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RMRK General => Creativity => Topic started by: Tsunokiette on April 23, 2009, 04:32:09 AM

Title: [Music] Sonata in C Minor (WIP)
Post by: Tsunokiette on April 23, 2009, 04:32:09 AM
I'm slightly ADD when it comes to music, so here's the first minute or so of the first movement in another sonata I'm writing.

Sonata in C Minor
Waking Dreams
Mvt. I - "...of War."

(Yes I realize this idea has been used many times before, but I like it, so  :P lol)

C & C

Especially let me know if any transitions sound off or something just seems weird rhythmically, et cetera.

- Tsuno
Title: Re: Sonata in C Minor (WIP)
Post by: Kokowam on April 23, 2009, 06:49:25 PM
Too soft. D: At max volume, it's just about right. Btw, you're William Newton ?_?

And I like this :) Whaddya compose with? ???
Title: Re: Sonata in C Minor (WIP)
Post by: Tsunokiette on April 23, 2009, 09:35:02 PM
Too soft? :( I use headphones so I always hear it, but I amplified it in audacity too lol. Oh well, I'll make it even louder next time.
Yes, I'm William Newton.

Finale 2008 (right before they updated to 2009 *mad face*)

Thanks for saying you liked it. ^o^ Is there anything that just doesn't sound right?

EDIT : Rather, I guess I'm asking if there's any part you would like to see *hear* an improvement in.
Title: Re: Sonata in C Minor (WIP)
Post by: Kokowam on April 24, 2009, 10:55:57 PM
Hmmm... I'll give it another listen when I come back home, but, as far as I remember, it was pretty solid.
Title: Re: Sonata in C Minor (WIP)
Post by: Moss. on April 25, 2009, 09:20:30 PM
I think it needs some more harmonic movement, you kind of hover around one chord for a very, very long time. The melody's pretty good, though it takes a while to get into it.

And just out of curiosity...
...are you actually following Sonata form, or just calling it a sonata?
Title: Re: Sonata in C Minor (WIP)
Post by: Tsunokiette on April 28, 2009, 01:18:20 AM
Following Sonata form. Well, one of the many. My main inspiration is Beethoven, so my songs end up being structured a lot like his.

Thanks for the comment, I'll try to work on that. I'll agree that the Cm in the base is kind of overused but I wasn't entirely sure how I wanted to branch out from that. Anything else from what I have so far? Or is there something specifically about the song that makes you question if I'm actually following Sonata form? Being a perfectionist, I'm always eager to correct my mistakes. :)