The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => RPG Maker General => General Tutorials and Eventing => Topic started by: Buland on June 25, 2009, 04:38:17 PM

Title: Camera Angles!
Post by: Buland on June 25, 2009, 04:38:17 PM
I've been playing the game, Eternal Eden by Blossom Soft, and there is one thing I have noticed in their cut scenes. When some of the cut scenes begin, they change the map in which the character is in and then show another area. Not only that, but they also move the 'camera' so that the player can see that entire area which the NPC in the cut scene is referring to.

I'd like to know, how do we do that?

P.S. Eternal Eden was made using RPG Maker VX. Just thought I'd put this in.
Title: Re: Camera Angles!
Post by: Grafikal on June 25, 2009, 04:51:09 PM
Well, to do this the ol' fashion way::

Get tilesets for opposing perspectives of certain rooms or maps. You can move the screen with the event command, which is essentially "moving the camera". When a cutscene begins, you can just fade out the screen and fade it in at a new map with the opposing perspectives and set up everything how it is in the "normal map", etc.  Also, incase you're talking about a TBS, then I know XP has one, I don't know where or anything though.

Come to think of it, this is about the only way you could do it, since scripts don't magically make up the graphics necessary to display the new perspective anyway. They could change the angle but it's still up to you to find everything graphically.

Edit:: Also, I'm downloading it to better understand what you mean. It looks like it's one of the most professional VX games, if not the only one ._.

Edit:: I started playing it. I've run into a few cutscenes and haven't seen what you're talking about yet. The only thing they do is use a series of pictures. You don't need a script for that at all. You just need the pictures. Also, this game disappoints me in the customization. The only thing that's different from default is the basic SVBS and some extra tiles and character sprites. :( Stupid default menu window skin.