The RPG Maker Resource Kit

RMRK RPG Maker Creation => Projects => Recruitment => Topic started by: HolyQuebec on June 08, 2007, 02:05:19 AM

Title: people needed for rm2k3 huge project!
Post by: HolyQuebec on June 08, 2007, 02:05:19 AM
looking for SERIOUS and MOTIVATED people. i'm tired of people saying ''yes, i wanna help'' and don't do shit. seriously.

come everyonce in a while for updates!

please comment or iono leave a little something XD
it's free you know XD


this is a new project(well..''new'' it's been 3 years i'm on it  :D)
the story isn't complete, me and my partner(or partnerS??) are doing it

-FEATURES(so far)-
-220 maps.(or about?..i got some that are incomplete)

-A mini map for my world map(see last picture) its displayable as the player wants it.
this is the beta of the event though, i have to make the design look better haha!
(i posted a tutorial for that)

-around 32 monster groups which has in total about 40 monsters as well

-90 items

-500x500 World Map

-tons of animations,skills,musics,puzzles and whatever else haha

-yes,a bestiary.(see 2nd last picture for an example)

-5 to 6 hours of gameplay!

-ennemies(beside world map) are seen ON the map.

-MAYBE party members will follow the hero. this will cause a lot of problems though haha.

-probably a night-day system(lot of problems too although it's pretty easy to do it)

-New NPCs Event Method (i posted a tutorial for that)

-New Ennemy Encounter Method ( I posted a tutorial for that)


so far: 1 forest(47 maps) 3 villages with around 10 maps each. 1 village is drawn twice(storyline stuff..hard to explain). an uncompleted village. a dungeon with 10 maps(14 in total actually). AND MORE.

contact me for questions or beeing part of the team: or pm me
(btw, working on a project in a team by internet is pretty easy)

Spoiler for:
Prologue : Property of Oblivion

   “Mathy I'm not cheating!” said little Kayla, as she glared  at her brother in disgust. “Kayla,  you have to be cheating, you've guessed every number right since we started this game.” Replied Mathy, With a equally menacing glare.

   “Both of you stop it, you both are only going to ruin a good game, can't you both just try to get along with each other for just one day?” Said Celina, the strong yet loving mother of both Mathy, and Kayla. “Your mothers right, give it a break you two, or else I will ground you both, just like last week.” Proclaimed There father, Jia.

   “Alright fine, then just let me do a test mom. Kayla go into the other room for a minute and I will pick a random card from the stack, If you guess this right then I know you aren't cheating.” Said Mathy in a Inquisitorial fashion.

   “Fine whatever you need to do you big crybaby!” Kayla said as she walked out of the room.

   Mathy Thought to himself. “Alright now that she's gone, I will choose two cards, so no matter what she says, she will be wrong. “ Then he turns around signaling Kayla to return to the playing area in the kitchen. “Here you go, this is your test, what card do I have behind my back?”


   “HAHA you're wrong, I have 2 cards behind my ba--.”

   “Also you have a 3 behind your back...”


   “YOU MUST BE USING MIRRORS OR SOMETHING!” Yelled Mathy as he is awestruck at her absolutely correct answers.

   “No I'm not, you just, would never understand, Mathy... Im going to sleep now, goodnight everyone.” Said Kayla with a dark and slightly defeated voice.

   “I Think we should all go to sleep now, what do you say hun?” said Jia.

   “Yea I'm getting a bit tired as well Jia.” Replied Celina.

   Everyone soon followed Kayla to there respective rooms, Both parents slept together in the master bedroom, of the one story, yet spacious abode, the entire 4 membered family could call home. Mathy slept in the room nearest to the kitchen, and Kayla slept in the farthest room in the corner of the home. As everyone began to fall to the forces of slumber, one stayed awake, pondering of her existence, her power, her confusion.

