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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Abandoned Projects => Topic started by: Revo on December 03, 2007, 01:12:56 AM

Title: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on December 03, 2007, 01:12:56 AM


A mysterious warrior invades a fortified castle all by himself. After defeating all the guards, he explores the interior. He knows what he is looking for. Prisoners of war. He has come to free them. He enters the basement only to find that all the prisoners have been brutally murdered. Sicken by this sight, he starts to leave. But, he hears a noise... A child? He explores deeper within the dungeon. He finds a small room and at the back wall is a baby chained to the wall. Thinking this is simply more cruelty, the warrior frees the baby and decides to raise it as his own.

That was 18 years ago...

Now, Eon, as his father Gilo called him, must carry on his father's legacy as a warrior that frees prisoners of war unlawfully kept. However, the war is getting more and more violent. Less prisoners are being captured and are instead, simply killed. Eon is lost and has no idea what to do. And something is growing inside of him...

Eon begins his adventure to end the war, discover who his true father is, and to find out exactly who he is.


This is NOT your everyday, happy-go-lucky RPG. As a matter of fact, its the complete opposite. One of my goals with this game is to make people cry with sadness. This game is not suitable for small children.



Main hero
Class: Knight
Kingdom: Neutral
Age: 19
Bio: A young man who has a big job ahead of him. He remembers nothing of his past. Nor why Gilo found him chained up to a wall. He feels something coming and he fears the worst.

Spoiler for:
Name: Ashley Vincent

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 16

Class: Dancer

Bio: A girl who lost hope at a young age and has no interest in changing her miserable life. Her occupation is "dancing" at an out-of-the-way pub, although to make a living she does whatever the customer asks. She goes along with all decisions made by others, never giving any input. She treats herself like an asset to others.


Name: Isaias White

Kingdom: Ruca Empire (Formally, now Nuetral)

Age: 23

Class: Guardian

Bio: Hometown was destroyed by Sapag troops. Now is a wandering mercenary who takes jobs from anyone unless its an unhonorable job. Optimistic and serious.

Name:  Ray Taisuko

Kingdom: Nuetral

Age:  35

Class: Swordsman

Bio: He is a Swordsman by a promise he made to his dieing fiance, though that promise has become lost to him over the years. He usually trys to lighten a dark mood when there is one around him, but he isn't very good. He is also a Vagabond so he usually has a chance to sharpen his sword skills.

Name: Guzz Go-tach

Kingdom: Ruca Empire (Originally: Sapag Kingdom)

Age: 31

Class: Outcast

Bio: Banished from Sapag Kingdom for unknown multiple reasons. A dark person. Hides away in the dark, steals but pays from a distance. Has barely no friends. About 2 people know he is in the Ruca Empire. He has a Japanese father and a English mother.

Name: Fred Sepag

Kingdom: Ruca Empire

Age: 34

Class: Soldier

Bio: Can be secretive. One of the two who know about Guzz. He was asked by Guzz to get into the Empire's kingdom, for reasons unknown. When Guzz needs to get into places in houses, Fred goes in for him. Fred was saved from Guzz when he was nearly buried alive by Bandits

Name: Alex Gant

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom (Formally - Fonan Province)

Age: 28

Class: Assassin

Bio: His parents were murdered when he was young. He has had a terrible life since then. He abandoned the Fonan Province after his parents were murdered. Twenty years later, he is a assassin and within Sapag Kingdom. He heared about Guzz from a piece of gossip that had got out. A few days later, he is offered 25,000,000,000 if he gets Guzz Go-Tach's head, Alex had accepted gladly.

Name: Canaan Sabran

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 26

Class: Gambler

Bio: Born an orphan, he made his living as a thief on the streets. One day he tried to pickpocket a famous (and wealthy) adventurer, but was caught and given the ultimatum of serving as the man’s assistant or serving time in jail. Naturally he chose to be an assistant. The man taught him the finer points of life and brought him into the world of aristocracy as his own son. But Canaan didn’t feel comfortable in this world of wealth. He was used to a world where everything you needed you had to get on your own, and often you had to risk your life to do so.

Now a famous gambler of fate, Canaan has risked his life on many occasions for the sheer thrill of it. He is a notorious ladies man who has everything a man could want in life: fame, power, riches. When he is not out enjoying the life of an adventurer and putting his life on the line, he can be seen in various casinos putting his money on the line instead, simply for the adrenaline rush of it.

Name: Nero

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: ??

Class: Assassin

Bio: Nero’s real name is Gavin Halos. He lived a normal life until one day he and his friend Lyle accidentally killed a man in a bar fight. They were tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death. On the eve before their execution, they managed to escape and made a run for it. But during their escape, Lyle was injured and unable to keep up with Gavin. Gavin tried to help him, but if he tried to carry him, he would be slowed down and caught for sure. Lyle asked Gavin to kill him, quickly and painlessly, before he was captured again and tortured to death. But Gavin couldn’t bring himself to do it, and left his friend to be killed by their pursuers.

Gavin, having changed his name to Nero, now lives the life of an assassin, not hesitating to kill when it is necessary. As long as you provide him with whatever he needs, there is no one who is safe from him.

Name: Dante Anigaro

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 29

Class: Pirate

Bio: A pirate all his born life, he has always been one with the sea. Until that fateful night, when troops from the Ruca Empire burned his ship down and executed his crew. Dante barely escaped a similar fate, but is now in an unhappy life. Unable to afford his own ship and unable to find a decent pirating crew, he spends his days working odd jobs around the docks, hoping one day to claim back what he lost.

Name: Joshua Greenwood

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 17

Class: Acolyte

Bio: A quiet boy, he has served his church all of his life. He had been left there as a baby, but taken in by the priest himself and raised to uphold righteous values. He desired nothing more than to continue life the way it was, but fate intertwined when he discovered that the priest had been kidnapped. He now searches the world over for the man who he considered to be like a father to him…

Name: Troy

Kingdom: Fonan Province

Age: 17

Class: Mercenary

Bio: The grandson of a wealthy and influential political figure. He's curious about how things and the world around him works. Troy abandoned his future as an aristocrat to satisfy his hunger for adventure and travel. While he was a child, there was an incident involving corruption, betrayal, and lies that took his mothers life and caused his father to go missing...

Name: Chain De-Corv

Kingdom: Fonan Province

Age: 22

Class: Sharpshooter

Bio: Happy-go-lucky. Can be strict when in danger. Has unknown dark powers. Uses a treasured rifle gun, (Attached with a crossbow built into the top). Uses one hand to shoot the rifle, never misses. When young, a heated dagger stabbed into his face, he has had a scar ever since.

Name: Joe Marji (AKA 'The Brain' to his friends)

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 16

Class: Evoker

Bio: Dresses like a ordinary day to day peasant boy, he has actually got a IQ of 195! He used his intelligence to build a pair of boots. But now any old boots. They allow him to concentrate on them to levitate, burn or even grow anything on the ground. When he is given a good offer he also, uses them as a assassin. Killing people by letting them pass by and then levitating them to space for about 5 minutes and then bring them back down without the head.

Name: Father Gramis

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 45

Class: Priest

Bio: Along with his acolyte Joshua Greenwood, Father Gramis led a peaceful life in his church. One day, however, a refuge came in gasping for breath. As Father Gramis reached out to help him, the man dropped dead at his feet with four arrows sticking out of his back. Not far behind him, a small group of Ruca soldiers armed with bows advanced toward him…

Name: Cameran Greenwood

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 18

Class: Scout

Bio: Joshua’s twin brother, separated at birth. Unlike his brother, he lived life in the forest with a band of nature loving druids. Although not good enough to be ranger yet, he brags and boasts about his superior hunting skills to all who pass through the woods. Life was easy for him, until one day when he discovered that he had a brother! So
he set out into the world (along with his master Ronin Silverheart) to find him, hopefully before it was too late…

Name: Ronin Silverheart

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 34

Class: Bowman

Bio: For many years, Ronin trained himself to be a master bowman in his solitude in the woods, despite the fact that he was born blind. When his apprentice Cameran got word that he had a brother, he decided to test his skills out in the real world by accompanying Cameran on his search.

Name: Sirius Fairgood

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 42

Class: Paladin

Bio: A master swordsman, Sirius travels with his son Evan and his apprentice Damien on a journey to sharpen their sword skills. Recently, they’ve been hired to locate a group a missing Sapag soldiers.

Sirius is a man who is one with the sword, but would rather not use it unless it is absolutely necessary. He is wise, intelligent, and understanding old man and a good friend of Eon’s father.

Name: Damien Cromwell

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 25

Class: Swordsman

Bio: An apprentice swordsman, Damien travels with master Sirius and his master’s son Evan on a journey to sharpen their sword skills. Recently, they’ve been hired to locate a group a missing Sapag soldiers.

Damien is quite skilled with the sword, even rivaling that of his master, but his attitude is a dangerous one. Whereas his master would rather not use the sword, Damien would draw his sword for almost any reason. He is often seen as a cold and uncaring person, it is said that the only person he ever cared for was his best friend Evan and the mysterious woman Maria.

Name: Evan Fairgood

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 20

Class: Swordsman

Bio: An apprentice swordsman, Evan travels with father Sirius and his best friend Damien on a journey to sharpen their sword skills. Recently, they’ve been hired to locate a group a missing Sapag soldiers.

Not quite as skilled as either Sirius or Damien, he is seen as an easy going youth. He loves his father, and goes to great lengths to try to please him. He is well liked for his upbeat attitude, and is one of the only people that can get Damien to talk openly.

