The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Recruitment => Topic started by: UltimateIfrit on February 14, 2010, 08:31:18 AM

Title: [Request]I need music
Post by: UltimateIfrit on February 14, 2010, 08:31:18 AM
Who here would like to compose music for my original game Memories Demise: Time of awakening? I know no one knows the game, but I am a horrible music composer and I can't use anything unoriginal if I want to release this game.

This is the story of Memories Demise: Time of Awakening.
Spoiler for story:
We all must pay for our wrongs at some point, but we should at least know the charges against us. When memories shatter, they must be rebuilt. When hearts corrupt, they must be destroyed. When one walks the path of light, they get praised. When one walks the path of darkness, the get shunned. But what becomes of one who walks neither? What are they to do? Well inside humanities only hope, there lies an equal balance of Light and Dark. Though to gain the power to defeat the only true threat against all mankind, he must reawaken himself. When will this occur, when is........ the TIME OF AWAKENING? - Prophecy of awakening, Memories Demise: Time of awakening

Website for the game is up and running.
Spoiler for Memories Demise Website:

I need the following music for this game:
Title screen music
Short Title ME
Battle theme
Boss Theme
Last boss theme
Special Boss theme
Recurring boss theme
World Map
Other various Map music
and possibly more.

Most important at this time:
Intro cutscene music
Music used in events(Like when you have to hurry, when there is an evil feeling, stuff like that.)

The RM version of the game WILL NOT BE SOLD, just released. Later on, after I get a little more training with 3D graphics, the game will be remade into 3D and Possibly Sold. A demo for Memories Demise: Time of Awakening, will be released in the next month or so. So now that I got a little bit of music, I can Finish the Demo Script, and get a Demo Released. After the Demo is released, I will not be needing any music for a little while.

Anyone willing to work on the music for the game?
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: modern algebra on February 17, 2010, 01:48:29 PM
Hmm, having 100% unique custom music for your game is a little excessive, but your heart's in the right place. I would suggest looking at the music that's already out there and see if any of that is suitable. Your request is rather large, and I am uncertain that a composer would want to commit himself to such a huge project without remuneration.

One of my favourite collections is HOTSOMS ( from our very own HaloOftheSun. newgrounds is also a great site to look at.

Also, I moved it to the recruitment section, since I think that a composer who makes that much music for you is really a team member and people willing to take on a large project like that would be more likely to browse this section.

Also, why can't you use anything unoriginal if you want to release the game? As long as you have permission, there are no issues with legality.
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: UltimateIfrit on February 21, 2010, 01:18:18 AM
Yeah, but the problem is, most stuff I have to pay for permission. That is why I can't use anything unoriginal. I am broke.
I am trying to keep this game at a free level.

Now I could see what is out there though. Thank you for that advice.
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: Grafikal on February 21, 2010, 02:34:12 AM
Are you selling the game you're making? Because a LARGE majority of the time, it simply requires a credit line in your game to be used.

If you are selling your game... it better be insanely god damn good, and since there's never been an RM game that good, no one would want to spend that much time creating original music.

Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: UltimateIfrit on February 21, 2010, 11:28:50 AM
Whether or not I put a price on it all depends on the final outcome. I will not say for certain if I plan on selling this.

And an RM Game can be that good, if one was to use it to maximum potential. If used to it's full potential you can create stuff similar to the first 6 final fantasy games.

The funny thing is, using the power of scripting, RMXP is limitless with what it can do if you can edit scripts properly.

But like I said though, the games FINAL OUTCOME is what will determine whether or not I sell this game.

To make a truely good game, I will need a team eventually. But for now, I am just getting music. Not so much anything else. :-\
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: Grafikal on February 21, 2010, 06:56:38 PM
I didn't say it couldn't be that good, I said one has never been that good. That means that no one wants to spend the time on this if it hasn't happened yet. We're pretty sure it can't be done because all games start but almost never finish. Wether or not to sell a game depending on the outcome of it is dumb. Not to mention you totally have your collection in resources way backwards. Music should be one of the last things you obtain. The music should enhance the game's scenes and play, not the other way around, ever. So right off the bat, you're not making a game that good. It sounds like you have nothing done for this game. No experienced music artist here is going to help you. Point blank. You can say that you know how a scene should go, but you don't actually know. It's like making videos and movies dude. I do this all the time. To really know, you either have to have what you're talking about finished, or have very accurate storyboards of the scenes that you know won't change. If you don't have either, you're really not taking this serious enough yet, and again, no one will help you. I'm sorry dude, but asking for original music is an intense order of business. You don't even know if you'll sell this game yet man. If you actually knew if you were selling, you might have a better chance if you had good solid proof that your game is real and is in a full force production and that music is the only thing left lacking in the game. Then you tell the music artist that they'll get paid a percentage of what the game makes. (But again, the game has to be good to even try to be sold, so the biggest hurdle here is trying to convince us that your game is even good...which really...will probably not happen.)

I swear, like 3 months from now, some random leech is going to create an account to grave-dig this topic and post 1 thing to say that they might help, but send them an email and work it out. I guarantee that this person doesn't know anything and just wants in for the shit of it.

