell you how.


Make an event for your chest.
Make it 2 pages.
On the SECOND PAGE, turn on one of the conditions as a self switch (which ever letter you want, I use 'A' first.)
Back on the 1st page, make the event player activated.
In the event commands you only need 2 things. A movement command and a selfswitch trigger.

      Face LEFT
      Wait: 5 Frames
      Face RIGHT
      Wait: 5 Frames
SelfSwitch A: ON

On your second page of the event, make sure that it's set to PARALLEL PROCESS. Make sure that the graphic for the second page is set as the chest that you want to open at COMPLETELY OPEN. (The last frame of the open chest.)

Now in the event commands, place whatever you need in there. The chest is open now. To end the second page, either end the event commands with a SelfSwitch A: OFF, or SelfSwitch B: ON and create new page that is the chest open and empty, or Exit Event Processing.

There you go. 1 event and maybe 4 different commands. Easier.

But if you still think making 18 different events to do this same thing is easier for you, then have fun, cause it's probably going to be similar to taking it up the butt for the first time...every time.
Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: modern algebra on April 22, 2010, 02:55:42 PM
I think he meant that he made 18 chest events, not that he used 18 events to make one chest :P
Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Solundor on April 22, 2010, 04:30:35 PM
Yes I made 18 chest events each with 5 pages long
so if I keep my chest events the way they are it will lag up the game?
If it doesn't I will just Keep Them


I tried it your way but it doesn't work with what I'm trying to do
what im doing is this
Spoiler for:
First page
( (
Second page
( (
Third page
( (
Forth page
( (
Fifth Page
( (

Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Grafikal on April 22, 2010, 09:31:23 PM
haha, well you only need 3 pages then. and if what i said didn't work for you, then you didn't do it right.


Condition: IF [Master Key] in inventory
  Text: Do you wish to use the master key on this chest?
               Change Items [Master Key] -1
               SOUND EFFECT
                   Face LEFT
                   Wait: 5 Frames
                   Face RIGHT
                   Wait: 5 Frames
               SelfSwitch A = ON
               Else: N/A


(If selfswitch A is ON)
(Make sure Parallel Process is checked)
(Event graphic as fully open chest)

Change Item [Your new shit] +1
SOUND EFFECT (item get!)
       You just received a new item.
SelfSwitch B = ON

(If selfswitch B is ON)
(Make sure Action Button is checked)
(Event graphic as closed or fully open chest)

      This chest has already been looted
Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Solundor on April 23, 2010, 04:37:00 AM
What the hell is wrong with me,
I followed yours to a T but it still doesn't work,
can you make a game to show me how it is spores to work
Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Grafikal on April 23, 2010, 04:47:25 AM
You might have direction fix on or something. Your graphic will constantly face the same direction, so in the movement commands, turn that stuff off, then turn it back on when it's done.
Title: Re: Chest open
Post by: Solundor on April 23, 2010, 05:32:33 AM
yes did it  ;8
So what i got is

Spoiler for:
First page
( (
Second page
( (
Third page
( (

Is this ok or can it be done better