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RMRK General => Creativity => Topic started by: Arrow on May 14, 2007, 07:44:15 PM

Title: [Writing] A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Arrow on May 14, 2007, 07:44:15 PM
I had to write this for english class. :D

Desktop Tennis

I spend my days, as I always have for as far as I can remember, in a comfy chair,
Talking endlessly with people whose faces I am likely to never see, playing a game of mental tennis with one concept after another. Every now and then someone aces it, and something is born as the ball hits the wall.

In general though, it’s the same old same old. I quite like this routine, the…simplicity of it all. Back and forth, back and forth…


The shattered ball gets all the glory in the end though, and not the player. From it’s thready, rubbery, chartreuse remains sprouts a beautiful flower, just itching to disperse what it has on the idly waiting public. It stretches its roots to the hearts and minds of us all, raptly taking hold of our attention for weeks upon weeks, its elegance and complexity leaving the spectators in awe. As it slowly grows and grows, eventually bursting into glorious bloom, the now enamored audience clambers for their own special piece of this glorious event, to become a part of this entrancing spectacle.

Eventually, however, we come to a time where the audience as well as the players must make a decision.

“Does the brain child live?”

“Or is it cruelly left to die alone, able now only to contemplate what could have so easily been?”

Often times the flower is thrown into the cold, dark nether regions of the subconscious, where it will inevitably wilt. Who’s to blame? If we had let it grow any farther, it could have gotten hurt. It can’t be helped if it was doomed to die.


It’s those that survive that define my existence. I live to feed them, tend to them, and see them grow.

And so I sit, as I always have, in this comfy chair…

…playing tennis, and tending to my garden…


Opinions? :D
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Djangonator on May 14, 2007, 08:23:03 PM
I don't enjoy free-form poetry.
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: ChaosSpartan28 on May 14, 2007, 08:38:17 PM
WOW, very nice. This had alot of emotion. It kinda broke off to other matters that were confusing to me but soon came back onto my intellectual level XD.

Nice poem. I'd give it a 105.
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Malson on May 14, 2007, 08:59:08 PM
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Arrow on May 14, 2007, 09:06:40 PM
I'm gonna omit that before I turn it in... (    -_-)
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Arrow on May 16, 2007, 01:41:26 AM
LOL more poetry classwork, this one is uber-gay. :tpg:

I Am

I am one with myself, an unbroken bond.
I wonder about why people must always…so distance themselves from peace of mind and body.
I hear a soft, whooshing sound, which I have determined is a deep, innermost mental calm.
I see soft, rolling fields of fresh green grass. I have come to know these as the embodiment of serenity.
I am one with myself, an unbroken bond.

I pretend sometimes that I am a bird, soaring through the sky, part of the flowing wind.
I feel as if I am now free from the rigmarole of my daily duties.
I touch the heavens, and absorb the joys they bring to the clear of thought.
When I awake, I worry if I will ever achieve this wondrous dream.
I cry out, “Why can we not all find a way to live in peaceful harmony, to reach the sky together, as a happy whole?”
I am one with myself, an unbroken bond.

I understand my reality, and what that in turn encompasses.
I say these things, and I mean them. They are ideals I hold true to my soul.
I dream that one day, mankind will no longer have to separate itself with borders and restrictions, and can come together once more.
I try to understand why we fight, but as I continue to contemplate, I always fail to find any true, defining reason.
I hope and pray that one day my dream will become a reality, and we can end the eternal bloodshed that has become entangled in our existence.
I am one with myself, an unbroken bond.

…Of my people, I cannot say the same.

The last line was an extra I added for effect. The poem seems uninspired most likely, and that's probably because I had to stick to a set formula. It was literally like "I am (state two things you are)". Lame. Formula poetry.
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Holkeye on May 16, 2007, 11:58:33 AM
I am...

I am...

I am Superman, and I can do anything.
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Arrow on May 16, 2007, 12:17:22 PM
HAHAHA I should have done that.
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Nightwolf on May 19, 2007, 06:57:47 AM
I would prefer "I am a boy, bitch" but great work ^_+
Title: Re: A poem about Arrow-1
Post by: Arrow on May 23, 2007, 01:30:12 AM
Okay, last of the poetry garbage. These pages are the poems you have read, but turned into a fancy book thing for the final project. Also: There's a new poem. A bit serious, maybe even amusing, but I like it a lot.

Spoiler for Hi-Res: