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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Topic started by: kentona on August 15, 2009, 02:35:55 AM

Title: Generica!
Post by: kentona on August 15, 2009, 02:35:55 AM
A generic RPG created in 10 days!

..:: OVERVIEW ::..

Welcome to Generica!  Done in that classic NES style (as seen in Dragon Fantasy II and Hellion), Generica will follow the story of our heroes as they leave their remote mountain village to kill the evil Slayer King.

For 22 years the Slayer King has ruled Generica with an iron gauntlet.  The general populace is cowed and broken, and the nobles, knights and armies are fighting wars in far off lands for the bloodthirsty and seemingly invincible Slayer King.   Large tracks of land have been left fallow and overrun by the wilderness.  Villages lay abandoned, and even cities seem like ghosttowns.  Hopelessness rules the day.

Our heroes must find the Gladius Generica - the only weapon capable of felling the evil lord - before it is too late.  Yet the only one who knows its location is the reclusive old coot known as the Fisher King...and he is clearly insane...


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..:: CLASSES ::..

A powerful fighter with a great defense and a good deal of hardy equipment.  His Impact skill will allow him to dish out a lot of damage.

A rough and tumble fighter, who can dual-wield claws.  High HP, low defense and speedy attacks mark this hero. 

A little from column A, a little from B.  The Freelancer can do it all, but does nothing exceptionally well.

A fast little bugger who can equip multi-strike and attack-all type weapons.  Oh, and he can steal.

The spell-flinging nuke who is as fragile as he is smart.  Pretty good at debuffing, too.

The healer who also knows how to buff his allies.  Knows poisons, too.  Rumors have it that he can also shapeshift into a dragon...

The healer-warrior.  Strikes a balance between healing and fighting.

One of the creature-like peoples of the north.  More animal than human, the Straken starts off as a fast melee warrior and then evolves into a fearsome dark wizard.

Party Selection screen:

..:: NOTES ::..

This project took 10 days to complete, from a fresh projec to a full game download.  It isn't a particularily long game, nor does it have any amazing custom systems.  It's pretty much an RPG that RPG Maker was designed to make.  Enjoy!

..:: DOWNLOAD ::..

Full Game:

..:: REVIEWS ::..

...including one by maia!
Title: Re: Generica!
Post by: Esmeralda on August 15, 2009, 11:01:09 AM
Being a sucker for games like this I'm going to download it :] it looks really neat
Title: Re: Generica!
Post by: kentona on August 15, 2009, 01:19:26 PM
Naturally, you start off as fresh heroes in a remote mountain village sent off to kill the evil overlord.  The story is pretty simplistic, but there's only so much you can do in 10 days.  ;8
Title: Re: Generica!
Post by: Lazer Ki on August 15, 2009, 02:34:58 PM
Naturally, you start off as fresh heroes in a remote mountain village sent off to kill the evil overlord.  The story is pretty simplistic, but there's only so much you can do in 10 days.  ;8
t-t-t-ten days...?
Title: Re: Generica!
Post by: Esmeralda on August 15, 2009, 09:33:39 PM
Naturally, you start off as fresh heroes in a remote mountain village sent off to kill the evil overlord.  The story is pretty simplistic, but there's only so much you can do in 10 days.  ;8
t-t-t-ten days...?

Ever heard of our Game in One Day contest? That stuff is intense.
Title: Re: Generica!
Post by: Lazer Ki on August 15, 2009, 11:18:37 PM
Naturally, you start off as fresh heroes in a remote mountain village sent off to kill the evil overlord.  The story is pretty simplistic, but there's only so much you can do in 10 days.  ;8
t-t-t-ten days...?

Ever heard of our Game in One Day contest? That stuff is intense.

but if i could participate in a future one(assuming that there will be one) are joke games allowed?
Title: Re: Generica!
Post by: Esmeralda on August 16, 2009, 07:27:15 AM
I don't know if we'll have future ones, most of the participating members (Arrow) are gone so eh. But yeah of course joke games are allowed.

*off topic*
Title: Re: Generica!
Post by: maia on September 02, 2009, 08:44:36 PM
I have played this, I have beaten it maybe 6 months ago. It is harder at first, but gets easier and a lot more enjoyable.

Everyone should play this.

Let me go find my review:

This is an old school RPG designed to look like the original Dragon Quest games. It uses sounds, music, enemies, skills and graphics from the game, but it still does not feel like the game. The combat system uses the standard 2K3 system which normally is fine, but stats for Dragon Quest start in the single digits when the 2K3 system was meant for higher stats. So from the beginning of the game, you will be waiting around 15 seconds per turn.

The main story is slaying the Slayer King, what did he do to you? I am not sure, but I just know he is evil and for that, you need to kill him after you have proven yourself worthy enough by finding the golden chalice. While the game is narrow on path, story and characters, it has a broad array of customizing your characters. Not just when you first start the game, you begin by selecting your party of four just like Dragon Quest 3 or the SaGa series. It is more than that, in later levels 10+, you will have a wide array of weapons, armors and more importantly accessories. This is where the game gets interesting, fun and more enjoyable than you would suspect because of the quirky items. You come up with your own logic to combat monsters. At some points you may feel very uber compared to the foes you battle, but most of the time you will get slaughtered.

Another thing that makes the game diverse, fun and adds to exploration are the things you find. Not just weapons, treasures and monster-in-a-boxes, but I mean drinkable water that bestows afflictions to you. Helpful afflictions like invisibility or harmful ones like poisoning your entire party.

Expect to be unexpectedly slaughtered quite a lot as the game is very unforgiving. With the death of a single party member, you may be lacking what it takes to win a battle. Whether it is needed magic, or needed weapons, creatures have their own weaknesses that someone in your party will need to combat them. Fortunately, there are spell scrolls if you have a party of non magic users.

It is a plodding game with no choices or places you can get lost exploring. The standard RPG blockages are not clever if there at all. Aside from a few blocked bridges or locked doors you merely travel and enter anything in your path. That does not matter for the old school gamers that have fun just playing, but some people like clever ideas to block higher areas.

After hours of losing frustrating battles, you will be rewarded with hours of enjoyment and equipment variety. If you looking for a game with charming monster graphics, simplistic map design on the surface that has a lot of depth and things to find, this is the game for you.

Advice: Each new area should have a new cast of enemies, even if they are just different versions of them. Metal Slimes and babbles should run more frequently, because if you do not have someone with a *secret* spell to kill them, you may be stuck there waiting. The victory music makes me want to fall asleep instead of go hurray!