Anyways, don't take any of this in any sort of wrong way or anything. I didn't mean any harm by saying these, it's all just truth. Making real games are not easy and are not simple.
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: UltimateIfrit on February 22, 2010, 12:25:38 AM
Right now at this point I need a good intro song for right after the opening of the game. Everyone knows one thing, the intro must co-op with the music to make a strong intro. Same as in movies and videos. I am just about to start making some of the maps and stuff. But at the same time I am planning ahead.

As of this moment, Intro music is the most important thing. That and music for when your in a hurry and when something goes wrong. You know, basic event music. The rest can actually wait until the game is done.

Trust me, I have this whole thing plotted in my head. It is going to be a good game. ;)

And unlike most people, I follow through with my games until I see the end. And have the end look good.

This sort of stuff is what I am going into after I get through with school.

As for the feeling of disbelief that the game is actually going to exist, I have characters, enemy plans, and more.

Give me 2 weeks, I can get a couple of good screenshots going for this game so you can see what it is like.

(I am sorry that I didn't clear any of this up in my first post. I will edit it with all this info. This wasn't exactly my biggest attention grabbing post. Or my best. In fact, this is probably my worst post online ever. I wrote this post feeling tired and drowsy. I just rushed it. My first post will be edited later with all basic info.)
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: strike on February 22, 2010, 02:20:24 AM
the thing is, with all the rpg maker games out there no one will buy one. so i'd suggest dropping that idea like a bad habit. if you want to sell small games like this, learn to make things for iphones. it's a much better starting point for someone going to school for game design. if you have a game that's sold a few hundred times on apple store, it'll look amazing on your resume to a real development house (for example valve, 2k, dice, ect.) these days even entry level jobs are hard to find without some sort of experience(as counter intuitive as it seems) and most big game houses are downsizing because of the shitty economy.

That said, I'm not trying to discourage your use of the program as a hobby. it's just that, it's not really something that is meant for sales.
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: Grafikal on February 22, 2010, 02:24:31 AM
Actually I thought it'd be a pretty cool idea to use GameMaker to make xbl games. I know they can export to xbl. And microsoft does a deal with independent game makers that do that. You can actually put your game on the arcade for like $2 or something and at that rate microsoft would make like 80 cents off of every download from it and you make the remaining amount but you get a check like quarterly or something, so if you get a lot of downloads, it stacks up and you get a fat check every 3 months or so from microsoft. But gamemaker is apparently pretty damn complicated - which is why there's so many RM games - which is why no one buys RM games ever. Just sayin'
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: strike on February 22, 2010, 02:27:19 AM
Actually I thought it'd be a pretty cool idea to use GameMaker to make xbl games. I know they can export to xbl. And microsoft does a deal with independent game makers that do that. You can actually put your game on the arcade for like $2 or something and at that rate microsoft would make like 80 cents off of every download from it and you make the remaining amount but you get a check like quarterly or something, so if you get a lot of downloads, it stacks up and you get a fat check every 3 months or so from microsoft. But gamemaker is apparently pretty damn complicated - which is why there's so many RM games - which is why no one buys RM games ever. Just sayin'
I'll admit I forgot about that but I thought he was using RM, isn't he?
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: Grafikal on February 22, 2010, 02:34:24 AM
yeah, he's using an RM, i was just sayin' if he wanted to sell a game, he could totally do the iphone thing or do what i mentioned. A friend and boss of mine from last summer wanted to do this for XBL, but was too busy with clients to be able to, which is where i heard about it.
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: UltimateIfrit on February 22, 2010, 07:19:51 AM
Right now I am using RM as a start for gaming. Plus, you guys are right, I will just release it when it is done. But I still do want this game to be original. Just to see if I can make a good game without ripping anything off.

Sometime in the future, I do actually want to go into 3D animation and start making games in 3D.

But for now, this is a good start for me. You know, just to say I started  somewhere.

It's like I always say: No matter what, you must start small, before you can go big. Do the little stuff first, so that way when the big stuff comes, you can get a taste of what is coming. ;)

So far though, as of this moment in time, I do still need music. Those 2 things listed in my first post as most important, I do need that stuff for good points in the game.

I appreciate this advice on my games though. Soon I will show that I can make good games almost on my own. If I can do that, than working with a team will be no problem.

Anyways, I also started the game's opening sequence. Just give me a little time to put screen shots on here. ;D
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: haloOfTheSun on February 22, 2010, 07:48:52 AM
One of my favourite collections is HOTSOMS ( from our very own HaloOftheSun.

You have no idea how much I hate those songs lol
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: modern algebra on February 22, 2010, 01:11:53 PM
hehe, too bad. I'm going to recommend them to everyone ever. I guess you'll just have to make another huge collection of songs if you want me to stop :mad:
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: haloOfTheSun on February 22, 2010, 08:11:02 PM
hehe, too bad. I'm going to recommend them to everyone ever. I guess you'll just have to make another huge collection of songs if you want me to stop :mad:

Fine. :mad: Maybe I will :mad: :mad:
Title: Re: [Request]I need music
Post by: modern algebra on February 23, 2010, 12:32:45 AM
Fine! See what I care! :mad: