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RMRK General => General Chat => Topic started by: Roph on April 20, 2007, 10:37:32 PM

Title: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Roph on April 20, 2007, 10:37:32 PM
TORONTO, Ontario (AP) -- Doris Moore was shocked when her new couch was delivered to her Toronto home with a label that used a racial slur to describe the dark brown shade of the upholstery.

The situation was even more alarming for Moore because it was her 7-year-old daughter who pointed out "nigger brown" on the tag.

"My daughter saw the label and she knew the color brown, but didn't know what the other word meant. She asked, 'Mommy, what color is that?' I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. I never thought that's how she'd learn of that word," Moore said.

The mother complained to the furniture store, which blamed the supplier, who pointed to a computer problem as the source of the derogatory label

Kingsoft Corp., a Chinese software company, acknowledged its translation program was at fault and said it was a regrettable error.

"I know this is a very bad word," Huang Luoyi, a product manager for the Beijing-based company's translation software, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

He explained that when the Chinese characters for "dark brown" are typed into an older version of its Chinese-English translation software, the offensive description comes up.

"We got the definition from a Chinese-English dictionary. We've been using the dictionary for 10 years. Maybe the dictionary was updated, but we probably didn't follow suit," he said.

Moore, who is black, said Kingsoft's acknowledgment of a mistake does not make her feel better.

"They should know what they are typing, even if it is a software error," she said. "In order for something to come into the country, don't they read it first? Doesn't the manufacturer? The supplier?"

Romesh Vanaik, owner of Vanaik Furniture, where Moore bought the sofa, said it has been a best seller. He said he checked his stock but found no other couch with the offensive label.

"It's amazing. I've been here since 1972 and I never knew the meaning of this word," said Vanaik, a native of India.
Source (

What a crazy coincidence: a black family buys the only brown couch labeled "nigger brown" by a Chinese factory using old Chinese-to-English translations.

Why is it that she can't seem to bounce back from being called a nigger? She sounds like she will be emotionally scarred because she bought a nigger brown couch.

It's a word, she needs to get over it. It's like her whole life is ruined because of this single moment, which was an admitted accident.

Moore, 30, has three young children, and said the issue has taken a toll on her family.

"Something more has to be done. We don't just need a personal apology, but someone needs to own up to where these labels were made, and someone needs to apologize to all people of color," Moore said. "I had friends over from St. Lucia yesterday and they wouldn't sit on the couch."

That's the most hilarious part right there. It has taken a toll on her family? Pathetic.

Why is it when nigger is used some idiot states it demeans all black people? I hate when people speak for me, but then again I guess it's easier to argue a point when you claim you have the support of a whole race of people behind you.

Either way, I find it funny.


Jesus Christ. Stop wasting time on being SO OFFENDED by a Chinese couch color which was lost in translation. Why not spend more energy on doing something productive instead of trying to play up your 15 minutes of fame and lawsuits. It did and still does (though rarely, they've played it up to be that offensive nowadays) have legitimate uses.


The saddest group of people would be the ones that could hear me say "nigger", then if I was black be fine with it, or if I was white, be as offended as possible :-/


In before I'm called racist
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: biohazard on April 20, 2007, 10:56:16 PM
Now in all scientific terminology, that lady is sure one nigger trying to get money.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: haloOfTheSun on April 21, 2007, 12:13:51 AM
That's the funniest thing I've heard about all week.  :tpg:
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Arrow on April 21, 2007, 02:04:10 AM
Moron. Nothing more. Pity the men who were targeted.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: bulls84 on April 21, 2007, 02:21:23 AM
LOL, this is pretty sad.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: ChaosSpartan28 on April 21, 2007, 02:35:14 AM
It sounds to me like it was a prank. We have already found fault in one sian person this month... are we going to start targeting all the other asians?

I think some idiot changed the label so that someone could get in trouble and then when the media got involved he wouldnt speak up.

I agree with what you say though Silver. Some people should just learn to let things like this just pass. It's an everyday word used probably by many other people who arent black but no one cares if they say it. (IE: The white guys who try to act black and dress and talk black probably use that word, even in movies, but no one says anthing about that?)