   As Kayla Lays in her bed. Thinking to herself. “I just don't understand! Why am I able to sense things, that others cannot? Why am I able to read into other peoples thoughts? Why do I keep seeing things, and people, and voices. I'm just so scared, What if I have a disease? What if im hurting those around me?... This does it, I owe my brother an apology. Should I go to him now? Or wait until morning. SHEESH im just so split up on this. I need direction...”

   2 hours later...


   “Mathy. Wake up Mathy”

   “Huh, whats going on... Kayla? Why are you waking me up at this hour?” Said Mathy lazily as he tried to focus his eyes in the darkness, on the slightly disturbed, and nervous frame that is his sister.

   “I... I just wanted to apologize for earlier, and I have something I need to tell you, but I've just never been sure on how to tell you this... Or anyone for that matter.”

   “What is it Kayla?”

   “I, have some sort of thing, a difference, from anyone else I have ever met in my life, I am able to sense things, that others cannot, Im able to see thoughts of others in my mind, To tell you the truth, it scares me beyond anything, or anyone...”



   “I don't believe anything your saying.”

   “WHAT, I'm standing here bearing my deepest secret to you but you don't believe me?”

   “Nope, what your saying to me is completely insane, how could I possibly believe what your saying to be true?”

   “Because it is! Theres even these things that I keep seeing, about one certain person, who is always wearing a hood, to conceal his face, always saying I will find my other half, no matter what it takes.”

   “Go back to sleep Kayla, I don't have the patience to hear such things.”


   Kayla walks back out to her room. As Mathy thinks about what he just heard.

   “How could that have possibly been the truth, that makes no sense. None whatsoever. I can't believe that. Whatever the case, I'm tired, I'm going back to sleep...”

   The morning arrives, and Mathy awakes to the scent of freshly made chicken eggs, and fine honey bread. He quickly puts on clothing, and walks into the kitchen.

   “mmmm, smells good mom, I hope you made a lot, I'm really hungry this morning.”

   “You should go wake your sister up, shes sleeping a lot later than usual this morning.”
   “Alright mom.”

   Mathy then Mathy quickly walks towards her room, remembering pieces of the conversation they both had, late last night.

   “Kayla, Its time to wake up, breakfast is ready.”

   There is no reply as Mathy walks into the room and repeats himself.
   “Kayla, wake up, breakfast is ready!” as Mathy looks quizzically onto the situation, as he quickly realizes that she is not in her bed, or her room for that matter.

   A weird feeling then passes through Mathy's entire body as he remembers the part of the conversation he had with Kayla, about a person who is looking for his other half. Normally he wouldnt consider this at all, maybe she just went out early somewhere... But for some reason, he felt something different.

   “:MOM, DAD Shes not in her room? I think she was... Was... KIDNAPPED!”

   “Kiddnapped? Don't be so hasty, I'm sure she's just out doing something.” Said Jia, with a matter of factly tone.

   KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK, then echoed from the door.

   “Who is it?”

   Then without answer the door busted open and a very alarmed old man rushed in and before anyone could speak, he spouted.


   “What this? Are you sure?” Says Celina, in an increasingly alarmed tone.

   “Yes I am sure, not more then an hour ago, during a storm, I seen 4 strange looking people walking away with someone, who appeared to be a small lady, they were walking southward, on the path to the bay landing. After following them for a little while, I realized that it was your daughter, and they were kidnapping her.”

   “Celina, we should head to the island closest to us, if they were going to the bay, im sure they would have headed to the closest island for supplies, the mainland is to far away.” Said Jia, in a determined manner.

   “Alright, lets go, Mathy you stay here and look after the house.” Exclaimed the mother.

   After packing a few provisinal supplies, both parents began to leave, and simultaneously said, Mathy, do not follow us. No matter how long we are gone.

   “But, MOM, DAD, What if you don't return? You cant expect me to just stay here, by myself.”

   Jia then turned around, shaking his head, “No you must stay here, There could be dangers beyond your comprehension, if you follow us. We will explain everything when we return. More lives are at stake then just our daughters please trust me. Son...”

   “Ok... Dad...”

   The dye has been cast, as the prologie of a tale, that shall shift the very balance of the universe itself has been unraveled. The following choices that will be made will alter first the fate of one man, then will alter the fate of everyone.

End Of Prologue

Thanks To Coltin Pyrlik, Partner And Author.
Chapter 1(Complete)
Spoiler for:
          Chapter 1: Fate Speaks Louder than Life

   3 Months have past, and neither Mother, nor father have been heard from, Mathy has only waited this long, because his father specifically told him to, but his patience is beginning to reach his limits.

   “I know my father told me to stay behind, here in dumb old Anfang Village. I bet they are out there travelling the world, even though they may be worried, I bet there seeing some of the coolest things ever. I know I should listen to my parents, but since when have I ever done that... THAT SETTLES IT, ill head over to Eastern Island, to the port town of Mesol. I will find them all, I will get to the bottom of this. Just you wait dad. Mathy is on his way!”

   Mathy, who is 5 foot 9 inches, 190 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, and wears a blue coat and blue pants with a gold linen belt, looks far from a person who could change the fate of the entire universe, but looks can be deceiving...

   “I will take the small boat my father and I built before all this happened, and head to Mesol. If I leave today, I could be there by morning. “

   With eyes of determination, he begins to pack the bare minimum of provisions, and things, he may need, on the trip, and the small amount of flourins he has amassed while doing menial chores for neighbouring townsfolk.. Flourins are the currency accepted by most of the villages and towns within the world. The world itself is in a state of little to no government that may extend out of the individual villages themselves.

   “Here we go! This boat hasn't aged a day since I built it, probably because I haven't had many opportunities to use it.”

   Mathy promptly got onto his boat, and with a stick pushed himself away from the dock, which was a part of the village he was leaving behind for an adventure, he didn't have many regrets making the choice that he made. The only thought he could muster was one of heroism, one of saving the family he loves dear. It was quickly approaching night time as... 

   “OH NO I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT A STORM WOULD COME!” Yelled Mathy aloud to himself, as his boat was being rocked very hard in every direction except the one he was headed, it was as if the forces that call themselves gods, were trying to end his adventure right then and there. At that moment, a thunderous bolt of lighting came crashing down and the mast of the boat broke apart and one piece of the wood, crashed onto his head rendering him unconscious and everything went black.

   “What happened to me?” As everything began to take shape in his eyes, he stared upon a wreckage which was once his boat, the surrounding scene was one of many jagged rocks, and sand spotted in between them. From that he could not judge where he was, and the only thing he could do was move on, into an unknown land, searching for something of which he had no leads, how hopeless could his adventure be, from the very start...


   “I've lost all of my food, and by the looks of things, ive walked right into a large piece of nowhere, I guess the only thing I can do is go forward, and hope for the best. Im sure there must be animals of some sort here, after all it is a forest.”

   Days turn to weeks as Mathy calmly, accepts this part of his quest, and survives off only a sharpened wooden sword, and his hunting skills he picked up in his life. He sleeps only when he absolutely has to, and moves forward as much as he can every day as he makes his way throughout this massive area, he passes through forests, and hills, and valleys, and plateaus, and even some arid desert regions. He finds no clues, to any human life, whatsoever, and discouragement begins to set in, when finally, the page turns to the next part of his quest...

   “Is that a town down there? It has to be!” Mathy pondered, as all he could make out were some lights, and faint noises, from atop of a large mountainous area, that is known as Floresta Azenda.

   “Perhaps it will be best to camp here, until morning, It will probably be dangerous to ascend from this place at night. Besides im getting pretty tired.”

   As Mathy set up camp, in a opening in some forest area within Floresta Azenda, he thought about what might happen the following day as he wanted the outcome to be good. He also thought once again on how he will find his family and put an end to this fiasco. He then began to fall asleep...

