The RPG Maker Resource Kit

Other Game Creation => Game Creation General Chat => Topic started by: Dralel on December 07, 2007, 06:21:35 PM

Title: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Dralel on December 07, 2007, 06:21:35 PM
I was browsing for some game makers, and stumbled upon a 2D game engine to make free MMORPGs. In fact, it is VERY VERY similar to XP+, because it uses their tilesets, scripts, charsets etc but the batle system is real time.
It is similar but different.

Here it is. (

If this goes well and everything, I am thinking of making one. But I only had just downloaded it this second I posted so er... Comments?

If this does come to success, I was wondering if that if we could all make one online MMORPG game. Think about it, there are loads of people on this forum that knows how to code, map, create sprites, objects and so much more. So why not make a one huge joint-project?
Also, it would be easier to promote.
What does everyone think on that?  ^-^

Current Ideas and Features
Game Name: Quest Runners (anybody can think of a name, but I'll just use this for the moment lol)
Engine: We ARE NOT using the BETA engine.
If this were to be a joint project here goes then we would need:
- Director (ahead of what the whole game is going to be about) [me XD]
- Producer (promotes the game onto sites and invites people to play it) [perhaps an admin of this forum]
- Coders (to code custom scripts for the game to make it awesome) [note that the coding is using visual basic 6]
- Mappers (to make the maps) [good mappers]
- Item, object etc maker [members with access to sprite making]
- Quest and mission makers [perhaps some coding for quests and people with good imagination]
- Character customizing (you get to make a character (as part of the engine)) so people need to make clothing) [access to sprite making]
- Skill making [anybody really]
- Skill and fighting animations [coders to animate the sprites?]
- Sprite makers (monsters, heros, NPCs, bosses) [again, anybody really]
- Supporters (people who support in this game, e.g. testers) [anybody...]

What do you think of this everyone? Good eh?  :tpg:
If you're up for it please post. If we have more than 10 people (1 of each at least) then we will begin.

I will update this thread thoroughly.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Kokowam on December 07, 2007, 08:13:37 PM
Does the program give free hosting? :P
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: ChaosSpartan28 on December 07, 2007, 08:55:07 PM
Nooooooooo. You ruined my secret, lol.

O well. I guess someone was going to find out sooner or later.

Few things to know:

This engine is almost like RPGM but you have to put alot more effort in creating game.

You will have to set up a server (something like Hitachi) so everyone can connect to you.

There is alot of .ini's (configuration file) that you will have to constantly be editting. These files basically define what your game can handle.

Sprites, tiles, resources are not provideed so you'll have to search, create, or modify existing ones.

More later.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Dralel on December 08, 2007, 09:46:58 AM
There are already resources on the website and in the engine.

Yeah the program gives free hosting, you need to find a server Eclipse will run on.

Updated original post.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: ChaosSpartan28 on December 08, 2007, 08:33:45 PM
One of my main problems with it though is lag really.

The program is scripted in Basic, so Im not sure if there is anyone in these forums that know anything more than Web Scripting and Ruby (From what Ive observed).

Also, tilesets were horribly added. Some parts are cut off in the Mapeditor. There is small graphics change when emoticons are used. The character animations are kinda messed up because it only shows a still sprite and the stepping forward on the right foot sprite.

There will have to be a lot of modifications to the scripts and characters as I said. But in all actuality, it is a good idea.

*Though I have already been working on a small project with it*

So, if you have willing people to work with you on a tough engine, I say go for it.

Word of advice though, be careful who you give your GM positions to... you wont want to lose tons of work because of some hacker.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Arwym on December 09, 2007, 04:58:02 AM
The program is scripted in Visual Basic 6, not BASIC.  XD

Eclipse is one engine I am considering for RMRKU, as there is an open source version, so with some work, those known bugs can be fixed.  Actually, Eclipse is perhaps the closest to what I am looking for as an engine.   I am still testing it, but it could be the one I'll use in the end, if I can't get anything better.

Also, by free hosting, I think you mean that you can host your own server.  Yup, you can.  ^^;  The issue is finding one; unless you want to do it in your localhost, which can be risky.  And you'd need to keep the computer turned on in order for the players to connect to the server.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Dralel on December 09, 2007, 09:43:35 AM
So is anyone going to take part? Need at least 10 (se previous post).
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: ahref on December 10, 2007, 12:14:09 AM
ill test it for you sure :D pm me or catch me on irc when you need me :D
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Grafikal on December 10, 2007, 05:30:42 AM
Just one question... Does. It. Run. On. A. Mac?         


I SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY doubt that it does, BUT! on the off chance that it can, I'll be all for mapping. I'm an expert mapper. least I was back in the day when I used PC. I haven't been able to do any mapping since then, so I stick to resource creation, since Macs handle graphics really well.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: DarkWolf on December 10, 2007, 10:17:18 AM
oh oh this is wicked and definatly added to my favs.

im gonna go fool with this now, awesome find.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Revo on December 11, 2007, 03:46:25 AM

I've been working with Eclipse for about a year now. I might help you out. But, tell me one thing...

1. Eclipse Evolution or Total Eclipse?

I'm used to TE. But, I can work in EE. If you want, I can map, make items, or any of the database-like things.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Grafikal on December 11, 2007, 05:26:20 AM
Just one question... Does. It. Run. On. A. Mac?         
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Revo on December 11, 2007, 10:11:39 PM
Sorry, grafikal, no Mac support last time I checked. ;9
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Grafikal on December 11, 2007, 10:39:45 PM
 ;9    Now I guess I have to go and buy a wireless router and hook up my desktop. This program is really refreshing my want to make games.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: DarkWolf on December 12, 2007, 02:00:09 AM
TE is good. EE has WAY too many bugs to the point of pulling out your hair. Tho one feature i wish TE had (not sure if it does) is the player housing systems. Thats pretty kick ass :3
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Revo on December 12, 2007, 02:14:19 AM
TE has player housing, I'm pretty sure. EE just has the Quest system. That's about the best thing I see about it. Once they get the final version of EE up, I'll do it.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: DarkWolf on December 12, 2007, 02:17:28 AM
oh shite so what do ya use for makin quests atm?
and if you could shove me towards a player housing tutorial id definatly give you some <3

My server is up and running but all i have are some maps and a few mobs and weapons etc :3 not bad for a 2 day beginner

Im so nub :3
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Revo on December 12, 2007, 03:29:29 AM
My game that I was making depended completely on the players. They made the story. So, quests were no big deal.

And about player housing... You just set a PH tile somewhere where the player would step on it, window pops up, "Want to buy this house?", they say yes, they get to use the tilesets to customize their house. There is a script out there somewhere that makes it so they can use only a certain tileset, otherwise they can use all of em.

I managed to get my first game running with 200 maps, 50 monsters, around 100 items, and much other stuff.

Then my friend stole it... ;9 And then his computer crashed and he lost it all. ^-^
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: DarkWolf on December 12, 2007, 03:40:45 AM
Then my friend stole it...  And then his computer crashed and he lost it all.


Ok well that stuff doesnt bother me too much. My main issue is the items. I mean yeah i cant be bothered doing all the items but u know i will just power slowley thru it.  BUT i seriously have nfi what to put for all the items.. like damage and speed. My poor little brain tries to evacuate via my ears :3

Another thing, there are tutorials on how to make paperdolls.. as in draw them.. but not how to MAKE them as in what do do with all those little images.

I need tutoring, do you take all major credit cards?
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Revo on December 12, 2007, 03:48:46 AM
Karma's awesome but sometimes it sucks. (I have the scar to prove it.)

Anyway, I could tutor you a bit. (For free! ;8)

But, I warn you, paperdoll can be very difficult if you don't know what you are doing. But, it's great if you do.

And yeah, items get pretty annoying. What's even worse is balancing everything. That's why I suggest you test it all the time. if you make something, test it immediately. Especially enemies and weapons.

But, when it comes to Eclipse, I consider myself pretty decent at it. I've been requested to help on about 5 different projects, but then they just quit their projects before I even get to start! I'd love to help someone.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: DarkWolf on December 12, 2007, 03:51:06 AM
Do you have MSN? I can IM you my hotmail addy :3
THEN i can proceed to annoy you with stupid questions :D
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Revo on December 12, 2007, 09:39:38 PM
Now I just gotta get MSN. :tpg: I may be a little rusty, so you'll have to give me a bit to catch up again.
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: DarkWolf on December 13, 2007, 10:24:02 AM
okie dokie :D. Im gonna read all i can about items and the best way to invent them :(
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Dralel on December 13, 2007, 01:09:02 PM
Ok this is getting confusing. o_O


My MSN is
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: ShadowOD on April 27, 2008, 06:45:56 PM
I'll support =]
Title: Re: Free MMORPG Maker
Post by: Arwym on April 30, 2008, 11:27:39 AM
... Why is this thread under RPG Maker Discussion?