I personaly feel racial slurs being offensive is kinda dumb. I mean if using the N word is offensive, then I should start finding fault in those who call me a Craker, Spic, Honkey, etc.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: ChaosSpartan28 on April 21, 2007, 05:05:12 AM
LOL, again. Short, sweet, and to the point. But wording could have been a bit toned down.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Zeriab on April 22, 2007, 01:07:15 PM
Stupid people exists  :tpg:
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: biohazard on April 22, 2007, 02:37:52 PM
Stupid people exists  :tpg:
That made me laugh.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Ruhani777 on April 24, 2007, 02:45:57 AM
there are many different people, and those different people interpret things very differently. I mean, one guy buying that couch could say: "i hope a black guy made this", another lady would be like: "oh my god, look at that horrible word, its worse than the time when FREEDOM OF SPEECH came out". like, actually do something to benefit society in a way that helps all, and stop thinking about yourself, god, i hear people say this word every day, its not like im offended by it (not that im black), my friend, african american, says it all the time around the other black kids, they dont feel disturbed, because they understand "how the hell is a word gonna kill you"
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: bulls84 on April 24, 2007, 02:48:39 AM
there are many different people, and those different people interpret things very differently. I mean, one guy buying that couch could say: "i hope a black guy made this", another lady would be like: "oh my god, look at that horrible word, its worse than the time when FREEDOM OF SPEECH came out". like, actually do something to benefit society in a way that helps all, and stop thinking about yourself, god, i hear people say this word every day, its not like im offended by it (not that im black), my friend, african american, says it all the time around the other black kids, they dont feel disturbed, because they understand "how the hell is a word gonna kill you"

I agree
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Ruhani777 on April 24, 2007, 03:38:14 AM
Seriously, whats so interesting about 'NIGGER'

its a 6 lettered word
it apparently offends many people of that of an african american descent

listen guys, theres a reason why we have the 10 basic rights, so its not your decision if other people can say it or not.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Elegy on April 24, 2007, 04:56:41 AM
I bet you don't even know where the word comes from.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 24, 2007, 08:41:48 AM
The Spanish word negro originates from the Latin word niger, meaning black.

There isn't that many shades or names given to Black or Brown... I mean if they labbeled my White Leather Sofa's as Corcasion White I wouldn't give a rats arse.

Black people label one another as Nigers all the time, you watch Bad boys or other black comedy shows (Or rap music) they do it all the time... Chris Rock who is Black in his stand up does a whole sketch on how coloured people are more racist than most, calling white people Crackers, if I had a sofa that was Cracker White I wouldn't give a monkey's...

The word Nigger is only offencive if you see it as such... I mean Nigger Black / Brown is a term that could be used to describe a shade of colour, and that's exactly what they used it for.

This is a Nigger Brown Shoe (


China uses this colour reference often... She should get over it...

Some times the racist card gets played too often, if people of ethnic minority keep playing it they them selves are alienating them selves, not us.

IT WAS NOT MEANT... So why should there be an appology at all... China have it as a colour reference, it's like asking England to change the colour Royal Blue as it show patriotisum to the Queen or some thing... Or British Racing Green to be renamed... TAKE THE PISS !!!

I don't see why it's taken a toll on the family, you only need to stay up past 8pm to hear that word... Heck her kid could go to the libary and rent this book :-


I bet if that happened the kids Mum would have a Heart attack or some thing...

MTV:- N.W.A. ("Niggaz With Attitude") Play every now and then... I dunno the whole thing is just stupid.

I would laugh, if it didn't make me so angry...
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Morris Lawry on April 24, 2007, 11:53:05 AM
Now in all scientific terminology, that lady is sure one nigger trying to get money.

I agree, silver your right, i mean come on its a stupid mistake. Bio you are the most racist, and funny as hell guy ever. i laughed, and its also correct, in my terms
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Arrow on April 24, 2007, 12:42:49 PM
The Spanish word negro originates from the Latin word niger, meaning black.

There isn't that many shades or names given to Black or Brown... I mean if they labbeled my White Leather Sofa's as Corcasion White I wouldn't give a rats arse.

Black people label one another as Nigers all the time, you watch Bad boys or other black comedy shows (Or rap music) they do it all the time... Chris Rock who is Black in his stand up does a whole sketch on how coloured people are more racist than most, calling white people Crackers, if I had a sofa that was Cracker White I wouldn't give a monkey's...