Name: Maria Swanson

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 24

Class: Tracker

Bio: The mysterious woman in the red dress, she has been hired along with Sirius, Damien, and Evan to track down the missing Sapag soldiers. Not much is really known about her…

Name: Chantecleer

Kingdom: Fonan Province

Age: 25

Bio: A rather fruity individual. He cheers up anyone he is around. He wears brightly colored clothes. But this is all to hide his true past. His town was attacked and he was trapped underground with his dead father. He developed a fear of small spaces since that day.

Name: Vorgan Lycras

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: ??

Class: Hunter/Outcast (take your pick)

Bio: Vorgan was born a monster but raised by humans. As such, he tried to lead the life of a human, but was constantly thrown out of towns for his appearance. He wandered aimlessly around the world, searching for a place to call home, where people didn't care that he was a monster.

He has the appearance of a fierce monster, but the gentle heart of a child. He is one of the few people you can tell your problems to without feeling embaressed or regret. He has an incredible understanding of people, and can often tell what kind of a person you are simply by talking with you (a handy skill for detecting liars or betrayers). He uses his animal hunting instincts to fight, but only when necessary since he prefers to avoid conflicts at all costs.

Name: Skjel Være

Kingdom:  Neutral

Age: 22??

Class: Illusionist

Bio: This ladies man claims to be 22, but residents of his town say he has been around even before their parents and that his beauty is just an illusion. He doesn't take no for an answer and takes what he wants with force if necessary.

Name: Forlorn Hope

Kingdom: Fonan Province
Age: 20

Class: Necromancer

Bio: Fornlorn is a Ex-convict. He doesn't talk alot, mostly only when he needs to hand out information. He was convicted for killing his family or so it was said. When seen though he is seen reading a book on various things or training his Necromancing spells.

Name: Møter Xifre

Kingdom: Ruca Empire

Age: 43

Class: Berserker

Bio: This man lost everything because his beliefs differed from those around him. His family disowned him, his friends moved away. This all continued until something snapped when his wife tried to leave with the children. His tormented soul became uncontrollable and he beat his wife into a pulpy smear on the wall. He will not take oreders from anyone and is bipolar.

Name: Lucius Malbourne

Kingdom: Ruca Empire

Age: ??

Class: Sorcerer

Bio: The top mage of the Ruca Empire, Lucius is known to be a cruel and merciless man. It is said that he has a heavy influence on the emperor, and always gets his way.

But there is a problem. You see, the man working as the emperor's mage is not the real Lucius. He is an imposter. The REAL Lucius is trapped in a dungeon far away, desperate to get back to his country before the emperor commits a grave mistake...

Name: Angelo Lombard

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 23

Class: Guardian

Bio: When he is was young, Angelo lived peacefully with father Gavin and his little sister Andrea in a tiny village in the Fonan Province. They were happy together, just the two of them, until the day troops from the Ruca Empire came to his town. They tore apart his village claiming to be looking for a child who had been stolen from them (i.e. Eon) and proceeded to set the town on fire when they could not find him. Angelo's cowardly father fled, leaving his two children behind. When his sister begged the captain of the troops to leave them be, he drew his sword and slew her on the spot.

Angelo remembers nothing after that part. All he knew was that a man named Sirius had apparently rescued him from the flames and took him to the Kingdom of Sapag where he spent the next 18 years training to become a knight. He vowed that he would protect others, as he could not protect his sister.

Name: Presaria Rosebud

Kingdom: Fonan Province

Age: 16

Class: Oracle

Bio: Presaria was born in a family of nobles, wanted to help people after reading fairy tales and went to study in a church. She has always had dreams of having a very own magical pony, just like in the fairy tales and wishes for one. She's incredibly arrogant and egoistic.

Name: Shadow

Kingdom: Nuetral

Age:  In her 30s

Class: Assassin

Bio: Shes like a mercenary but she only excels in speed and stealth battles. She sells her skills to the highest bidder or to someone who shares her same philosphies. Her attitude is though somewhat quiet and dark.

Name: Dark

Kingdom: Nuetral

Age:  35

Class: Berserker

Bio: Nothing is really known about him, except for the fact that he and shadow were once a team though thats in the past now. Hes not the most talkative person but he will talk just to be friendly though hard to tell through his apperance.

Japanese Name: Lupin Enkotota
English Name: Luke Enkotota
After Adoption Name: Luke Kota

Kingdom: Ruca Empire

Age: 34

Class: Swordsman

Bio: Born into a wealthy Japanese family, his parents had been murdered without writing a will to Luke. He was forced into the streets, he was used as a puppet and fought for his life commonly. Soon he was brought in by a Judo master called 'Sonac Kota' who was married to 'Rosa Kota' who was a master at fencing. They trained him and gave him a life, for a whole 22 years. Soon his foster parents had died after giving what few pieces of money they had to him through a will. He joined the Rucan Army and has had a good life. He stayed in the army for 5 years and now it is unknown what he may do.

Name: Lional Kotina

Kingdom: Fonan Province

Age: 42

Class: Swordsman

Bio: He is Luke's long lost brother. He wasn't loved nor was he given much care by the wealthy family he had been born into because of his little brother Luke. He had run away after learning that the will of his parents wasn't to him, but to his brother, this was when Lionel was 15. A few days of living on streets had been harsh but he was still alive. Soon enough, he stole what he could from the Ruca Empire and left the Empire without looking back, this was one day after his true parents had been murdered... And guess by who. Thats right, Lionel...
Now he has given up on his past and was given to a family in the Fonan Province, a father called 'Joe Rawson' who was a fencer and a mother called 'Emily Rawson' who was a Kendo "Queen". They gave him similar lessons to which that his brother was getting but without training him calmly and with ease. When he had become a master in Kendo and Fencing he left the home and became a knight. Now he wants the death of his brother.

Name: Hinata

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 32

Class: Guardian

Bio: Hinata is a care-free girl who loves to party unlike Saiya she is not easily angered.

Name: Saiya

Kingdom: Nuetral

Age: 25

Class: Templar

Bio: Saiya is Hinata's younger sister she is a short-tempered but caring sister.

Name: Rachel Sapag

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 19

Class: Diviner

Bio: Rachel Sapag, princess of the Sapag Kingdom, ran away from home in order to see the outside world. She had often fantasized about seeing the world, but what she has seen in the outside world is nothing like she thought it would be. War plagues the lands, and the toll of death was much greater than what her father had told her. She now searches for an ultimate power that would stop the war before it consumes the world.

Name: Cyril Dotson

Kingdom: Formally Fonan Province

Age: 34

Class: Heretic

Bio: Labeled as a heretic when he destroyed a holy statue. He has always hated organization. A rash person with no care for his well being. Some believe he has a death wish.

Name: Slade Lance

Age: 21

Kingdom: Neutral

Gender: Male

Class: Mercenary

Bio: A young man who's village was destroyed during a battle between the Ruca and the Sapag kingdom. up until 5 years ago he was a wandering mercenary until he met Luna who was being attacked by a group of bandits, after saving her he eventually decided to join her on her travels, he eventually learns of her curse.

Name: Luna Wolf

Age: 20

Kingdom: Neutral

Gender: Female

Class: Summoner

Bio: Luna is an extremely talented girl from a long line of summoners called "Seion holders" who's strongest summon is called the Alluio Seion. After the death of her father she decided to travel the world to learn more about the curse of the Seions. In her travels she meets a man named Slade who saves her from a group of bandits, later on she ends up traveling with the man.

Name: Val Velez

Age: 54

Kingdom: Neutral

Gender: Male

Class: Trapper

Bio: a expert trapper who lives high in the mountains. after spotting a group of Ruca soldiers in the areas around his mountains he decided to start laying traps to keep them out. after the kingdom found out that he was laying deadly traps to keep them away, they chased him out of the mountains to where you find and save him. annoyed that the soldiers got through his traps he decides to join you and make even better and stronger traps....and he has a small drinking problem...

Name: Elijah

Kingdom: Neutral

Age: 74

Class: Prophet

Bio: An old man with amazing abilities, his wisdom is beyond any normal human being's. He likes to meditate but can have a fun time. He also gives out tidbits of wisdom at opportune moments.

Important Characters
Not playable, or only playable for a short while.
Spoiler for:
Name: Gila Ralic

Age: 45

Bio: Eon's "father". He was a freedom soldier who freed prisoners of war. He is an amazing force that has completely wiped entire armies away. Stern, yet friendly.

Name: Leon Mette

Age: 27

Bio: A dark man who has been friends with Gila for many years. He tends to be a loner, but is very knowledgeable about this war.

Name: Noland Rainge

Age: 47

Bio: He is the creator of the rebellion against the war, and is mostly just called "The General". He has a battle hardened past and is rumored to be the only one to escape Gila's blade.

Name: Lily Velez

Age: 18

Bio: She is the childhood friend of Eon's. She doesn't approve of violence and gets angry with Eon once he leaves to fight the war.

Name: Boregard Russo

Age: 37

Bio: He is a traveling merchant. He meets up with Eon early in the story. He vows allegiance to him after Eon saves his caravan from a group of bandits. He follows Eon's troop around and supplies them.

Name: Alonso Kanch

Age: 31

Bio: A well known serial killer. He hears about the rebellion and how it will bring peace. He doesn't like that, so he goes after Eon.

More to come soon!

Spoiler for Fighter Type:
Swordsman/woman- Can use any sword. Have well-rounded stats. Can ONLY use swords.
Knight- Mostly well-rounded stats. Can use swords and lances.
Paladin- Uses lances. Faster than most Fighter type classes. A bit weaker than other classes.
Berserker- Uses axes and large swords. Very strong. Has no magical defense.
Soldier- Much like swordsman, except can only use some swords and lances.
Guardian- Very well defended. Very slow. Mildly strong. Can use swords, lances, and axes.
Mercenary- Much like Soldier except faster and uses axes instead of lances.
Spoiler for Mage Type:
Sorcerer- Very strong magic users. Physically very weak. Can use staffs.
Elementalist- Can use magic according to a certain element. Can use staffs and some maces.
Summoner- Can summon allies into battle. Very weak. Uses staffs.
Evoker- Much like Elementalist except can use different types of magic.
Illusionist- Can create distractions such as fake allies. Relatively weak. Uses staffs.
Enchanter- Can increase stats temporarily for allies. Uses staffs and some maces.
Necromancer- Can make fallen enemies into undead allies. Uses short swords.
Spoiler for Cleric Type:
Diviner- Uses holy attack magic. Slightly weak.
Templar- Can use holy sword skills and some healing skills. Can use swords.
Heretic- Uses "Blessed Dark" skills. Can use swords.
Oracle- Uses status changing skills. Weak.
Prophet- Uses healing skills. Rather weak.
Priest- Uses strong healing spells. Can also revive. Very weak.
Acolyte- Uses some healing spells. Also a decent fighter.
Spoiler for Archer Type:
Ranger- Excels at long range weaponry. Mildly weak.
Sharpshooter- Can use long range guns. No close range support.
Scout- High health and fast. Not very strong. Can use bows.
Tracker- Can spot hidden units. can use most medium range weapons.
Hunter- Can use any medium range weaponry.
Bowman/woman- Can use any bow. Medium or long range.
Trapper- Can set traps that can hinder or injure units.
Spoiler for Thief Type:
Bandit- Strong and slightly speedy. Defense is a little low.
Gambler- Has skills that have random effects.
Robber- Stealthy. Can open locked chests.
Outcast- A fast fighter. Much like Bandit, except a little better balanced.
Assassin- Stealthy killer. Strong attacks, but low health.
Pirate- Only class that can swim.
Dancer- Improves units moral, making their stats go up temporary.





Music- Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Soundtrack

Graphical- InsomniacMG

Tilesets- The Inquisitor

Character Conversation Art- Jin

Tactical Battle System- Nick

-Character Submissions-
Sinu Siku


Click it! ( - Trailer-Demo!

Mapping: 35%
Spriting: 65%
Main Story: 100%
Side Stories: 100%
Item Database: 100%
Weapon Database: 100%
Armor Database: 100%
Characters: 100%
Art: 20%
Music: 100%
Everything Else: Who knows?

This game is rated M for Mature.
- Language
- Violence
- Blood and gore
- Use of Alcohol

That is all. :blizj:
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Algid on December 03, 2007, 08:48:46 PM

Name: Ashley Vincent

Kingdom: Sapag Kingdom

Age: 16

Class: Dancer

Bio: A girl who lost hope at a young age and has no interest in changing her miserable life. Her occupation is "dancing" at an out-of-the-way pub, although to make a living she does whatever the customer asks. She goes along with all decisions made by others, never giving any input. She treats herself like an asset to others.
Image or description of appearance: [below]
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 03, 2007, 09:37:12 PM
Thank you, but...

Please PM me for any submissions. That way this topic doesn't get messy. ;)

Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Ruzu on December 04, 2007, 12:12:03 AM
Already watching this, hope you finish it and the storyline is something i actually heard of anywhere.

Good Luck though with the 30 - 40 people  ;8

Ruzu Likes Mystery Stories ;8
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 04, 2007, 12:21:03 AM
I've got some special things in order to make it possible to have 30+ characters.

The story has almost nothing revealed, as I hate to give anything away. ;)
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 04, 2007, 09:58:06 PM
Small update:

A. 3 new playable characters! Thank you (CVE)Baal, Ruzu, and Sinu!

B. Also added an important character, Gila.

C. Another character is currently being worked on.

D. Tactical Battle System has actually been put into the game, and all seems to work correctly.

In next update:

Soon, (probably next week) I will have an artist working on character art for all characters.

Hopefully, more characters.

Enemy part of database should be finished.
Keep looking here for more updates! :blizj:
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Dertt on December 09, 2007, 01:42:19 AM
A mysterious warrior invades a fortified castle all by himself. After defeating all the guards, he explores the interior. He knows what he is looking for. Prisoners of war. He has come to free them. He enters the basement only to find that all the prisoners have been brutally murdered. Sicken by this sight, he starts to leave. But, he hears a noise... A child? He explores deeper within the dungeon. He finds a small room and at the back wall is a baby chained to the wall. Thinking this is simply more cruelty, the warrior frees the baby and decides to raise it as his own.

That was 18 years ago...

Now, Eon, as his father Gilo called him, must carry on his father's legacy as a warrior that frees prisoners of war unlawfully kept. However, the war is getting more and more violent. Less prisoners are being captured and are instead, simply killed. Eon is lost and has no idea what to do. And something is growing inside of him...

Eon begins his adventure to end the war, discover who his true father is, and to find out exactly who he is.


This is NOT your everyday, happy-go-lucky RPG. As a matter of fact, its the complete opposite. One of my goals with this game is to make people cry with sadness. This game is not suitable for small children.

Sounds awesome.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 09, 2007, 02:11:52 AM

New character is done, I just can't post him... because... I... Well, I forgot his name... And I left all his stats and stuff at school...

Enemy database has 3 more enemies left to create.

The artist hasn't arrived yet.

Currently working on:
A "demo". It'll be different from any demo that, at least, I've seen. Should be up maybe within the week.

Weapon database. 200+ weapons! This may take a while!

Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 13, 2007, 12:54:20 AM

New character: Guzz Go-tach. Thanks, Halestorm! (See first post for more info about Guzz)

New Character: Chantecleer. Thanks, Merb! (Note: Not in first post yet)

Trailer-Demo almost finished!

Enemy database complete!

And some notes...

1. Every submitted character will have a special side-story mission. Making the game even longer. ;8

2. For those of you who have submitted characters, you can submit more than one. For those of you who haven't... You should! :mad:

3. Any questions? Just ask! ;D
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Ruzu on December 13, 2007, 01:07:39 AM
Wooootz an update :D

Spoiler for:
We can make more then one? Hm, i have a big imagination lol don't think you wanna deal with it but if your sure i can make some more on the spot or give me some time lol
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Halestorm5 on December 13, 2007, 05:03:32 PM
More than one? I might give more then XD

Also, I could help you out in making the sprites. Only 1 problem, I can't sprite onto the default RTP :'(
But I can make a few character idea's for you :)
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Dertt on December 13, 2007, 05:39:25 PM
I'd be willing to help with artwork of any kind, if you need it.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Zylos on December 13, 2007, 08:34:14 PM
Out of curiousity, how do you plan to possibly have 30-40 playable characters in an RPG? You'd have to be switching characters in and out of your party like every other map, or else have a character playable for one battle and then kill him/her off.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Halestorm5 on December 13, 2007, 09:46:54 PM
I dont think you can play as them. I think they're for side-quests or to help in the story alittle ;8
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 13, 2007, 10:03:26 PM
Basically, each battle can only use a certain amount of characters. (Usually around 10~15)

I have a large party script that a friend of mine made and it allows you to have as many characters as you want. (I'm in the process of getting him to let other people use it. ;))

Trust me, I have it all planned out.

And, Dertt, thanks for offering, but I just got news that my artist (aka: My sister) is coming next week. She does professional quality images.

An, yes you can play as them. The game will be a lot like Fire Emblem.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Zylos on December 13, 2007, 10:12:31 PM
Having never played Fire Emblem, I'm slightly in the dark. Oh well, I'll help you try to create more characters.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Arkbennett on December 13, 2007, 10:13:18 PM
Out of curiousity, how do you plan to possibly have 30-40 playable characters in an RPG? You'd have to be switching characters in and out of your party like every other map, or else have a character playable for one battle and then kill him/her off.

Ever play Suikoden?
80+ playable characters.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Zylos on December 13, 2007, 10:18:47 PM
Er, I never played Suikoden either. All of a sudden I feel like I'm lacking in my video gaming... ;9

Oh well, I bet Final-Knight doesn't care what my video game experience is like as long as I output good character ideas.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 13, 2007, 10:25:05 PM
Yeah, pretty much. I just got a crapload of new characters. I'll try to get them up in the next few minutes.


Lots of new characters. Thanks Zylos, Halestorm, and Arkbennett!

Trailer is finished, just gotta upload it. WARNING: The trailer really sucks. It didn't come out quite as good as I liked it.

I think this project may turn out really fun and great!
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Dertt on December 13, 2007, 10:49:35 PM
She does professional quality images.

Seems like you're assuming I don't?
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 14, 2007, 12:00:22 AM
Er... Sorry, didn't mean it like that... I just like her style. ;D



SCARRED DEMO TRAILER!!! Tell me what you think.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Ruzu on December 14, 2007, 12:37:18 AM
I apparently can't get it to work on Vista.
So when i get on the one in my room, i'll tell you what i think.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Dertt on December 14, 2007, 01:51:36 AM
Er... Sorry, didn't mean it like that... I just like her style. ;D

No problem. Now I'm curious as to what her style looks like.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Zylos on December 14, 2007, 01:59:40 AM
So, aside from the submitted characters, what other characters are there so far? I'm sure you're not relying only on submissions.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 14, 2007, 02:20:43 AM
There are some important characters such as Gila, the General (No name yet), and Leon. They aren't playable, but they help you (or betray you) on your quest. There are a lot of other characters, the submitted characters are just for playable characters, and to add a bit to the story.

Lots of new characters added! Thank you Zylos and Halestorm! (Again :P )


Weapon Database about 30% done.

If you haven't seen the Trailer-Demo, check it out now!
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Ruzu on December 14, 2007, 02:57:21 AM
Loved the trailer man, also love the war thing and Eon's dad is pretty cool.
Good Luck still :P
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 14, 2007, 03:21:31 AM
Thanks. I forgot something in the update:

New "Important Characters" are up. Check em out.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Dertt on December 14, 2007, 04:53:46 AM
Well, I've been psyched about this game since I read the "cry with sadness" thing, lol. Now the trailer makes me think...
 "I want to play this."
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Arkbennett on December 14, 2007, 06:19:53 AM
I can submit more characters if you want.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 14, 2007, 01:25:56 PM
Thanks guys. An you can submit more. I'll only take 18 more characters, so submit now!
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Zylos on December 14, 2007, 09:59:18 PM
*rushes off in search of more characters to abduct*

Found one! Only friggin' 17 more to go...

Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Ruzu on December 14, 2007, 10:08:12 PM
lol, sent another one in.

and thanks alot for making your trailer want me to watch it over and over again.

Nice important character updates also.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 14, 2007, 10:14:45 PM
We're down to 15 characters!

3 new playable characters! Thanks, Zylos, Ruzu, and (CVE)Baal!

3 new Important Characters! Say hello to Lily, Boregard, and Alonso!

Weapon Database now at about 50% completion! I might finish it before the end of the weekend!
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 15, 2007, 03:10:38 PM
Wow, this thing is coming along pretty good! I never thought it would come around this quickly!

Small Update:
Added Progress to first post! Check it out for new progress!

Currently Working on:
Mapping. I'm way behind on that!

Weapon Database. Over halfway done!

Spriting some characters.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Zylos on December 16, 2007, 02:08:29 PM
How's it coming? Do you still need some more characters, or any help spriting the ones you already have?
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (And Submit-A-Character!)
Post by: Revo on December 16, 2007, 03:17:16 PM
I'm pretty decent at spriting, so I can handle it. (Plus, a lot of people included sprites in the Image part.)

Still need 14 characters.

No updates, since my power was shut down yesterday for 8 hours. ;9
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (11 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Revo on December 16, 2007, 06:58:11 PM

6 new playable characters! Thanks (CVE)Baal, Ruzu, Zylos, and Ferenn!

2 more characters by Sinu Siku in the works!

Only 9 character spots left if Sinu doesn't put his in!

Weapon Database about 75% finished
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (9 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Zylos on December 16, 2007, 08:14:19 PM
Methinks no one knows how to spell "neutral". xD
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (9 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Halestorm5 on December 16, 2007, 08:24:26 PM
Save me 2 spaces. Ill PM them to you in a mo!
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (9 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Revo on December 16, 2007, 09:19:48 PM
No prob! Anyways, I'm over at a friend's right now, so no progress for now. I might make the story a bit more complex, but that's about it.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (8 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Revo on December 18, 2007, 12:22:46 AM

New character! Info not in first post yet.

Added some facesets of a few characters. I'll add more as I get around to it. Pretty busy. Semester exams, you know.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (9 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Ruzu on December 18, 2007, 01:29:13 AM
Yeah, those exams are murder good luck with em man.
-goes to first post-
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (9 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Revo on December 18, 2007, 02:39:22 AM
Heh, I don't have to take any. I'm just helping a friend of mine study. ;8
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (5 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Revo on December 19, 2007, 02:48:34 AM

Beginning Note: The first post has not been updated with this yet. Probably won't till tomorrow.

New characters! Thank you Sinu Siku!

Weapon Database... FINISHED!!! Game has 217 weapons of all sorts.

Coming in next update...

Armor Database

My artist comes in tomorrow!

Only 5 character spots left!!!
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (5 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Halestorm5 on December 19, 2007, 04:59:34 PM
I noticed that my one character submission wasnt added... :(
At the name of 'Arnie Pinc'

More submissions in about a hour or more :P
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (5 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Algid on December 19, 2007, 08:59:27 PM
You should have people submit spells and skills.

Just a thought.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (5 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Revo on December 20, 2007, 04:42:14 AM
Yeah. I've been busy. I've been out of town for a bit. I'll try to get the updates up...

And I think we are at about 4 or 3 more spots...

And about the spells and skills... I have a HUGE list of random spells and skills that I use in my projects.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (5 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Halestorm5 on December 20, 2007, 02:20:25 PM
I have 2 or 1 ideas but thats all. Ill PM them as soon as I finish some 1 frame sprites Im making for some reason.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (4 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Revo on December 20, 2007, 05:52:38 PM
Alright. We are officially down to 4 character spots.


Armor Database about 30% complete!

Artist has arrived! I'll try to get her to start tomorrow.

First post is not updated yet. I plan to do that today.

Also, a true demo should be coming sometime before the end of the year. At least, I hope so. :-\
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (5 Character Spots Left!)
Post by: Ruzu on December 20, 2007, 08:05:53 PM
Allllright woooo  :tpg: hope you can get it done by the end of the year too.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] (1 CHARACTER SPOT LEFT!)
Post by: Revo on December 21, 2007, 12:17:34 AM

More Characters! Check out the first post!

Added more facesets!

Added "Description of Classes" Fighter and Mage type class descriptions are up.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on December 25, 2007, 08:29:28 PM
I'm back and...

