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RMRK General => Creativity => Topic started by: Ciaron on August 05, 2007, 10:02:46 PM

Title: [Writing] A prologue i Found that pretty much describes an entrie story
Post by: Ciaron on August 05, 2007, 10:02:46 PM
I wrote this not that long ago when i was writing a book, its pretty much a prologue but now that i read it, it seems more like a Spoiler :O

anyways tell me what u think, i'll be happy to provide a story for your games if u need XD

thousands of years have passed since the last Eternal Twilight
reshaped the world we call home, the blue maiden of the dark skies, leaving humanity on the doorstep of a grim future. Though the future appeared tenuous, the hope of a brighter future for their offspring gave humans the will to live on, overcoming all adversities. My dear children, if you value what your ancestors of the ancient land have done to make your future as bright as it is now, never look back, there are some secrets and mysteries in the white sands of time, that should remain as they are.
Cherish the light your eldest sister holds over you: her love to you from her frozen tomb in the wintry abyss of the true underworld.
Pay your respects to her in the temple that is your soul. Never mourn, for her loss is the spirit, the guardian of our world…
As I say this, destiny is being written down, that may awaken the physical manifestation of Spirit… that which lies entombed in ice and snow. The second Eternal Twilight is soon at hand. On the eve of Alban Arthuan, hold your head toward the stars and gaze upon a moon of crimson light… yes… awaken, Faolchú an tSolais Corcairdhirg,
Wolf of the crimson light… your master awaits your arrival…