Dynamic Sound Emissions
Version: 1.0
Author: modern algebra
Date: August 27, 2007
Version History
- Version 1.0: Original Script
Planned Future Versions
- Version 1.5: Allow for in-game setting of a new sound emission object in a map
- Version 2.0: Allow to have more than one sound emission object per map
This script allows you to set an object in the map which emits a sound. What
this script does is set the volume of that sound according to how close you
are to the object. If you are far away, the sound will be faint, if you are
close the sound will be loud. Sorry, in this version there can be only one
object per map.
- Plays a BGS in increasing volume as you approach the object making the sound
- Allows you to specifically set a radius for the sound (how many squares away you can hear the sound)
- You can set up one of these objects for every map
- Full customization from how big the object is to where it is located to the bgs that is played and the pitch
Place this into it's own script above man. Find further instructions on setting up objects inside the editable region of the script
# Dynamic Sound Emissions
# Version: 1.0
# Author: Modern Algebra
# Date: August 27, 2007
# Description:
# This script allows you to set an object in the map which emits a sound. What
# this script does is set the volume of that sound according to how close you
# are to the object. If you are far away, the sound will be faint, if you are
# close the sound will be loud. Sorry, in this version there can be only one
# object per map.
# Instructions:
# To set the objects which emit sound for each map, see below.
# ** Data_Sound_Emission
# This class holds all of the objects which emit any sound, for all maps
class Data_Sound_Emission
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :emissions
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@emissions = []
# * Editable Region
# Place all sound emitting objects here. Write it like this:
# @emissions[map_id] = Sound_Emission.new
# @emissions[map_id].setup (x,y,width,height,radius,bgs,pitch)
# Where map_id is the ID of the map you want the object to appear on,
# x and y are the x and y positions of the upper-left corner of the object,
# width is the amount of squares in the x direction that the object covers,
# height is the amount of squares in the y direction that the object
# covers, radius is the number of squares away you want the sound to be
# hears, bgs is the bgs you want to play, and pitch is the pitch value
@emissions[1] = Sound_Emission.new
@emissions[1].setup (5,5,1,4,20,'011-Waterfall01',100)
# * END Editable Region
# ** Sound Emitting Object
# This class holds all the relevant data for the object which is emitting the
# sound. It is accessed through $game_dynamic_sound_emission
class Sound_Emission
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :bgs
attr_reader :radius
attr_reader :pitch
# * Object Initialization
def setup (x, y, width, height, radius, bgs, pitch)
@rect = Rect.new (x*128, y*128, (width-1)*128, (height-1)*128)
@radius = radius*128
@bgs = bgs
@pitch = pitch
# * Volume
# Checks position to determine the appropriate volume.
def volume (x, y)
# Determine distance between position and the sound emitting object
distance = [x - @rect.x, y - @rect.y]
testers = [@rect.width, @rect.height]
for i in 0...2 # For both the x distance and the y distance
# Determine total distance in that direction from the object
if distance[i] > 0 # IF you are to the right of the object
# Take into account the width of the object
if distance[i] <= testers[i] # If you are above or beside the object
# Neglect the distance in that direction
distance[i] = 0
# Subtract the width to determine the closest row or column
distance[i] -= testers[i]
# Make the value positive
distance[i] *= -1
# Calculate the total distance
total_distance = distance[0] + distance[1]
ratio = (total_distance.to_f / @radius.to_f)*100 # Get the percentage
ratio = [ratio,100].min
ratio = 100 - ratio
return ratio
# ** Scene Title
class Scene_Title
# * Alias Main to initialize the data class upon startup
alias add_data_emissions main
def main
# Initialize $data_sound_objects
$data_sound_objects = Data_Sound_Emission.new
# ** Game Player
class Game_Player
# * Alias update to play the BGS
alias update_volume update
def update
if $data_sound_objects.emissions[$game_map.map_id] != nil
emitter = $data_sound_objects.emissions[$game_map.map_id]
volume = emitter.volume (@real_x, @real_y)
bgs = RPG::AudioFile.new (emitter.bgs,volume,emitter.pitch)
if volume != 0
$game_system.bgs_play (bgs)
Will provide bug fixes and, if anyone can think of easy improvements to the script that I find beneficial, I will edit. I will also provide compatibility support
Known Compatibility Issues
There shouldn't be any, as nothing is overwritten. Maybe if another script uses the global variable $data_sound_objects.
See Attached.
Author's Notes
Very similar struccture to my Encounter Restrictions Script, and since someone requested one a long time ago (I made them an evented version), I figured I'd do it. I haven't been very productive lately, after all, and I wanted to make something new. Hopefully, one day I'll figure out how to play two bgses at the same time, I think I will have to make a manual play method though :(
Very, very nice, very cool for a maze thing, where someone is lost, and you have to find them.
^^ your scripting is sweet!
Heh heh, thanks Modern.
Does RPG Maker use a 6 channel sound system? Because if so, then only two are used up.
If it does have compatibility with all 6 channels you could possibly use the 1 bgs and the two unused to make up to 3 BGSs play at the same time.
Could you please make this be able to run multiple sounds, if you could please script that this would be perfect to work with ABS's monsters, making horrible noises that make them scarier ;). If you could please make this it would be great.
I get this when I try to test play (https://rmrk.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi13.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fa266%2Fsquallseed3%2Ferrormessage.jpg&hash=583ef402f698045d8495c94e9735ebb3bd2b342c)
(I have never tried to edit a script before... lol
3 Questions:
A) Is the script just above Main in the script Editor?
B) What do you mean by edit? As in you've tried to edit the script and then this error occured or as in you fear you are unable to fix the bug?
C) Are you in RMXP or RMVX?
I mean edit teh script section by adding anything to it, or even editing the little bit where you tell it what has what sound lol. I have NEVER touched teh script bit before. I have RPG maker XP and I think it is directly above, I will have to check tomorrow.
Awesome script, will definately use in my game! :D
Any idea when a new version will come out?
I was using this script in my game, but there's been some kind of.. error.
Every time I use the script, for example by a waterfall, it gives a giant lag. When you're in the range of the BGS, the whole project starts to lag like hell, the graphics are like turned upside down and the music is totally screwed up.
Anyone with this problem?
That's a crazy problem. Care to upload it so that I can have a look?
Any chance of this script getting updated to 2.0?
Im hoping to find a Dynamic Sound Script that allows for Multiple Dynamic Sounds using Events as the Sound Emitters per Event PAGE (so they can be enabled / disabled / different sound settings). Also maybe useful would be "Hot Spots" where in a certain distance, volume is at 100% of volume setting, outside of "Hot Spot" would be a "Falloff Range". Also hopefully doable would be to allow "Overlap" of Dynamic Sound Emitters so two dynamic sounds could play at the same time. Not sure if this is possible. The features in "Dynamic Sound Emitting Areas/Events" seem to be perfect, but no workie jerkie on XP due to Areas.
Ryex's Dynamic Sounds for XP are cool, but it has some limitations. Play BGS the default way (non Dynamic) does not work at all. There is no overlap for Dynamic Sounds. There is very little support offered for that script through maintenance. If this script is updated, I think it could be the premiere Sound Emitter script for the XP community.
So is an Update possible?
Thanks for the script, man.
Quote from: modern algebra on August 27, 2007, 05:27:50 AM
Place this into it's own script above man. Find further instructions on setting up objects inside the editable region of the script
But seriously, this is a cool script. It would be useful for some kind of hidden item side quest. "You'll hear the crystals buzzing if they're nearby" or something.
Thats actually a good idea for a practical application of the script. Could be used in a huge variety of ways. For example, campfires, waterfalls, streams, NPC monsters, windy bridges, waves crashing, car approaching, wildlife, etc. Also could be used to make a sound effect "fade in" by running a cutscene and having a Sound Emitter get closer to the player, since XP has a fade out, but no fade in for sounds.
Sound is the often forgotten about "other half" of video games, and sounds are very often neglected when compared to visuals.
Sorry for neglecting this so much. I haven't scripted for XP for a long time, but it might be fun to go back and fix this script. I am somewhat embarrassed to look at my code though (this was one of my first scripts I think).
Anyway, I haven't had a lot of time for scripting lately, but if you're still interested I will try to get it done. Are the features in the VXA version of this script (http://rmrk.net/index.php?topic=46842.0) fine?
I don't have VX or Ace, so not entirely sure, but Im definitely hoping for a better sound script than Ryex's. Not that its bad, but its limited. I am hoping that multiple dynamic and static sound sources are possible. Ryex's Dynamic Sounds has a few bugs, like changing a maps Background Sound from an Event. As far as Multiple Background Sounds, maybe another approach would be to use a Looping Sound Effect since the engine can play multiple sound effects at the same time, but not multiple BGS.
Keeping my fingers crossed...