   “OoOoOoOoHhHhHhHhHh NnNnNnNoOoOoOoO” His mouth blankly uttered while he stirred in his sleep, a nightmare was about to begin, one he will have every day from here on out, for a very long time to come.”

   “This is where it said she would be Jia!” proclaimed Celina, as they rushed into a rather feindish looking castle that had no decorations other than one nice red carpet, and a few old knights armor.

   “I hope she's ok, I Don't know what I would do, if that man does, what he said he would do to her... We need to hurry Celina.”

   They both rushed up the spacious opening of the castle, into a hall that had 2 stairwells both leading to different wings of the castle, and in front of them, there was a large balcony of which a king or official would come and give speeches to his loyal subjects...

   “Hmm theres two ways to go Jia, perhaps we should split up, that way we can cover more ground, we must hurry, Ill go right.”

   “Alright then Ill take the left.” Replied Jia.

   They both began to walk in seperate directions when a door opened on the far side of the balcony, a females voice emerged.

   “I thought I heard a voice.” As the woman walked over to one side of the balcony to disccover.

   “FATHER, MOTHER, Help me!”

   “KAYLA!”” They both screamed as they quickly went to the middle of the hall.

   “Hurry and jump down from there we will catch you.”

   “Alright... 1...2...--”

   A man suddenly grabbed Kayla, as she was about to jump, and threw her to the back of the balcony.

   “STAY THERE. I Have business to attend to with your... “Parents” The man said while cloaked in a black robe, and hood, which covered his face as so you could only see one small red figure in the shape of an eye coming from within it.

   “Welcome to the party, Jia, Celina, I hope you brang gifts, otherwise this could be a long night.”

   “Celina... This man... we need to retreat now and see if we can get reinforcements. He is much to powerful...” Uttered Jia in fear.

   They both began to back away from the site which was the cloaked man, and before they could escape, out of nowhere large stone pillars appeared blocking there paths.

   “I hope you like the refreshments here, You will be hear for a long time...”

   The cloaked man swooped down to the ground level, and began to chant words in a language that neither parents could decipher. Then out of nowhere, large purple lights formed over each of there heads, then it fell upon them, they both writhed in pain, a pain worse then any other they have experienced...

   Then Mathy woke up.

   “WHAT KIND OF DREAM WAS THAT!” He yelled.”It seemed so real, I could feel there pain... I must find them, I GOT TO NO MATTER WHAT!”

   Mathy, even more determined than ever quickly packed up camp, and began to head out to whatever those signs of life were. Would this be a safe trip there? Or would it be one of the hardest things he has ever done in his life.

   “Wow, this hill sure is oddly formed, It has many level surfaces, but no hills, Looks like im going to have to do some climbing in order to ascend this place.” He spoke to himself as he walked from his campsite, to the nearest opening.

   He walked forward passed the first opening, while reminiscing on his new found determination, when out of nowhere, something appears.


   “AHHHHHH WHAT IS THAT!” Mathy shouted, as a amorphous green bloblike entity jumped out and started to slowly slither toward, him. He wasn't sure what it could possibly be but just to be sure, he pulled out his wooden sword that he used for hunting ever since he landed on this land. He then got closer to it, when all of a sudden, it jumped at his face and began to wrap its slimy tenticals around his neck, as if trying to choke him and strangle him at the same time. As it slowly started to suck the life out of him, he tried to slash it with his sword, with no effect. A Feeling of fear swept across his body as he began to feel weak, as he dropped to his knees, he then heard a loud thunderous crack of lightning, and the blob began to literally melt of his face, when he caught his breath, he realized there was no storm. So it must not have been what he thought it was. In any case, he's happy to be alive.

