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RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Abandoned Projects => Topic started by: Ammom on June 21, 2007, 03:44:20 AM

Title: Imagery
Post by: Ammom on June 21, 2007, 03:44:20 AM

I have recently started spriting for my game, based off of Ragnarok models. In which case, I decided to post a topic about the project, since I plan to put my sprites to good use. This is still a developing project, but it's getting there.

About My Project

The storyline is the real part that is still in development, being tweaked and added to. I am open to suggestions on this matter since I am debating on a few different intervals. Characters are being debated about and added as I go along.


My game revolves around the player's keen sense of understanding and imagery (hence the name). The game is full with puzzles involving using visual clues to find what's missing in the scene.

For Example:
The player is told to find a weapon left on corpse in the desert, but when the player gets there, they find that the sandstorm has blown sand over the corpse. There is a vulture dawdling around on the ground, ignoring the player, and pecking at various points.

The vulture would be the clue. The player would have to pay attention to where the vulture was picking at (since they eat off of carcasses), and then use the mirror to reveal the corpse.

The game challenges the user to think with not only basic facts, but with what they see and can put together. It's a challenge to the mind. On to about the game now.

Spoiler for Storyline:
Caught within the struggle of a war he shouldn't have been a part of, a guild leader Rand Margas met his fortold doom at the hands of his own thieves. At his death, Rand's fiancee rushed to his side within the midst of battle, and in her rage, fought the guild until the traitorous thieves left her to her death beside her fallen beloved. Before her demise however, Leaia vowed she would resurrect them both and take vengeance on their traitors' descendants.

After a hundred horrible years, the war finally came to a slow cease. The kingdoms involved sought companionship and alliances to repair the damage that had been done. The Hundred Age War, fought for the right and control of the Barbados throne, was settled with a marriage between the Barbados soul heir, and the Rabbadon prince.

Guild Margas was captured and redirected into a mercenary group, known as the Reversers. Experimental procedures corrupted the guild's men into sinister creatures that suck now the light and music from the world bit by bit.

As desolation befalls the world at the loss of such a wonder, Leaia's reincarnation decides to take action. With a strong will as her past's soul slowly gains control, she uses forbidden magik to resurrect her long lost love. However, things go astray when Rand returns differently from whom he was. Despite his traitorous friends' actions, Rand refuses to seek out revenge on their descendents.

But when matters worsen, and the truth of the Reversers' identity is shown, Rand feels obliged to help them out. Despite the blame fallen upon him, and the hateful and fear filled glares he is given, Rand takes his guild's precious artifact, the Sonnet Mirror, and with it, uses it to reveal what's been hidden for nearly a century now.

With nothing for the light to shine on, it does not exist.

Player's Mission

So the player's purpose is to go around, seeking out what the Reversers have hidden, and using what's found to give the world back its light and music. Rand, trying to find himself, is given decisions that effect who he allies to, and which path he treads.

Spoiler for Characters:
( (
Name: Rand Margas
Age: N/A
Class: N/A
Job: Guild Master
Mission: Save Reversers
Bio: A kind faced man with an eagerness to explore the world long since dead, Rand is a rather quiet person. His youthfulness is often dismissed as thoughtlessness. With vague memories of the past, Rand struggles to save the descendants of his murderers. Despite their traitorous nature, he feels obliged to help the Reverserers. Distinctly against his resurrection, Rand shows a lack of interest for his own safety.

( (
Name: Leaia Fallah Margas
Age: N/A
Class: Middle
Job: Assassin
Mission: Exacting Revenge
Bio: A strong willed woman with a dedication to take revenge on those who did Rand wrong. Her devotion to her lover takes on an edge of insanity as she becomes enraged at Rand's want to help the Reversers. Deadset to show Rand that he is wrong, Leaia ventures out on her own to take out the Reversers and show him their true nature.

( (
Name: Murdock
Age: 28
Class: Lower
Job: N/A
Mission: Take back his music
Bio: A straight faced man with a deep sense of pride, Murdock's set mission is to guard his village from the attacks of fiends. His deep love for music was stripped away from him years previous when the Reversers seeped it from his very soul. His lost will is regained as he meets Rand, believing that the old guild leader can retain the little sanity in the Reversers, and return music to the world.

( (
Name: Jaja
Age: 23
Class: Lower
Job: Bartender
Mission: To retrieve her brother
Bio: A young girl working at a pub in a small town, Jaja remorses over the loss of her brother, wishing she had stopped him from joining the Margas Guild. As a bartender one night, she hears a rumor of a group dedicating themselves to returning the Reversers to who they were. In a desperate will to save what's left of her brother, Jaja forces back fear and doubt to find Rand and join him.

( (
Name: Bastion
Age: 31
Class: Upper
Job: Organ Player
Mission: Unknown
Bio: A reknown muscian, Bastion is found fallen in his despair in a church of a long abandoned town. With his love for music fallen, and passion to live dwindling, he is made an offer by Leaia. Playing into her promises, but with a distinct doubt of his own, Bastion agrees to help the woman detroy the beings. His cold exterior and ruthlessness towards Rand brings up questions about who he really is.

( (
Name: Anetta
Age: 18
Class: Lower
Job: Merchant
Mission: Unknown
Bio: A seemingly innocent girl, Anetta's fiery need for acceptance drives her to travel. Despite that her combat skills are weak, her illusions are both admirable and useful. Anetta's need for money brings her into trouble as she is caught stealing from nobles, and thrown into a cell. This girl's craftiness lands her right in the middle of the struggle between Rand and Leaia.

Spoiler for Scripts in Use:
Skill Casting Delay
Advanced Battle Commands
Grouping and Details
Universal Message System
SG Battle Command Memory
Pause Function
End of Game Result
Item Limits
Easy Party Switcher
HP/MP/ATB/Overdrive bar
Syvkal's Agility Based Battle
MOG_Window Map Name
MOG_Window Map Name
Shadowrun's Dialogue System

System Workings

The battle system is animated with Ragnarok model battlers and enemies. On top of that, it's agility based instead of turn based (meaning enemies can attack while you choose moves for individuals battlers, not all at once). There is also health bars for the players and the enemies, and a casting system. It takes time to do spells and stronger skills. Each character's attack and skill commands are individual. Special skills are still being debated.

So far, learned through levels. Debating on what to do about this.

Levels are gained through mission fights and completions. Like how in Chrono Cross, after every boss level everyone reaches a new star level, and their stats increase.

Treasure Chests
I have contemplated it, and I have decided to make the sprite actually open up the chest, and dig inside, to emerge with the item. Like Link in Wind Waker. The map sprite weill be shown holding up the item in his hands that he retrieves, with the name of the item displayed above him (one of MOG's scripts).:
( (

Sidequests and Mini-Games
These will exist in the game, but sidequest bosses do not increase character levels however.

Game Endings
There may be a few of these (debating on this), depending on what happens in the game. Not sure how many yet.

So that's the basics of my game so far. It's still in the development process, but that is being taken care of as I make the graphics for it. I am open to opinions and suggestions on this, and thank you for taking the time of reading this. :)

Title: Re: Imagery
Post by: Leventhan on June 21, 2007, 01:15:35 PM

Great game concept.
Great system.

Great game.
I'm lookin' forward to the demo. Keep developing, matey!
Title: Re: Imagery
Post by: Ammom on June 21, 2007, 01:33:25 PM
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. :)

The demo probably won't be for a while, cause I'm still making the resources, and I'm still developing some systems. But I thought I'd get input now.
Title: Re: Imagery
Post by: Ammom on June 21, 2007, 02:13:40 PM
I have contemplated it, and I have decided to make the sprite actually open up the chest, and dig inside, to emerge with the item. Like Link in Wind Waker.
Title: Re: Imagery
Post by: Leventhan on June 21, 2007, 03:09:13 PM
You should make yer game worthwhile, Ammom.
Title: Re: Imagery
Post by: Ammom on June 21, 2007, 03:12:05 PM
Mm, I want to add those special little touches. Like I haven't seen a game that's done the chest thing I mentioned (not an RMXP one at least). So if you can think of any other small details like that, let me know. I think I'm also going to make it that if you take a book from the shelf, he actually does it. Or that it looks like he actually scans it.