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RMRK General => Video Games and Entertainment => Topic started by: Nightwolf on September 02, 2007, 01:39:15 PM

Title: Game Review: Worms 4- Mayhem
Post by: Nightwolf on September 02, 2007, 01:39:15 PM
Worms 4:Mayhem

Well, we all know the great sucess Worms World Party made in the Forums, with me kicking every players ass on hamachi. Oh yeha. So, i gave this game i try. I downloaded it from limewire type of stuff (Not limewire itself) and was just 143 mb. Knowing that the whole game was about a GB big, i thought it'd be armageddon or something.
But i downloaded it.
And it worked.

This game features WWP in a 3d form, yes, a 3d version of wwp. Hard to believe right?

The Game:-
Though i'd preferr WWP than this, as it's classic, this game adds a new spice to WWP. With new feauters and weapons, and also removal of some old weapons which would be pretty akward to use in a 3d style, this game features all our cute worms blasting their balls with remarkable graphics. The controls are WASD and all, which makes it a little different. And you can't play WWP directly after playing this or you'll jumble with the controls, as SPACE in this is jump (double space- backflip) and space in WWP is shoot. I lost my player because of that.

A Small Screenshot:-
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Gameplay Modes And Creativity:-
Quick Game, as we all know, is for playing a standard game with random teams. Multiplayer is actually stuff like a normal single player game (not the net). We have a story mode(with many comical scenes),an item shop where you buy stuff for you worm, challenges, and a customise option. Here you can make your own team/weapon or even gamestyle.
I made one called "The Flood" where the water keeps on rising and rising. I'd give you a ScreenShot but i need to win 3 rounds for that, so naaaah. But the sudden death starts really fast in this so it's not a great style.
Don't worry, i got ideas.
As For weapons, you can create a Strike Weapon, which is like an airstrike (in which you can also make apeheads fall from the jet plane), a Throw Weapon, like a grenade (ape head again) and a LAUNCH weapon (like a bazooka, which launches an APE HEAD)
And The Wurmz, the best part. Give them cowboy hats, or space gloves or eyepatches or a big fat mustache like Arrowone has (full offense to Arrowone) or anything.
I made a team called RMRK, and it looks like this (i wanted to add many players, but Mayhem allows 6 unlike WWP which allows 8, ALSO usually in story modes only 1-4 worms go)
The Team includes, Silverline, Halo, Arrow, Zypher, Me, and Sword (in order, yes i don't get my worm to play)

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LOL, JK, actually they have black hats, black gloves and glasses. XD

Create your own weaponstyle, worm style or gamestyle.
New weapons.
3D lol
Worms talk(not english, they speack wormish)
And the rest is just the same as wwp, only the 3D part adds a little fun.

But if you go to the market and want to choose this over WWP, think again. WWP is a classic game and no 3D-4D Or ZypherD game can replace it.

I can't say much about the video and audio because they are just too good.
I'd give this game, and WWP 10/10, but you know what i have kept on repeating so it's no use to say that i'll choose WWP over this.


Anyways, i'm a little busy and all. Whenever i get the time, i'll try uploading this game for you all.