   “Whew, if that wasn't a blast, I hope I don't see any more of those around.” Just as he uttered those words, three more similar blobs appeared from the trees, the only thing he could do now is run. He sped past them, narrowly missing one of the blobs attempts to jump at him, just as the blob from before did. He seen the end of the first basin, and instead of taking his time to try to climb down the rocks, he made a leap of faith.

   “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....” Boom, he crashed, into the next surface, this one was much smaller, and no less harder surface than the first. He took his time getting to his feet, as that was much more painful then being suffocated. He then realized there were 20 more of these to go, if he was ever going to make it down from Floresta Azenda, he would have to keep jumping.

   2 hours later...

   “Ive made it, I Think I can see a village from here, but I can barely walk, I should at least try to get there, perhaps they have an inn there, where I could rest...”

   Mathy began limping his way to what appeared to be a village. What seemed like a 10 minute walk took him to additional hours. As he just narrowly made it to the village gate, he collapsed. This was as far as he could go. He then thought if the people here were friendly enough to help him, he then softly uttered, “Help me...” Then he fainted once again.


   “Can you hear me?”


   “But mom I didn't take the cookie ehhh... OH what the, where am I?”

   “Its ok, your in the town of Wokia! My names Ganz, I run this town! Do you remember who you are?”

   “Yeah, my names Mathy, Im on a search, looking for my parents. The last thing I remember is, trying to escape from some sort of Green blobby things, then trying to walk to a place that looked like a village. Then the next thing I know, im here. “

   “Well your in good hands now! That man over there, found you laying unconscious near the fron entrance to our village.”
   Mathy then observed the scene he was in, It appeared to be a small hut, built with fine light wood, and only lit by the sun outside of the windows it had on one side of the room. The man who is sitting next to him, is a portly man, who claims to be the mayor of the village that he is within right now, and the other man was a peculiar looking introverted young man, with dark blue hair, and eyes that looked as if he hasn't slept in months.

   “My names Lawliet.” The man quickly said, and  then stood up, he seemed very tired, and had a slouched frame, he then left the hut, dragging his feet. Without even saying goodbye.

   “Quite an odd man, one would say, right mate!”

   “I guess so.” replied Mathy.
   “Well your free to go once you feel good enough, may I ask, what you were doing around these parts, We don't get a whole lot of outsiders, then in one day, we get two!”

   “You see I'm looking for my parents, and my sister, they all dissapeared, after my sister was kidnapped, and my wanderings have led me here. Wait I know, here's a picture of them! Have you seen them before?” Mathy then handed the picture over, of which Ganz, then promptly shook his head.

   “Nope never seen them before, sorry. Although, feel free to ask around if you'd like, also, you can stay as long as you would like right here in this hut, as long as no one else comes stumbling into are village in pain, hahaha. I'm sorry I must go now, if you want a tour of the city, please come see me again!”

   “Alright, thank you sir Ganz.”

   Then Ganz left the hut in an abrupt fashion. Leaving Mathy alone. Mathy then pocketed the picture of his family, hoping that someone would be able to lead him in some direction. ANY direction, Well no time like now to start my investigation into this village...

Thanks To Coltin Pyrlik, Partner And Author Which Is Typing All That Damn Work LOL!!
ilu bro XD
Chapter 2(Complete)
Spoiler for:
:    Chapter 2: A Quest Rendered Redundant

“The Menial goals in life, are the only goals that allow you to reach your destiny.”


   Mathy got out of bed to realize, he was stripped down into nothing but his underwear, after only seeing men so far, he could only think of one thing. “Perverts.” But that thought quickly was replaced by, alarm, as he heard something crash outside the hut, he then quickly got dressed, and headed outside, it was nearing nightime, and it seems a local drunkard, passed out right into a barrel. If that's any sign of things to come, it was going to be a long night of investigation.

