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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => General Tutorials and Eventing => RPG Maker General => Tutorials Database => Topic started by: Demonic Blade on April 22, 2008, 07:01:11 PM

Title: Water Current Event System Tut *Updated!*
Post by: Demonic Blade on April 22, 2008, 07:01:11 PM
Yo! This is my third event system today! Now it's an event system with water, dragging you with the current, towards, possibly the player's in-game death, gameover, or a simple return to a specific checkpoint!

It's hyper-simple, so listen closely!

First, make it so that any water that you want to be able to pass, passable!

Spoiler for Old Version! BAD!:
Make an event with two pages and check both pages as "Parralel Process"

On the first page, make
@> Self Switch A ON

On the second page, make the condition "Self Switch A = ON".

Then, in the event command box, choose:

@>Wait: 20 Frames
@> Set Move Route: Player
:                  : @> Move Down
@> Self Switch A OFF

Yikes! Strike that! Now I have improved it from Modern's suggestions! ;)

Spoiler for Woah, Mama! Sweet! I'm gonna use this for sure!!:
Make an event and set it to Parallel Process.

Make 4 Conditional Branches, the three first of them with Else Handlers (though I doubt it makes a difference, but I like using Else Handlers :P )

Each conditional branch has to be for each direction the player can face!
Now in each of these make a Wait Command on 20 frames. Lessen to increase current strength, increase to decrease current strength.
Now make a Set Move Route for Player in each of them, and for

Code: [Select]
Move Down.

Code: [Select]
Move Down
Turn Left

Code: [Select]
Move Down
Turn Right

Code: [Select]
Move Down
Turn Up

That was for the simple version. Now, to change it to the "advanced version", do this:

Make the event trigger to Switch: Water Current ON!

To activate it, just make Water Current ON and to deactivate it, make Water Current OFF!
Title: Re: Water Current Event System Tut
Post by: ahref on April 22, 2008, 09:55:13 PM
surely you need some control here for if your in the water or not ?
Title: Re: Water Current Event System Tut
Post by: modern algebra on April 22, 2008, 10:13:59 PM
I also do not understand the first page of the event. Parallel process events repeat themselves once they finish executing, so all that splitting it into two pages does is make it take 21 frames instead of 20 frames between drags.

That aside, it is a nice idea.

Also, @ahref, I would assume this would be used for a mini-game on a map where you cannot go on land. But if not, then yeah, you'll need some way to check if the person is actually in the water. And if you're looking for a way to translate the system into VX with vehicles, then all you'd need to do is put a Conditional Branch on in vehicle Boat or Ship

Title: Re: Water Current Event System Tut
Post by: ahref on April 22, 2008, 10:37:30 PM
/me wishes to create the rayman 3 swim upwater riding globox whos high on plum juice :D
Title: Re: Water Current Event System Tut
Post by: Demonic Blade on April 23, 2008, 11:48:09 AM
Ahref, I'll change it a bit to include a switch.

@Modern: Well why not just change it to 19 Frames then? Besides, if I made it one event page, the guy wouldn't move until those (as you say) 21 frames are up. But I will include a switch with the demo I'm gonna post in a sec.
And I'll edit the tutorial so that it also says you need to set the water to transparent!
Title: Re: Water Current Event System Tut
Post by: modern algebra on April 23, 2008, 08:24:41 PM
? Of course he would. A Wait command in an event only affects the event's processing - the player can still move. You know this already, because all I am proposing is using your second page, which already has this implemented and it does not restrict player movement. And as to me saying that it adds a frame, the number of frames does not actually have relevance (and that is  the reason why the first page is irrelevant) - I was just pointing out that the first page does not effect the actual event in any way aside from that. So, if you removed the first page entirely you could reproduce it's entire effect on your event by adding an extra frame to your Wait command. (And it does add an extra frame because of the way that events work. Only one page of an event is evaluated in a frame update)

I would also suggest fixing the direction of the player before the move down and then unfixing it after the move down. Just because that way the water current won't turn the player, just move him in the direction of the current.

In any case, it is a nice idea for an event system. Keep up the good work - you've published quite a few event systems recently.
Title: Re: Water Current Event System Tut
Post by: Demonic Blade on April 24, 2008, 11:53:26 AM
About the direction, I guess you're right, but it would use some extra time on it, and I try to keep 'em as short as possible (though I'm not very good at it). I thought about the direction as well, but I kept it like that. I'll take a look at the event and try to simplify it.

EDIT: First post updated me hearties!  ;D