The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => RPG Maker General => General Scripting => Topic started by: doggen on February 26, 2006, 04:02:12 PM

Title: Scripting aid
Post by: doggen on February 26, 2006, 04:02:12 PM
Hello again!

Here I am again, yet with another request... again.

Well, if you don't know this already, I'll tell you again:
I suck at scripting.
And now I've encountered another script "problem". :cry:

I have found this script, and I must, I repeat, must have it in my game (I hope you excuse my rudeness).

But I there's some things I would like to know how to do.

Here they are:

1.Were do I put the script(s)?
2.How do I create a new command?
3.How do I "insert" a skill to a certain command?

I guess that's all.
I hope there's anyone out there that is patient enough to help me... :wink:

Thank you in advance!
Title: Scripting aid
Post by: blueXx on February 26, 2006, 04:30:38 PM
you know whats funny about this so called script?

you gonna have to know basic scripting to code the commands on your own as asked.
but if you already know basic scripting you could have done it without their so called script

my suggestion- forget about it or learn basic scripting
Title: Scripting aid
Post by: doggen on February 26, 2006, 05:50:39 PM

Well, then I'm screwed. :whoa:
But, I think I can do without this script.

Thanks for telling me though.