   “Where is the first place I should investigate, From here I can see a pub, and a library, I'm sure  the library would be closed at this hour, perhaps I should try the pub.” Mathy then started to walk over to what seemed to be the biggest pub he has ever seen, for such a small village, that is an odd site indeed. I suppose, people in such a small village don't have much to do besides drink, and eat.

   Mathy then entered the pub, to see a glorious spectical, of stage dancers, and entertainers, and an aroma of fresh seafood. He then realized he hasn't eaten in a while, well any good food at least.

   “Perhaps I should try some of them clams I'm seeing everyone else eating. . . BUT I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY DO I!!!” After shouting that aloud, everyone looked at him, glaring in confusion, after a moment of awkward silence, Mathy quickly receded into the nearest chair at a small booth area in the corner of the room. When a gorgeous blonde haired female began to walk over to him, expecting her to be a waitress, he began to say, “I'm sorry I don't have any mon--. The woman then stopped him in mid sentence, and said, “If you need money, I have one simple task you could do for me. Ill give you plenty of florins, so you can eat here every day for a long time.”

   “What is it?” Mathy asked curiously.

   “All you have to do is travel to a town that's close by here, and pick up a package for me, upon returning, I will give you your florins.”

   “I would help you with it, but I'm in the middle of looking for my lost family.”

   “I've heard why your here, and if you help me, I might be able to lead you in the right direction...”


   “No, do this for me, and you will get your just deserts.”

   “Fine. How do I get to your city, and where is your package.”

   “All you have to do, is leave the city to the north, and once you reach a fork in the path, head east, and you will reach a bridge, follow the path from there, and you will reach Evona in no time.”

   “Go now, The mayor of the town holds the package, and hurry back.”
   “Cant I eat first?”

   “NO NOW GO!!!”

   “Alright fine...” Mathy gets up from the booth, and begins another quest, this one, although a lot less important that the one he is on now, could be a large stepping stone, into solving the quest he is currently worried about.

   “Wow I've been walking down this path for almost an hour, and I've yet to come across a fork in the road, I hope she knew what she was talking about, when she sent me out here.”

   Mathy continued to walk for a couple more hours, albeit a bit slower, due to his legs current strength, he then thought of giving up, and going back to Wokia, to force her to speak, but then he thought about the florins he could get from this as well, and thought better of going back.

   “Hey there it is, finally, a fork in the road. And there appears to be a sign.” The sign read, WEST, Nothing, EAST, Wokia-Evona Impasse. 

   “Well this must be the right way, I guess Ill go east. But I find it rather odd, that they would have a sign up that leads to nothing. Haha. Well it only signifies, the weird time I've been having.”

   He then walked for about one hour, covering a bit more distance that he made before, as now he has been affirmed that the woman was in fact not lying about the directions. Then he finally found his way to a river, a really rather large river, one that he could not pass by himself, the river seemed to lead through some high mountains. He then scanned across the river to find only half a bridge. And a man standing atop the bridge, Mathy yelled out to the man, the man quickly winced to see who was yelling and replied.


   “UH, ALRIGHT I GUESS!” Mathy yelled back to the man, as he realized detours always take forever... He began to walk away as night finally fell, onto the land. He wasn't tired so he felt like walking farther to cover more ground. As he was walking in the midst of the night, he began to hear footsteps, slow footsteps, that seemed to be dragging along the ground as he walked, he turned around and stared into the darkness, and a shadow emerged.

   “L-Lawliet? Is that you?” Mathy said, with a slight notion of trembling across his lips.

   “Yes.” Replied the shadow.

   “What are you doing all the way out here Lawliet? This has to be 15 miles away from the village!”

   “Im just wandering around.”

   “What? Your wandering around in the middle of the night?”

   “Yes.” Lawliet said, and without saying another word, he slowly walked away from the spot in which he stood. And left Mathy blank, as he went of into the middle of the night.

   “How odd, I wonder what he was really doing all the way out here. Well I better keep moving on if I expect to ever reach this Evona place. Oh? What's that on the ground. It looks like a torch? Did Lawliet leave that there? Well I better take it along with me.”

