The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Graphics => Resources => Mapping => Topic started by: busbuzz on March 29, 2008, 09:35:40 PM

Title: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: busbuzz on March 29, 2008, 09:35:40 PM
Im grateful for this site, besides it was my first forum, when i started using RMXP this used to be my main, i remember the old times when banisher of eden used to be the clown of this forum and when Tina was still an active member.

here i leave the second version of my XP set for VX now with a lot of new stuff

I completed the customization of tiles for VX now youre gonna be able to use your xp chacacters at VX.

 Because VX has a limited number of tiles this ire from my point of view the most important. tiles so u can map. I edited autotiles so they work in VX.

How it works:
Simply put these files into your project "System" folder and replace the older ones. then put this script over main to remove autoshadows. The shadows will be shown in map editor but not in the game

Spoiler for:
Code: [Select]
#Credits for Abt Plouton
class Game_Map
  attr_writer :autoshadows
  def autoshadows
    # Set autoshadows to false if it is not yet defined
    @autoshadows = @autoshadows == nil ? false : @autoshadows
    return @autoshadows
  alias ma_remove_auto_shadows_on_setup setup
  def setup (map_id)
    ma_remove_auto_shadows_on_setup (map_id)
    # Rather than repeatedly call a method, set a local variable to have it's data
    ma_data = data
    return if autoshadows
    # For all squares on the map
    for x in 0...ma_data.xsize
      for y in 0...ma_data.ysize
        # If there is an autoshadow on this tile
        if ma_data[x,y,1] == 0
          # Delete auto Shadow
          ma_data[x,y,1] = ma_data[x,y,0]
          ma_data[x,y,0] = 0

and enjoy

The doors:
Put the doors in "characters" folder and replace existing one. This will make the doors work for the automatic door maker.

Spoiler for:



Spoiler for:

Collection of XP Characters  for VX

V 1.2
-Trees Fixed
-Waterfall Fixed
-New stuff for armory

V 1.3
-Autotiles for dungeons
-more tiles
-Script to remove autoshadows by ABT plouton

V 2.0
-Shadows in the flowers fixed
-Autotiles for caves and mines
-Autotiles for mountains in sands and grassy areas
-Autotiles for stairs in dungeons
-Completed Floor Tiles
-Makeup floor tiles in TileB (to hide autotile errors in mountains and 2nd levels of caves)
-More Stuff for decoration
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v1.2 (UPDATED)
Post by: modern algebra on March 29, 2008, 09:51:10 PM
Looks very nice. I am glad somebody got around to converting XP tilesets to VX format.


and Move to the Database
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v1.2 (UPDATED)
Post by: busbuzz on March 29, 2008, 10:14:33 PM
Thank you so much :)
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: ceegamus on April 22, 2008, 08:33:48 PM
The character sheets you converted are too small.  In order to work right, they need to be 384 x 384, otherwise, you can only take a small part of the character as the graphic.

EDIT:  Nevermind, just found out about the $ trick.  My bad.
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: busbuzz on April 30, 2008, 05:40:28 PM
Hehehe sorry i wasnt around im glad you found out how to use :)
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: Hobonicus on May 04, 2008, 08:29:05 PM
Sorry, I'm probably just missing something, but I'm confused. I'm pretty new to VX so I might just be missing something obvious.

You said put "these files" in the project "system" folder. What files are you talking about? the only files you have available to download are the characters, and which system folder? The system folder (under graphics?) within my project doesn't have any previous files for me to "replace the old ones".

And even once they're in the right folder, what does that change in the game?

Also, you said "put script over main", I'm not sure what "main" is.

Again, sorry if I missed something obvious or if I just don't understand, but I don't even know where to begin with changing the tilesets.

Thanks for you time.
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: Garge on May 04, 2008, 10:41:56 PM
You said put "these files" in the project "system" folder. What files are you talking about? the only files you have available to download are the characters, and which system folder? The system folder (under graphics?) within my project doesn't have any previous files for me to "replace the old ones"

By these files, he's referring to the second spoiler he has, the one with all the tiles.  There are 9 files in all to be saved from it: TileA1, TileA2, TileA3, TileA4, TileA5, TileB, TileC, TileD, and TileE.  They are all initially named as those with a -# after them, so make sure you rename them.  Then just import the files by hitting F10 to open your resource manager, click the folder that says Graphics/System, and import away.

And even once they're in the right folder, what does that change in the game

Basically, it'll change all the VX defalt graphics in XP ones, as you a replace the VX RTP files for the XP ones.

Also, you said "put script over main", I'm not sure what "main" is.

If you hit F11, you'll bring up the script editor.  Scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see this:
Spoiler for:
( (
Just right click on (insert here), choose Insert, and enter a name for it so you'll know what it does.  Then copy and paste the script from here into the new script you just inserted, and volia, you should be done.
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: Hobonicus on May 05, 2008, 03:21:58 AM
Thanks so much that clears up a lot. But is TileE the only available space I can use if I don't want to lose the VX tilesets? If so, does that mean I can only use one of Busbuzz's tilesets or is there a way to have all of them in the game along with VX's default tilesets.

Also, what's the $ trick? Because the characters definitely seem too big to me.

Thanks again  :D
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: busbuzz on May 05, 2008, 07:44:41 AM
No, there is no way, if u wanna keep VX u can only use tile E, I also did a HK tileset, which is far more limited since space is limited and HK needs more space, all the stuff is bigger, meaning that HK must be parallax based, theres no other way to map for HK in VX. the tile E for that tileset i made it Shadows. so i used Atile walls with Etile Shadowings, also since i used parallaxes you can use shadows from the tiles to make it look real, as shadows can be above with transparency
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: marty2008 on May 25, 2008, 06:29:29 AM
No, there is no way, if u wanna keep VX u can only use tile E, I also did a HK tileset, which is far more limited since space is limited and HK needs more space, all the stuff is bigger, meaning that HK must be parallax based, theres no other way to map for HK in VX. the tile E for that tileset i made it Shadows. so i used Atile walls with Etile Shadowings, also since i used parallaxes you can use shadows from the tiles to make it look real, as shadows can be above with transparency

wow you are good keep it up! good tutorial!!! way to go!!!!
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: marty2008 on June 02, 2008, 03:54:26 PM
Actually the charactersets sheet has to be 384 x 256 for rpg maker vx! I looked in the program its self. rpg maker 2000 and 2003 and xp uses different size sheets.
Title: Re: Tilesets for VX with XP looks v2.0 (UPDATED)
Post by: ceegamus on June 04, 2008, 01:15:48 AM
You can use those characters by renaming them and adding a $ to the front of the name.

In other words, replace "CharacterName" with "$CharacterName".

The default sheet is 384 x 256, but a sheet of XP sized characters would be 384 x 384.  However, you can use these by doing the above, because it recognizes the sheet as one character and divides the width by three and height by four to find one frame.