[update, 14th Feb 08] Many thanks to Arwym, Zylos and one anonymous donator (http://rmrk.net/?action=donate) for their contributions :).
Also, to people suggesting ad-clicking sprees: That is a bad idea. Firstly, it is dishonest, and secondly, google is smart about such things, and simply clicking as many ads as you can will just invalidate your clicks. Click ads that interest you by all means, but don't click ads because of the fact that they're ads on RMRK please :)
=========== Original post ===========
The monthly cost to host RMRK (http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Credits#Hardware) and everything associated with it is $95-105, depending on how generous you are, such as if you include domains and other things.
Monthly turnover from google ads on RMRK is around $20-30ish, $45-55 maybe on an exceptionally good month. Yesterday, RMRK made 40 cents. Google only pays out once your balance passes $100 (so we can next expect them to in april possibly, or more likely may)
RMRK's reserve cash pool is enough for this month's (feb) bill on the 21st, but nothing for march or april so far.
The yearly cost to operate RMRK is around 1,200-1,300 dollars. See a problem here? Read on.
We think we could probably squeeze all the money required to run rmrk from RMRK itself, but there's a few reasons why we do not do this.
1) We hate ads. RMRK has a banner ad at the top, but this is only on the default theme. Also, any member can hide them. We really don't want to force ads on members.
2) Donations. One problem is lots of members are underage, so don't have any cards or paypal accounts or anything like that. Also, there's pretty much no incentive. Let's compare with another RPG Maker site, hbgames.org, which gets quite a few donations (or "sponsors") and quite likely makes a profit. This is relatively easily done in the following ways:
Limited to donators:
- badge and colour of username (well, we do this)
- extra pm box space (all members on RMRK receive unlimited storage space)
- can moderate your own topics (again, everyone here can)
- custom titles (again, free to all here. You actually get two, one is only editable by mods and admins but it's done for free on request)
- special forum (I guess the closest equivalent here would be extra access or RMRK+, but these are done on merit and have nothing to do with money)
- file space (every member here can attach ridiculous amounts to a post if they wanted to, up to 80Mb (8mb file limit, 10 files per post) in just one post. Downloading of attachments is allowed for anybody, even guests, so long as they have permissions to view the forum it is attached in of course.)
- Hosting and an @hbgames.org email address. We don't do this for 2 reasons. Firstly, we are essentially a download site and a forum. We are not a webhosting or email service, and we are not going to outperform other dedicated (and even free) providers in those fields. Secondly, security. Should we really be giving out php enabled webspace to any John Doe out there willing to waste a buck? We didn't think so either. Possibly a project hosting feature would be neat, but this, like all other RMRK perks, would be given free to all RMRK members.
- did we miss something?
Anyway, if there's a feature, We'll give it to everyone. We don't really believe in "selling" extra services like some other sites do. If it doesn't cost us anything extra to provide those perks, so why should we charge for them?.
Therein lies the obvious downside though. The lack of added perks results in alot less donations.
Don't see this new post as a whining ~boohoo our site will not pay for itself :baww:~ post, as it is not. RMRK has operated on a loss for years now, but as is popularly known, money does not grow on trees, and our reserves are currently a little dry.
Those who were ever curious about donating should Read this page on donations (http://rmrk.net/?action=donate). We won't try and sales pitch you into clicking that donate button with "packages" like some other sites do, you will get absolutely nothing, sans this small (https://rmrk.net/Themes/rmrk2_dark/images/donator.gif) badge, but if you have the means and are willing to help out this community, this is what we're in need of the most right now.
I dunno why I write "we" and "our" since it's pretty much just me now, lol
Because you are too awesome to count as just one? :o Like, you are an army of super Rophs. LOL. :)
It makes it sound more official saying "We need your help!" rather than "I need your help!" (https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi254.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fhh99%2FZylos_2007%2FZylos_Wink2.gif&hash=93f6037a5955b167d5ac4f9033e1e5381c587a52)
Now then, let's see what I can do to help out here...
Edit: Done, although I forgot to put my username in the notes before I sent it! Oh well, that's not important.
I'd help (I love this site <3) but I've got too many expenses going on right now. Not to mention I don't really have a job -_- . Maybe once I get some extra $ in the bank. :(
Quote from: Zylos on February 06, 2008, 02:07:43 AM
It makes it sound more official saying "We need your help!" rather than "I need your help!" (https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi254.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fhh99%2FZylos_2007%2FZylos_Wink2.gif&hash=93f6037a5955b167d5ac4f9033e1e5381c587a52)
Now then, let's see what I can do to help out here...
Edit: Done, although I forgot to put my username in the notes before I sent it! Oh well, that's not important.
Haha, i did the same. =P
Seems to me I will have to donate to help because I would lose all my awesome should the unspeakable happen, everyone help or get mouth herpes. <3 RMRK
Im broke, but Im donating in spirit.
You're donating your spirit? How much is it worth?
You can click on the ads, too. :) Just don't do it like spam. Because Google Adsense people think you click on purpose and, well, you know.
Quote from: Arwym Starlight on February 09, 2008, 11:45:00 AM
You can click on the ads, too. :) Just don't do it like spam. Because Google Adsense people think you click on purpose and, well, you know.
I'll randomly click the add's if that helps ^_^
If the ads are "interesting" enough, I occasionaly click them.
Hope it helps. :lol
The only thing I can donate now is prayer. :P
I'll donate some of my Chinese New Year money if I got credit card.
Just hope PayPal works here...
so wait, clicking on the google ads will get you money? I can do that! :D
I thought the title said "RMRK, it's fiances"
I'm going to get a little sentimental here...
About two years ago, I was looking for some game music, and I came across a site that had nearly everything I was looking for. A little while later, I noticed that there was also a chat room, and that the conversations were... interesting, to say the least. I jumped in, and was barraged by memes that apparently had been around longer than I had. Being a musician, the first thing I took note of was someone posting link after link to songs and weird pictures. I started talking to him, but I didn't know much about the whole net scene. After I proved myself by posting some of my songs, we immediately hit it off. This person's name was Roph. After I got sick of that room, and left, he invited me here, to the RMRK chat/site. I liked it more because it seemed closer knit than other places I'd been. Sort of like a secret place, almost.
I love this place. I love all the people here, and I have had some surprisingly great times staring at this phosphorescent monitor. I haven't been coming around a lot lately, due to my new career and life just doing what it does. I have made a lot of friends here, though, and would be saddened to see others miss the chance to experience what goes on here. I don't have a paypal account, and do not want to get one. I'm sure there would be a way for me to send a money order, and I would be glad to do so. It is time to help give to others what was so freely given to us. Hopefully people will follow my lead, and help redirect this beautiful place from the crushing jaws of the Wayback Machine.
Roph: PM me your address, and the month of March is taken care of.
:cry: :love:
Quote from: Firerain on February 10, 2008, 04:34:02 AM
I thought the title said "RMRK, it's fiances"
You've read what i said wrong. I meant You as in RMRK. Not me.
We love you too, Holk.
Quote from: Ruzu on February 10, 2008, 09:29:00 AM
Quote from: Firerain on February 10, 2008, 04:34:02 AM
I thought the title said "RMRK, it's fiances"
You've read what i said wrong. I meant You as in RMRK. Not me.
I wasn't talking about you. I was adding my input. If I wanted to reply to your post I would've quoted you and/or said your name in the post. Read moar.
Holk achieves still more greatness. :tpg:
Holk! *HUGS* Thank you so, so much! :D
Quote from: iHolk on February 10, 2008, 09:24:04 AM
I love this place. I love all the people here, and I have had some surprisingly great times staring at this phosphorescent monitor. I haven't been coming around a lot lately, due to my new career and life just doing what it does. I have made a lot of friends here, though, and would be saddened to see others miss the chance to experience what goes on here. I don't have a paypal account, and do not want to get one. I'm sure there would be a way for me to send a money order, and I would be glad to do so. It is time to help give to others what was so freely given to us. Hopefully people will follow my lead, and help redirect this beautiful place from the crushing jaws of the Wayback Machine.
Roph: PM me your address, and the month of March is taken care of.
if i ever get rich im gonna donate a mil! ^^,
*looks for the guide to necro-posting topic*
As much as a donation would still be appreciated, this topic is over two years old.
Quote from: Mara on August 10, 2010, 12:14:15 AM
if i ever get rich im gonna donate a mil! ^^,
Or you could start small (http://rmrk.net/index.php?action=profile;area=subscriptions). Every little bit helps :)
Edit: and yes, what ^they said xD
well i dont care about necro post!
Really i dont, if i have a comment for something im just gonna write it :D
Quote from: Mara on August 10, 2010, 05:48:13 PM
well i dont care about necro post!
Really i dont, if i have a comment for something im just gonna write it :D
If you necro too much you will get banned.
crap xD
I just dont get what the problem about necro posting is?
Just don't fucking do it or i'll ban your ass sideways
^ ... Anski?
Quote from: Link on August 10, 2010, 05:53:51 PM
Quote from: Mara on August 10, 2010, 05:48:13 PM
well i dont care about necro post!
Really i dont, if i have a comment for something im just gonna write it :D
If you necro too much you will get banned.
Quote from: mastermoo420 on August 10, 2010, 07:38:34 PM
Quote from: Link on August 10, 2010, 05:53:51 PM
Quote from: Mara on August 10, 2010, 05:48:13 PM
well i dont care about necro post!
Really i dont, if i have a comment for something im just gonna write it :D
If you necro too much you will get banned.
>_> Shh moo
No one needs to know the forums have no rules =X
What about the rule where we can't talk about the [HELLO KITTY] boards?
I'm pretty sure there's a rule that you can only have a maximum of one "m" in your username, so you're walking a thin line as it is moo. Don't push it.