   Mathy then picked up the torch and continued on until he reached a small cavern like opening.

   “This must be it. Aqua Sana. I've never went inside a mountain before, This Ought to be interesting!”

   Mathy then walked in Unknowing of the many perils that awaited him within the cavern. Also an encounter, that will show him just what it means, that he has taken the responsibility of finding his family. As he entered, he began to notice, that the cavern was dark, with a colour of toxic purple, there were many geysers of bubbling dark miasma. The smell of the cavern was dark and dingy. How could this possibly be a suitable detour for any passer by. He then began to walk through the first large windy area of the cavern, it seemed that the bare minimum of carvings, that formed stairways were created as to be the only sort of comfort this place could offer. As he continued through, he began to hear voices, curious as to what those voices where, he got as close as he could to the scene, without being noticed. 

   “Do you think anyone's around bro?” Said one man, dressed in a uniform colour of green. Also sporting a green bandana that covered his hair.

   “No I'm sure we weren't followed.” Replied the other, who was dressed in a similar uniform, except his was orange.

   “Good, what do you think we should do next? We have a big meeting today, we should come up with something, that way we will make more money next month, if we can think of something that works.”

   “Well, here's my idea, why don't we urge the orange and green groups, to pillage the town of Evona. The town is full of riches, and would be perfect for our band to raise name, and get a nice amount of gold on the side. It would be perfect, and we can always tell all the grunts that we need to pillage the town, in order to get the food we need to survive! Its the perfect plot.”

   “Your right, were gunna get some nice bonuses this month ha-ha.”

   “Well we better go, Ill meet you at the camp in 3 hours.”


   Mathy waited for an extra 2 minutes to ensure that the coast is clear. Then he continued on, many paths twisted and winded, as he delved deeper into the cavern of aqua sana. The only lights, were stone statues, that emitted an eerie blue light from the bases of them. Mathy stopped just before he heard more voices, this time the voices were alarming, as if something had happened.

   “We think someone overheard a conversation we had earlier boss.”

   “Well then why didn't you catch him?”

   “We didn't want to take any rash actions without your knowledge boss.”

   “Well you need to find him and catch him now. Dead or alive. Now go.”

   “Alright Boss.”

   Mathy, overhearing this, hides behind the side of the entrance way to where the people spoke, his heart began to race. “Could they be talking about me?” He thought, as he frantically thought as to how they could have seen him.


   “But how? How could they have seen me, well I guess the only option is to fight!” As he pulled out the only item he had capable of fighting... His wooden sword. As he turned to confront his attackers, he seen 2 men, both dressed as he had seen before, but both were in red outfits, along with two wild looking dogs. When above him, a long black item came from the ceiling, and hit him across the head, then into his hands as he caught it. It seemed to be a sword. He quickly looked up to see one eye staring at him from a crawl hole in the ceiling. Then the eye and whoever possessed that eye quickly dissapeared into the crawl area above him. The sword was fashioned in a dense Eastern style, and curved much like a katana. Mathy unsheathed the blade, of which the blade had an inscription on it.

   “To the wielder of meaning. To the possessor of power.” Directly below the inscription were many different coloured encrusted gems. Mathy thought to himself. “This is a pretty nice sword to just be throwing at people. Well I hope I can use it right.

   “GET HIM!” The men shouted as the dogs both lunged at Mathy with a fury of two great demons. And at that moment, Mathy slashed, then in one moment the entire room glowed red, and temporarily blinded him. After the glow dissipated, he seen that both of the dogs were dead, sprawled out on the ground in front of him, torn in half.

   Both men stepped back in the spectical they just witnessed. Mathy then looked forward, and stared at the men, as they quickly turned and ran off into the darkness. Once Mathy seen that he was safe, he dropped the sword onto the ground and stepped back. He was completely unsure of the power he just used that could rip through both of them dogs asunder.


   “Wow... Was it the sword that could produce such an energy? Well in any case, this is the best option I have, if I'm going to make it through this cavern alive.” He then retrieved the sword from where he had dropped it, and continued onward. It appeared that a river also flows through parts of the cavern, as there were many areas separated by small wooden bridges. Its almost as if a group of people have taken shelter here, and are trying to keep the place stable. He walked through many different walkways with no other signs of life, and the cavern kept getting darker and darker, in fact it became so dark, Mathy had to use his torch once again.   He sheathed the sword and placed it on his belt. When he lit the torch, it appeared he had entered a small dark corridor, that was merely hollowed out like a cave, there were no real formations on any part of the walls or ceiling. He continued walking down the path until he heard footsteps coming from either direction.

   “Oh no have they trapped me? Really? Are they this clever? Who are these people?”

   “We are the Thieves guild, and you just stumbled onto our main camp. We don't put up with interlopers so its time for you to die.” A man said as he walked up behind Mathy, who took out a dagger and pointed it to the back of Mathy's neck. “Do you have any final words before I kill you?”

   “Yes. Yes I do, my family is missing and your blocking my way!” Mathy then pulled out his sword, and threw it into the air, then he swung around with his hand in the air, he cought the sword and knocked the dagger from the thieves hand.

   “Hmm, it seems you have some skills with that sword, you better be careful, or you might get cut.” Then the thief pulled out a long sword, and began to show a demonstration of his skills. At which, Mathy swung his sword in a mighty fashion, which cut through the Thieves sword and cut through his chest. The Thief began to bleed profusely as he fell to the ground.

   “Wha, what kind of power is that. Who are you...” Then the thief died. As his body slumped to the ground with a thud.

   “To tell you the truth, I'm not sure who I am right now. Not anywhere on this planet have I seen such a power come from a sword. I don't know if its fate that I wield this sword, or if any man can use the sword in this fashion. That's just not my concern at the moment, I must continue on with getting this package, so I can finally find my family.

   Mathy then sheathed his sword and kept moving through the corridor until he seen a light in the distance, he then deduced that that must be the exit. He rushed through the rest of the corridor almost at a running pace, he reached the exit then, THUD. He fell to the ground half of his body outside half inside.

   “Oh no, I forgot about the condition of my legs. I sure am weak, I should have rested longer. But if this is fate, I met that lady just at the right time for this. I need to continue on.” Mathy then slowly stood up and began walking once again. The land he saw in front of him was a large expanse of green lands, it was a very flat area, with little to no trees or formations to speak of. The rest of the way to Evona should be a cake walk from here. He then remembered the conversation the two thieves had from earlier. He heard them speak of pillaging Evona, He began to walk faster, as fast as his weak legs could take him. He realized that many peoples lives could be at steak if he doesn't warn them

thx to COltin Pyrlik AGAIN luv u bro xD
Title: Re: people needed for rm2k3 huge project!
Post by: HolyQuebec on December 08, 2007, 10:58:41 PM
we're still looking for people this is urgent haha. progress is slooowwww.
any skill level is acceptable.
Title: Re: people needed for rm2k3 huge project!
Post by: Dralel on December 19, 2007, 05:24:46 PM
I'll help with this project. This project looks decent so I'll help.

I am very experienced with RMRK2003 in terms of anything really lol.
My weak point would have to be long term endless coding though.
Title: Re: people needed for rm2k3 huge project!
Post by: HolyQuebec on December 23, 2007, 04:56:15 AM
I'm still looking for people.
one quality is needed.

i get lot of people saying they wanna help. BUT...(get the picture? lol)

i don't mean motivation = beeing available. no.
motivation = ''i wanna work on the project''
work 1 hour or 20 per week on the game,it's fine with me. I just want:

Spoiler for: already knew anyway. MOTIVATED PEOPLE :lol: