The RPG Maker Resource Kit

Other Game Creation => Program Troubleshooting => Topic started by: Jinu on March 21, 2007, 04:12:03 AM

Title: "vista" [solved] Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Jinu on March 21, 2007, 04:12:03 AM
I have rpgmaker 2003 and for some reason when i go to make a new project it tells me this:

Project creation could not be completed.

now i never had this problem before..  do you think it could be because i have windows Vista now?  Vista never said there was a conflict.. or compatibility problem.
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Nightwolf on March 21, 2007, 05:14:29 AM
Try Reinstalling the program.
If it still doesnt work, try re-downloading the program.


keep on trying..
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on March 21, 2007, 06:01:35 AM
Perhaps it is the directory for the new project is invalid?

If it's relying on a folder that doesn't exist I could see that arising, try changing the path of new folders.
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Jinu on March 21, 2007, 06:08:58 AM
I have tried making a directory and pointing the create a project it still makes that error..

and i have downloaded many different ones.. I have downloaded the one from but i still find the same error ... I will try an uninstall it again and reinstalling it and see what happens..

does anyone else here have windows vista and running RPG maker 2003?

edit: nope still dont work.. i get the same error..
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on March 21, 2007, 06:36:36 AM

does anyone else here have windows vista and running RPG maker 2003?

Actually, your the first one I've heard of, perhaps someone else with Vista can step in here?
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Jinu on March 21, 2007, 06:44:53 AM
I hope so.. I mean "I" could prolly just do stuff on my old 333 thats running xp really.. but my sister tho "is the reason why i am trying to get this to work."  Is getting this problem on her lap top.. and it is giving me the same problem on my desk top.. and well we are both running vista and having this problem so I am going to guess its a vista thing.. but if someone can confirm that for me that would be awesome.
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on March 21, 2007, 08:16:13 AM
Ok, I've been looking around and have found a few people that run Vista and play both 2k3 and XP without any problems,  although all of what you said seems to lead to a problem with Vista.

Vista is a new program and certain bugs will not have been found as of yet, while some people may have no problems in a certain area, others may. If the version of 2k3 you downloaded works on other operating systems, and you have installed it correctly then it sounds like a problem with Vista.

It would be more assuring if i didn't work completely as it still may be something wrong with what your doing.

Try this: bring over an old already created project and see if you can open it. If you can a quick solution would be to make an empty project on another computer, save it to disc and just duplicate the project every time you wish to start a new one.
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Jinu on March 22, 2007, 06:08:08 AM
we have already tried doing that with an RPG that a friend of mine had made.  It starts like it is going to open the game then it just quits.. with some other kind of error..

BUT!! RECENT DISCOVERIES (by myself of course) have shown that VISTA IS WEIRD!... in order to make RPG maker 2003 work in vista if it is giving this type of error you need to go to the file exe right click it and click compatibility and then check the box that says " run this program as system administrator" 

I guess poking around every little nook and cranny gets you somewhere.. maybe this site should note this vista error and post the fix some were in case someone else has this problem..
Title: Re: Problems when opening rpgmaker 2003
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on March 22, 2007, 06:39:32 AM
I guess it comes down to Vista's new security thing. Glad you found an answer.

For now put "Vista" and "[Solved]" into this topics title (push the edit button of the first post and you will be able to change the title).