Character Spots are Filled!

Huzzah! :lol:


All character spots filled.

Artist is at work. I'd show you something, but I'll wait till she finishes one. ;)

Nothing much done since I've been busy/sick.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Zylos on December 28, 2007, 04:30:06 PM
Everything sounds good so far. This should be interesting to see how exactly you add all the characters in.

If you ever need sprites or faces or something, just ask.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on January 04, 2008, 01:36:42 AM
Long time, no progress.

Armor Database Finished! 87 armor items!

Storyline Finished! I'll try to update the first post with some more story later.

Mapping about 50% complete!

Art has begun being worked on.

I've decided to be mean and not post a public demo till the game is finished. ^-^

Closed testing is available though. PM me for details. (Note: Demo isn't ready quite yet. Just getting ready.)

EDIT: Also finished the Class Descriptions.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Ruzu on January 04, 2008, 03:41:35 AM
Long time, no progress.

Armor Database Finished! 87 armor items!

Storyline Finished! I'll try to update the first post with some more story later.

Mapping about 50% complete!

Art has begun being worked on.

I've decided to be mean and not post a public demo till the game is finished. ^-^

Closed testing is available though. PM me for details. (Note: Demo isn't ready quite yet. Just getting ready.)

EDIT: Also finished the Class Descriptions.

Darn you!  :tpg: just had to be mean. Well, at least we know your still working on this.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on January 04, 2008, 04:52:49 AM
Just so you know, the Closed Tests will not be the full game except for the last one. Here is a rough idea of the closed tests.

1. Battle Test- Basically the tester's job will be to try to cause an error by playing the crap outta one big battle on a large map.
[Test Start: Before the end of January]

2. Map Test- Test all the maps to find errors/improvements.
[Test Start: When I get all maps finished]

3. Event Test- Will skip all battles just making sure the events are all working correctly.
[Test Start: Near game's completion]

4. Final Test- The full game. Will be tested before released.
[Test Start: 2 weeks before release]

If you want to be on any of these teams, just PM me. Do NOT post here about joining the team. PM is the only way.

That is all.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on January 21, 2008, 05:52:33 PM
I've decided to redo the maps for the game. I'm now using the "Exterior" and "Interior" tilesets by The Inquisitor. Just to show the difference, here is a screen of the castle in the opening scene with the new tileset.

Like? If not, too bad. This makes it so I only have to use 2 tilesets. Considering this game won't have a lot of maps, this is excellent. Most of the game will be scenes and battles.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Ruzu on January 21, 2008, 06:33:41 PM
I gotta say, i like that map more then i liked the other map.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Falcon on January 21, 2008, 06:39:01 PM
Map needs some work, use some more tiles. The bottom part should also be more random.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on January 22, 2008, 04:35:51 PM
Thanks for the opinions. I'll work on the maps some more. I have to update the first post with new screens. :-\

EDIT: Finished the screens. IF you notice, it's the same areas, just a different tileset.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on January 31, 2008, 12:36:17 AM,24485.0.html (,24485.0.html)
^Recruitment post for Battle Test^

For once, I did something on time. :P

Anyway, check out that post for more details. Test 1 Ready!
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: SirJackRex on February 04, 2008, 03:00:57 AM
I've never used the tileset that you're using, so I don't know the tiles, but the castle is a little bland looking. Too square.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on February 07, 2008, 04:01:10 AM
Ah, yes. You are right there. I'll see if I can improve it. This is my first time using this tileset, so I'm a little unfamiliar. :P
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Zylos on March 11, 2008, 01:53:56 PM
So, how's the game coming? Did you ever fix that error in the battle system?
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] [CANCELLED]
Post by: Revo on March 22, 2008, 03:41:48 PM
Um... yeah about that... There is a major problem. The TBS I had won't work, so I'm canceling this project until I can get something. I know what I'd really like and that would be a RTS battle system, but that may not be possible.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] [CANCELED]
Post by: Arkbennett on March 24, 2008, 10:51:34 PM
Zylos, fetch the noose.
Final-Knight, for the crime of High Treason; that being you not finishing your game. I sentence you to a hanging.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] [CANCELED]
Post by: SirJackRex on March 24, 2008, 10:53:30 PM
no!  :'(

Please finish it, it looks very promising.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] [CANCELED]
Post by: Revo on March 25, 2008, 06:30:08 AM
Well, I said canceled but I think its just on hold for now. I've found a decent set of scripts that, with some small edits, may just bring this project back to life.

And, I not just saying this to avoid being hanged. :P I didn't know that you guys liked the idea so much to hang me over it.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP] [CANCELED]
Post by: modern algebra on March 25, 2008, 12:25:11 PM
Well, PM me if you ever decide to reopen this project. For now, I am moving it to Abandoned Projects.
Title: Re: Scarred [RMXP]
Post by: Revo on September 06, 2008, 04:31:41 AM
It's baaaack. I've started working on this again. I finally found a TBS that will work correctly. :tpg: