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RMRK General => General Chat => Topic started by: Irock on April 07, 2007, 08:57:39 PM

Title: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Irock on April 07, 2007, 08:57:39 PM
It's been pondering my mind what I would rather know. My future, or the planet's future. Which would you rather know? Please discuss and explain your choice.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: :) on April 07, 2007, 09:01:02 PM
iF I knew my future I would be able to see how the world is..if I'm alive then cool + I learn what's going to to happen to me.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Lavata on April 07, 2007, 09:18:36 PM
Mine. Definitly mine. If I was OK in the future then I would presume that the Planet was OK. Or. That, or I could be alive on the moon or something.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: shadowdude on April 08, 2007, 12:32:54 AM
I wouldnt like to know either, because if you knew your future and it was good you might stop caring because you know it will turn out good, but if you stop caring your future will change, If you know your future then you are doomed to destroy it.And to be quite honest i couldn't give 2 shits if the earth blows up in 10 days or 10 millenia were gonna be dead either way.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Plump Prince on April 08, 2007, 01:41:37 AM
The planet's future? What is that? I already know that the Earth will made unrecognizable when the Sun turns into a red giant in a few billion years.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: shadowdude on April 08, 2007, 01:48:39 AM
Again i bring up what i said, were dead no matter when the planets gets fucked.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Set on April 10, 2007, 02:44:13 AM
Planet, if you know when the sun's going out, you'll just know (unless if its in the near future) If you know about your future...well...think Final Destination
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Jangles on April 10, 2007, 03:08:41 AM
Well, I would kinda like to have a glimpse of my future, to see if I'm making some good choices. Like that movie Click with Adam Sandler, sometimes a guy just needs a break. Though I don't need a UNIVERSAL universal remote.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Dark_Koji on April 10, 2007, 03:37:14 AM
Between the two choices, I am actually more interested in the planet's future. More on the lines of the world's future outcome, e.g. next world war? dominating countries? Those make good writing material  ;D
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Jangles on April 10, 2007, 03:41:31 AM
Between the two choices, I am actually more interested in the planet's future. More on the lines of the world's future outcome, e.g. next world war? dominating countries? Those make good writing material  ;D

Rule of Acquisition #34 - War is good for business.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: shadowdude on April 11, 2007, 02:57:58 AM
If the world knows its future then the superpowers of the world will make it happen, anybody seen paycheck? it will turn out like that f we know our own futures. If we know the planets then we could try changing it, but we wouldnt anyway.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Yukimora on April 11, 2007, 03:39:10 AM
i would like to see the planets future because our future isnt predetermind so it wouold be more like a trick and eaither make you do better or worse depending on what your future was dipicted as in the illusion...
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Kurochi on April 14, 2007, 09:30:53 AM
Well heres my thinking:

For the planets future- If we know the future then we are destined to make the opposite happen so either we're gonna bone the planet and die soon or save it and die of old age, after which I dont give a damn because...HEY! I'm dead.

My future- Depends on whether time travel rules apply because we could end up with a terminator style time line where it cycles between 3 different time lines perpetually. If not then I would like to know my own future because man has the power to change his destiny, just not the worlds. When man tries screwing around with something that large he usually gets boned along with what ever he was messing with.(of course indirect premonitions may escape the system. Nostradomus anyone?)

So ultimately I say Fuck the planet and tell me whats comin my way. >_<

PS: Anyone seen X?
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: zxm on April 14, 2007, 05:10:13 PM
This was on Everybody Votes Channel.

My own future, because it may involve the planets.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Houna on April 15, 2007, 12:51:30 AM
My own future because if my future's is good then I'll know the planets is too. I mean if I'm sailing through the ocean and it suddenly lights on fire, that not good for me or the planet.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Winged on April 15, 2007, 11:31:39 PM
My future...

1. Because I'm greedy

2. If I'm fine then the rest of the human population is fine.

Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: SexualBubblegumX on April 16, 2007, 01:41:48 AM
My future, because everything will be Ragnarok'd any how.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Lord Dante on April 18, 2007, 03:36:55 AM

planet's. If i know mine then ill be compelled to either avoid it or indulge in it, and then id have no free will.

The planet's is already known, so id just be getting another armageddon lesson.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Holkeye on April 18, 2007, 05:47:49 AM
I would love to know the planet's future. My life will be over in a flash on a grand scale, and the earth's would be far more interesting to witness. Great topic btw.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: GilgameshRO on April 18, 2007, 06:04:55 AM
I wouldn't want to know either. Let it surprise me.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Lord Dante on April 18, 2007, 07:05:43 AM

Well, if know and witness are synonymous, then fuck, im watching the world explode :P
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Nightwolf on April 18, 2007, 12:58:16 PM
I may sound like those show offs who say enjoy you're time, but seriously, I don't Care.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Arrow on April 18, 2007, 08:14:37 PM
Oh lord, I NEVER want to know my future. No matter how much I beg or plead, do not tell me.

Serious spoilers.

I voted The Planet's, but I may not want to know that either. What if it ends in twenty years?!
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Lord Dante on April 19, 2007, 03:19:39 AM
Then you better start working out so you can get laid.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Arrow on April 19, 2007, 02:44:39 PM

*disconnects his internets, hits the gym*
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: The Shadow on April 21, 2007, 03:34:16 PM
The Planets future. I don't care about my future. Things will just happen.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Esmeralda on May 13, 2007, 08:01:29 AM
Planets, I guess. It'd sound clicheƩ if I said nothing is exciting when you know ur own future.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Revo on May 13, 2007, 02:28:14 PM
Planet's future. But actually I don't care either way. I don't really want to know the future. And you can't see your future because your future is up to you. You can change your future at any time.
Title: Re: Would you rather know your future? Or the planets future?
Post by: Polraudio on May 16, 2007, 01:53:09 PM
Planets. so i could do my best to prevent bad stuff that will happen in the future.