The word Nigger is only offencive if you see it as such... I mean Nigger Black / Brown is a term that could be used to describe a shade of colour, and that's exactly what they used it for.

This is a Nigger Brown Shoe (


China uses this colour reference often... She should get over it...

Some times the racist card gets played too often, if people of ethnic minority keep playing it they them selves are alienating them selves, not us.

IT WAS NOT MEANT... So why should there be an appology at all... China have it as a colour reference, it's like asking England to change the colour Royal Blue as it show patriotisum to the Queen or some thing... Or British Racing Green to be renamed... TAKE THE PISS !!!

I don't see why it's taken a toll on the family, you only need to stay up past 8pm to hear that word... Heck her kid could go to the libary and rent this book :-


I bet if that happened the kids Mum would have a Heart attack or some thing...

MTV:- N.W.A. ("Niggaz With Attitude") Play every now and then... I dunno the whole thing is just stupid.

I would laugh, if it didn't make me so angry...

Right on, brother.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Lominisio on April 24, 2007, 12:55:35 PM
I found that funny. But as this isn't anything to debate about other than how stupid people are, why is this in ID?
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 24, 2007, 02:31:19 PM
I found that funny. But as this isn't anything to debate about other than how stupid people are, why is this in ID?

This isn't the 1st time some thing like this has happened and wont be the last.

I think this could be an ongoing debate...

OK... Take for example the MOBO awards... Music Of Black Orgin... If White people or a TV broadcasting company launched MOWO... Music Of White Origin... The people who came up with the idea would be branded Racist in 5 sec's of it being aired !!!

The Race Card is a pain in the Arse... It's so easy to be called Racist when your not... And even harder to prove your not... To a point it makes you feel racist, or paranoid that you may come across that way.

Some times I feel like I am in the biggest minority with the way I am treated as a White British Male.

For example:-
-I have less chance of getting a Job if a Ethnic applys for the same job with equal skills
-I have less chance of getting a council house should an Ethnic apply (they get more points awarded)
-I have to act differently around Ethnic people or be seen as outcasting them (even though I aint)

I don't treat any race of people different to another, but the type casting the Ethnic people have of White people is almost racist in it's self... You have to earn the trust and respect of an Ethnic person, but they expect it from the word go from a White person else it's deemed racist.

Silverline - May be you should rename the topic title (The Race Card, does it help or hinder you) or (Is the word Nigger Racist or Descriptive) Or (Racisum Reversed and those in the Majority being outcast)... Or (Should the Race Card be shown the Red Card !!)... You have a mind, bet you could come up with a better one... But Lominisio has a point it's more of an Article than a Debate as it stands.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Zeriab on April 24, 2007, 07:09:11 PM
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have made so big a fuss a bit it if everyone including her family told her that it was silly to be angry about it.


OK... Take for example the MOBO awards... Music Of Black Orgin... If White people or a TV broadcasting company launched MOWO... Music Of White Origin... The people who came up with the idea would be branded Racist in 5 sec's of it being aired !!!


Naturally. MOWO is like MOBO racist. (Assuming we are talking about the 'white' race and the 'black' race)
Question is just how big a deal they make out of it.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 24, 2007, 07:14:54 PM
There is such thing as The MOBO awards...LOL

Here click the above link and spot the White person...LOL

There is no such thing as MOWO awards, you know why...? Cuz if there was there would be a riot and protests and arrests and claims that the goverment are being racist...

It's stuff like this that bugs me...

And stuff like the article Silver posted...
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Zeriab on April 24, 2007, 07:33:45 PM
MOBO is still racist  ::)

Does this mean that the white racists aren't as bad as the black racists =o
Or perhaps it's just the 'right' kind of racism compared to the 'wrong' kind of racism.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 25, 2007, 08:01:54 AM
Does this mean that the white racists aren't as bad as the black racists =o
Or perhaps it's just the 'right' kind of racism compared to the 'wrong' kind of racism.

That's what I am saying... Why is it that the Race Card works in favour to a point of in-balance...?

I don't treat any race of people different to another, but the type casting the Ethnic people have of White people is almost racist in it's self... You have to earn the trust and respect of an Ethnic person, but they expect it from the word go from a White person else it's deemed racist.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Holkeye on April 25, 2007, 08:11:17 AM
I am not racist. I don't care what color people are, as long as they are cool to me. I just find it funny that people say that they are not their race until it's time for affirmative action. If everyone is trying to be equal or whatever, then why make a big deal out of a story like this? Its only bringing the difference in color back to the forefront. I say forget about it, and move on. This site, for instance, has people from all over the world coming in day after day. The only people that seem to be persecuted against are idiots, and those come in all colors.

As for where the word "Nigger" comes from, it really doesn't matter. Words change meaning over time and use.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Ruhani777 on April 25, 2007, 08:32:07 PM
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Elegy on April 26, 2007, 08:30:29 AM
This site, for instance, has people from all over the world coming in day after day. The only people that seem to be persecuted against are idiots, and those come in all colors.

I disagree, you people are the majority.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 26, 2007, 09:41:00 AM
I disagree, you people are the majority.

Elegy - If you disagree that means your saying having a Sofa turn up at your home with the label Nigger Brown on it would take a toll on your family, to the point you wouldn't want to sit on it ?

Nigger is on a derocative term if used in that way, I mean many coloured people use it as a welome "Whats up my Nigger"... Almost like saying "Whats up my Brother"... It could have been looked at as Brother Brown if she so choosed...

The word Nigger in this instance was used to describe a colour, a shade... Like Smurf Blue or some thing... British Racing Green... It was not meant to cause hurt, and that's obvious.

People in China use Nigger brown as a descriptive colour all the time.

Do you see the people n China going mental over the Simpson's, as they are all painted up yellow, and the Chinese kids painted up white...?

We should be past, in our day and age, the colour of skin... The Majority of White people have no fasination with skin or racial diferences... the only people still hung up on it, are people from the minority's, they are persicuting them selves.

When was the last time you heard of some one (You know) being racially attacked by a WHITE person ?
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Holkeye on April 26, 2007, 11:48:09 AM
This site, for instance, has people from all over the world coming in day after day. The only people that seem to be persecuted against are idiots, and those come in all colors.

I disagree, you people are the majority.

I don't understand. Are you implying that I'm an idiot? I'm not sure since what I said had nothing to do with minority/majority, and you seem to have found a way to stick that word in there. I guess if anything makes someone an idiot, it would be doing something like that. Or maybe that makes you a jackass, I can never tell the difference.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Ruhani777 on April 26, 2007, 06:32:43 PM
well some people tried to take this in a historical sort of way. I mean, slave owners in the past, used to call their slaves niggers. So, in relation to the past, this offends them, even NOW. But i say, forget the past, live your lives as of now, look at all the good, screw the bad, i mean, all of us have had some pretty tough times, but as time progresses, we learn to overcome it, and eventually forget it.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Holkeye on April 26, 2007, 06:35:01 PM
Most of the black slaves are dead now anyway.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 26, 2007, 07:16:03 PM
Most of the black slaves are dead now anyway.

When I was a kid I had loads of Black Mates... Until my Dad sold them all.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: biohazard on April 26, 2007, 07:20:04 PM
I can't tell if you are serious or not, I don't know how old you are  ;8
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 26, 2007, 09:00:02 PM
I was only joking... He burned them, Well the ones that he couldn't make a profit on.

Just joshing... Seriously that was out of order... I aint Racist, just could help moking slavery, I mean it is over, long over... Yet for some reason we still say sorry and pussy foot around the issue.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Ruhani777 on April 27, 2007, 01:11:08 PM
yeah... funny... i once saw a white man bump into a black man, and he literally ran away, im assuming he was scared.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: landofshadows on April 27, 2007, 01:36:01 PM
Err I don't get that if that was supposed to be a joke you need to join the readers digest club or some thing.

But any way... I think in a world that we should all be treated equal, people being tied into the past and taking things too seriously is holding us back from moving forward.
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: Ruhani777 on April 27, 2007, 11:06:42 PM
Title: Re: Woman's "outrage" over "nigger brown" couch.
Post by: biohazard on April 28, 2007, 12:40:45 AM
yeah... funny... i once saw a white man bump into a black man, and he literally ran away, im assuming he was scared.
"friendly black fellow watch where you goin!"