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RMRK General => General Chat => Topic started by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 05:40:33 PM

Title: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 05:40:33 PM
I want it to be legalized, do you?

Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 05:49:15 PM
No. Drugs are for the mentally weak with no will power to withstand the social pressure.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Snailer on January 21, 2007, 05:52:44 PM
It's already legal in my country ^^

But i wont ever EVER use it..
It stinks
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 05:55:14 PM
rep++ for that one. :)
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Roph on January 21, 2007, 05:59:46 PM
Maybe you could provide some reasons as to why you think it should be legalized?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 06:02:32 PM
Of course it should be legal. People have the right to do whatever they choose to their bodies, as long as it doesn't adversely affect anyone else.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 06:19:40 PM
It does not harm your health many studies prove it

-"No acute lethal overdoses of cannabis are known, in contrast to several of its illegal (for example, cocaine) and legal (for example, alcohol, aspirin, acetaminophen) counterparts."
(9/20/03) British Medical Journal

Some people consider it safer than alcool

if it was dangerous they would not of legalized it in holland
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 06:33:19 PM
Marihuana can change the way you act and behave after some time. You can usually recognize people who are stoned often by that.

I don't judge Marihuana, because I have heard a lot about it. I have heard it doesn't do damage, I have heard it does. Fact is, that now it is not legal for reason and maybe it should stay like this.

Other than that, I still keep my statement about drugs. I also consider alcohol a drug as well as cigarettes. They ARE drugs after all. Pain killers are also drugs, they are just legal. But there is a difference between legal and illegal drugs.

And you shouldn't believe everything you read, Woompa...


In the Netherlands (Holland) it's also allowed to have sexual relations with 14. =/
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 06:41:38 PM
No. Drugs are for the mentally weak with no will power to withstand the social pressure.

My friend is in the top 20 best HighSchool students in mathematics(in Canada) and he is a pot head. You should not call people mentaly weak just because they use pot. If you did not tried it once in your life you can not realy judge us because you don't know what it is.


Marihuana can change the way you act and behave after some time. You can usually recognize people who are stoned often by that.

I don't judge Marihuana, because I have heard a lot about it. I have heard it doesn't do damage, I have heard it does. Fact is, that now it is not legal for reason and maybe it should stay like this.

Other than that, I still keep my statement about drugs. I also consider alcohol a drug as well as cigarettes. They ARE drugs after all. Pain killers are also drugs, they are just legal. But there is a difference between legal and illegal drugs.

And you shouldn't believe everything you read, Woompa...


In the Netherlands (Holland) it's also allowed to have sexual relations with 14. =/

I don't belive everything I read but I use pot and I do not feel any different than before I started to use it but I am still careful I believe its okay to use pot as long as you do not abuse it
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 06:50:09 PM
No need to double post, just use the Modify button.

Sorry, I didn't clarify myself, with mentally weak I meant with not will power. So it should be:

Drugs are for the ones with no will power to withstand the social pressure.

You don't have to take drugs, nobody's holding a gun in your face.

The thing is that there are 3 phases of taking drugs:

1. You take the drug.
2. The drug takes the drug.
3. The drug takes you.

The problem with nearly all the people is that they think "I can control it.  I can stop wherever I want.". And they are wrong very often.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Zetsukomaru on January 21, 2007, 07:17:50 PM
I agree with Zypher. So long as it effects no one but yourself, it should be okay. However if it does end up hurting someone, whether it be emotionally or physically, then it is considered wrong.

Personally, I can't make a strong statement one way or another whether or not it should be legal. Neither I, nor anyone I know, have tried it, so I can't say if there are certain effects or not.

Hm... and what use is making it illegal? They tried that with alcohol too once, and that didn't blow over so well. Fact is, legal or not, someone will always chose to use it.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 07:18:45 PM
Pot is not like other drugs it is proven that pot is not or very litle adictive.
You should not compare pot with other illegal drugs, because pot is much safer than crack(wich by the way I will never try).

If you are addicted to pot it is because its all in your mind. Its just like people that are addicted to video games or to food, there nothing in the video game or the food that makes you addicted to it, pot addiction is just the same.

By the way blizzard most people who use pot dont use it because of social pressure, they use it to have fun just like people use alcool to have fun.

if it was dangerous there would not be 3 million of canadians who take pot (according to Statistics Canada), if it was dangerous there would not be such a big culture created around it. The people who at least tried it once know it is not dangerous and also not addictive.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 07:25:45 PM
1. You take the drug.
2. The drug takes the drug.
3. The drug takes you.

Uh, what?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 07:28:47 PM
Maybe you could provide some reasons as to why you think it should be legalized?
So I can get ahold of it easier. (joke)

I didn't read any other posts in this thread, but I'm sure all the "I don't do drugs" people are getting all self-righteous and hateful for no reason other than somebody mentioned marijuana.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Snailer on January 21, 2007, 07:29:59 PM
Well like i said it's legal in my country  but still
I isn't bad to legalize it as its limited !
Like say, for only having it in some small amount.
That wouldnt hurt..
I think  ::)
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 07:32:49 PM
That's the social pressure I was talking of.

Person A: C'mon, just try it. It'll be fun. It's nothing bad like crack.
Person B: Alright. It'll be fun.

You think they would have ever tried if nobody didn't give them that stuff?

It's true, addiction is an psyche illness, but that doesn't mean you can take everything, just because you are immune to addiction. Addiction is nothing you can control. You can't be immune to addiction. It's usual that people with inner unhappiness (of what kind ever) take drugs. It's all on psyche level.
Don't get me wrong, but I think people who need a drug to be happy or cool or have fun or whatever are pathetic. I mean... "What?! You need a drug to have fun with us?!" I think that's pathetic.

I don't take drugs, because I don't want to. Fuck that non-sense if I actually don't even know what that stuff can do to my body. Did you know that every organism reacts differently on drugs? There are people who became mentally challenged for the rest of their lives only because they took this one little pill of Ecstacy.


1. In the beginning you take a drug just for the sake of experimenting.
2. Later it becomes an everyday routine. Stoning yourself is nothing more, but a usual thing in your life.
3. You can't live without your drug anymore. You need it physically and psychically. You feel pain if you don't have it, you feel sorrow if you don't have it. As soon as you get your daily dose you start thinking about how to get your next one.

It doesn't mean you get through all trough phases. There even people who go straight from 1 to 3.

@Snailer: Then alcohol should be treated as well. "Are you nuts?!" People would go crazy if you try to limit alcohol possesion.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 07:42:02 PM
Every new experience is a social pressure.

Person A: Ever had poutine before? Come on, try it, it's delicious.
Person B: Alright. It'll be delicious.

You think anyone would have tried anything if nobody gave them the stuff?

So, anyway, I smoke pot usually when I go out drinking. And I go out drinking usually every weekend. But you know what, these last two weekends I stayed in. I just didn't feel like partying. I didn't go into withdrawal, or freak out. Know why I started smoking pot? The same reason I started drinking. It's fun. It makes you feel happy, basically. I certainly wasn't depressed before I started, and I certainly don't do it because I'm trying to compensate or blahbalhbalh psyche blahblahblahblah.

And I used to be the same way, thinking "I don't need to drink to have fun with people." But guess what. Speaking from experience, I have even more fun when I drink with someone. More fun than I would have otherwise.

I don't know why I'm typing this response.

Blizzard, do you even drink?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 07:46:16 PM

1. In the beginning you take a drug just for the sake of experimenting.
2. Later it becomes an everyday routine. Stoning yourself is nothing more, but a usual thing in your life.
3. You can't live without your drug anymore. You need it physically and psychically. You feel pain if you don't have it, you feel sorrow if you don't have it. As soon as you get your daily dose you start thinking about how to get your next one.

It doesn't mean you get through all trough phases. There even people who go straight from 1 to 3.

You forget to realize that there are still people who never go past 1. Besides, why should you care? It's not like any of these people are shoving a joint in your mouth.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Snailer on January 21, 2007, 07:46:37 PM
Every new experience is a social pressure.

Person A: Ever had poutine before? Come on, try it, it's delicious.
Person B: Alright. It'll be delicious.

Wel.. i think you will try to be though or something when someone will
shove it up ur mouth and hope they like but after that u are addicted and DIE alONE !!
I changed my oppinion /
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 07:48:28 PM
Every new experience is a social pressure.

Person A: Ever had poutine before? Come on, try it, it's delicious.
Person B: Alright. It'll be delicious.

Wel.. i think you will try to be though or something when someone will
shove it up ur mouth and hope they like but after that u are addicted and DIE alONE !!
I changed my oppinion /
What the hell are you talking about? Nobody shoves anything in your mouth.

The incoherency of this post rivals old Nightwolf's posts.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 07:50:26 PM
Here's another thing. I've never had anyone be all

"wanna smoke some weed"
"no thanks"
"ILL FUCKING KILL YOU :shoves it in your mouth:"

My first time someone asked me was like this:
"Wanna hit?"
" thanks."
"Alright, man. That's cool."

The first time I did it was like this:
"Wanna hit?"
"Ehhh....yeah, sure."

Maybe I just have friends that don't suck or something.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 07:51:50 PM
My first time someone asked me was like this:
"Wanna hit?"
" thanks."
"Alright, man. That's cool."

Same for me.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Snailer on January 21, 2007, 07:52:58 PM
"wanna smoke some weed"
"no thanks"
"ILL FUCKING KILL YOU :shoves it in your mouth:"

I lol'd  :tpg:

But you are right about that >.<
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 07:57:07 PM

We just use pot to have fun, just like you play video games to have fun.

By the way the first time I took pot me and my friend(wich was his firts time too) bought it, placed it in our home made bong and smoked it alone, we were not influence by anyone.

I believe that if cigarets(wich are more harmfull and much more addictive) are legal, then pot should be legal.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 08:02:49 PM
I do drink. I know, I know...

But I see it like that:

"I don't need a drink to be happy. But hell, who cares?! Bartender! A double Jäger!"

I drink with friends, because I want to, not because I need to. I don't smoke on the other hand.
And yeah, I also think cigarettes should be made illegal, but there is too much cashflow in that business, so they can't.

My first time someone asked me was like this:
"Wanna hit?"
" thanks."
"Alright, man. That's cool."


Social pressure is also:

"But everybody does it... I should do it..."

It's wrong to think like that. If everybody jumps of a cliff, you have to do it as well?!
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 08:04:28 PM
You can think all you want, but nothing's going to change if cigarettes do become illegal. Remember prohibition?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Djangonator on January 21, 2007, 08:11:51 PM
1. You take the drug.
2. The drug takes the drug.
3. The drug takes you.

Uh, what?

Yeah, wtf guy? Are you just trying to show that a transition can occur to where the drugs are controlling you, rather than you controlling the drugs? Look, not everyone takes drugs because of social pressure. You're right- you do not HAVE to take drugs. Just like you don't HAVE to take them, you do not have to NOT take them. It's a personal choice.

anyway, this is not a topic about why or why not you shouldn't do drugs. It's a thread about if marijuana ought to be legalized or not. I personally think that it should.

Here, ( even the DEA is saying that some chemicals in marijuana can be used beneficially in medicine (all other "information" about it is rather negative, though- I mean, it IS the DEA). I don't see it as any worse than alcohol. In my opinion, alcohol is worse, since it damages your liver, brain, can make you sick, can send you into a coma; shit, in the history of time, marijuana has never done any of those things. Also, I've never heard of a Marijuana Anonymous meeting, but I'm sure if there is one, they smoke pot rather than discourage the use of it.

What is wrong with doing it at all? Or any drugs for that matter? What I am doing to MY body shouldn't be a problem with anybody else as long as I am not adversely affecting THEIR lives. As long as I am not infringing upon anyone else's rights, what should it matter if I want to light up a joint? There are regulations on alcohol- why not just put them on marijuana, as well? Also, some benefits of legalizing it- it would reduce the need for a black market and would therefore reduce crime, it would mean less money is wasted on sending marijuana users to jail, the government could, you know, tax it and make a profit for themselves, and hey- legal marijuana!

You can think all you want, but nothing's going to change if cigarettes do become illegal. Remember prohibition?

Yeah, prohibition caused more problems, not less.

Social pressure is also:

"But everybody does it... I should do it..."

It's wrong to think like that. If everybody jumps of a cliff, you have to do it as well?!

Who is saying that you have to? it is still a personal choice. And isn't it the same with drinking?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 08:15:04 PM
Yes, it is. Same thing with drinking and smoking.

True, you can do with your body whatever you want.


If you are in the 3rd phase, you will start selling your stuff only to get drugs. After you don't have anything left and all your money is gone, you will start stealing. And that IS of other's concern. Also, I don't remember it is legal to slowly kill yourself.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 08:17:00 PM
Django pretty much stated my opinion better than I could have.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 08:19:32 PM
If people can do sports, play vidoe games, drink, watch tv to have fun then i belive that we could smoke weed to have fun. Smoking weed is just an other way of having fun

Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Djangonator on January 21, 2007, 08:19:35 PM
Yes, it is. Same thing with drinking and smoking.

True, you can do with your body whatever you want.


If you are in the 3rd phase, you will start selling your stuff only to get drugs. After you don't have anything left and all your money is gone, you will start stealing. And that IS of other's concern. Also, I don't remember it is legal to slowly kill yourself.

Who says that you will steal if you are on  the "third phase"? Also, is it ILLEGAL to kill yourself?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 08:24:40 PM
ITT: Blizzard thinks he some kind of authority on drug users despite not doing them himself.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 08:25:16 PM
Who says that you will steal if you are on  the "third phase"?

You need your drug, you need money to buy it, you don't have money, so you are going to get some. Simple. You don't tell yourself what to do, the drug tells you.

Also, is it ILLEGAL to kill yourself?

I've striken the text trough exactly out of this reason. I have no idea. !_!

@arlen: I am sorry that I know the facts and have some experience with that. ::)
I told you already, yes I do drink, but I keep it to that. And I don't drink every day, I drink once a month, since I go out once a month.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 08:26:51 PM
And yes, I smoke pot, but I keep it to that. And I don't smoke pot every day, I smoke pot every other week or so, since I only drink every other week or so.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Djangonator on January 21, 2007, 08:28:46 PM
Who says that you will steal if you are on  the "third phase"?

You need your drug, you need money to buy it, you don't have money, so you are going to get some. Simple. You don't tell yourself what to do, the drug tells you.

Also, is it ILLEGAL to kill yourself?

I've striken the text trough exactly out of this reason. I have no idea. !_!

@arlen: I am sorry that I know the facts and have some experience with that. ::)
I told you already, yes I do drink, but I keep it to that. And I don't drink every day, I drink once a month, since I go out once a month.

Believe me, not everyone in the "third phase" steals. You never stop telling yourself what to do, whether you are under the influence are not. It's true that you may not be thinking clearly, but it's always YOUR decision.

And what is the difference between going out to drink once a month nd smoking marijuana once a month?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 08:29:50 PM
Blizzard's gonna say something like "smoking pot doesn't make you sell your stuff to get more of it THIRD STAGE MAN THIRD STAGE EVERYONE WHO SMOKES POT ONCE WILL END UP SELLING THEIR STUFF THIRD STAGE :rolleyes smiley:"

edit: Sorry. Phase, not stage.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 08:32:49 PM
Yes, it is. Same thing with drinking and smoking.

True, you can do with your body whatever you want.


If you are in the 3rd phase, you will start selling your stuff only to get drugs. After you don't have anything left and all your money is gone, you will start stealing. And that IS of other's concern. Also, I don't remember it is legal to slowly kill yourself.

What you dont understand blizzard is that there is no phase 3 with pot, its not like other illegal drugs. By the way were I live(quebec) pot cost way less than alcool
-case of 15 beer =25$
-3.5Grams (7Joints)=25$

You need between 10-15 beers to get drunk, you only need 0.5-1Grams to get High.

Pot Head saves much more money than alcoholic.
If some people did lose all their money because of pot it is because the abuse it and have no self control.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 08:47:16 PM
And yes, I smoke pot, but I keep it to that. And I don't smoke pot every day, I smoke pot every other week or so, since I only drink every other week or so.

Fine, your problem.

Believe me, not everyone in the "third phase" steals. You never stop telling yourself what to do, whether you are under the influence are not. It's true that you may not be thinking clearly, but it's always YOUR decision.

I don't say it does. Of course it is you who are doing all of this, it's just a metapha. There actually are people who stop taking drugs. It's very very hard, but possible.

And what is the difference between going out to drink once a month nd smoking marijuana once a month?

Just like I said above to arlen.

What you dont understand blizzard is that there is no phase 3 with pot, its not like other illegal drugs. By the way were I live(quebec) pot cost way less than alcool
-case of 15 beer =25$
-3.5Grams (7Joints)=25$

Of course there is no phase 3 with pot! But pot often (NOT ALWAYS) leads to harder drugs that have phase 3.

You need between 10-15 beers to get drunk, you only need 0.5-1Grams to get High.

Pot Head saves much more money than alcoholic

Because pot is harder stuff. What's actually worse for your health? Beer or high-percented alcoholic drink? The second one if I am not wrong, because it's concentrated.
Altough, I know the fact that marihuana isn't as unhealthy for your organs like alcohol, it IS more unhealthy to your brain than alcohol.

Blizzard's gonna say something like "smoking pot doesn't make you sell your stuff to get more of it THIRD STAGE MAN THIRD STAGE EVERYONE WHO SMOKES POT ONCE WILL END UP SELLING THEIR STUFF THIRD STAGE :rolleyes smiley:"

Like I said, pot often (not always) leads to harder drugs. And yeah, it is the third phase. ::) Third phase is just a description for the state of physical and psychic addiction to drug(s).
You forget, I am not an ignorant short-sighted idiot like many people who would say that, because they THINK they are right.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Djangonator on January 21, 2007, 08:57:26 PM
Because pot is harder stuff. What's actually worse for your health? Beer or high-percented alcoholic drink? The second one if I am not wrong, because it's concentrated.
Altough, I know the fact that marihuana isn't as unhealthy for your organs like alcohol, it IS more unhealthy to your brain than alcohol.

Alcohol can kill you, marijuana can't. Pardon me if I'll call alcohol a harder drug.

Like I said, pot often (not always) leads to harder drugs. And yeah, it is the third phase. ::) Third phase is just a description for the state of physical and psychic addiction to drug(s).
You forget, I am not an ignorant short-sighted idiot like many people who would say that, because they THINK they are right.

So are you saying that rather than THINKING you are know? Sounds pretty ignorant and short-sighted to me.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 09:01:48 PM
Hey Blizzard, you ignored my question.

Besides, why should you care? It's not like any of these people are shoving a joint in your mouth.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Woompa on January 21, 2007, 09:06:07 PM
well I need to log off and log off, I wasted my day infront of the pc.

I don't have time to argue with the 20 year old pokemon god/geek gaylord(blizzard).
By the way Blizzard, if its realy you on that pic your ugly as hell.

I stoped watching pokemon in 2nd grade, your 20 years old and still watch it...LOOSER

I bet 5$ that each night you master bate on HENTAI

Peace out all you other pot heads!

Skull-Shaped Bong: $12.00
3.5grams of weed: $25.00
Watching Teletubbies with Your Buddies: Priceless
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 09:06:58 PM
Blizzard has to be the most opinionated, preachy son of a bitch I've ever met on the internet.

I mean, he barged into a thread about legalizing marijuana, getting the first reply, and immediately starting up some shit war and completely derailing the topic.

I swear, can't people not do drugs and be indifferent, or even amiable about it? It's like every straight-edge kid needs to prove something, and be as much of a jerk as possible whenever somebody even mentions drugs.

edit: He's like one of those guys on TabIt in a thread about religion, lol, right Zypher?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Darico on January 21, 2007, 09:09:02 PM
I think your throwing this our of proportion...
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 09:09:44 PM
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 09:11:37 PM
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: GilgameshRO on January 21, 2007, 09:14:10 PM
Marijuana isn't half as bad as tobacco. Though I've no interest in it I don't really see why it isn't legal. =*
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 09:14:25 PM
So are you saying that rather than THINKING you are know? Sounds pretty ignorant and short-sighted to me.

No, I meant I can admit if I am wrong.

Alcohol can kill you, marijuana can't. Pardon me if I'll call alcohol a harder drug.

No need to apologize. As I already said, alcohol is unhealthy for organs (plural), while marihuana is only unhealthy for your brain. I know that it's a harder drug.

Hey Blizzard, you ignored my question.

Besides, why should you care? It's not like any of these people are shoving a joint in your mouth.

Sorry, didn't see it the first time.
It's a personal choice, I thought we cleared that up already.

I don't have time to argue with the 20 year old pokemon god/geek gaylord(blizzard).

Wow, wow. Now we're going over to flaming only because I don't like your holy pot.

By the way Blizzard, if its realy you on that pic your ugly as hell.

Stop being jealous that I still look better than you.

I stoped watching pokemon in 2nd grade, your 20 years old and still watch it...LOOSER

I watched it when I was little, so what? Last time I watched it was like 6 years ago. In case you don't know:
I change my custom title/personal text/avatar like every few days. There something about pokemon going on in the other thread and I posted out of fun: "I am the pokemon god who created all of them. OBEY ME, MWUAHAHAH!"

I bet 5$ that each night you master bate on HENTAI

I don't watch porn nor hentai. Real sex is much more asuming. ;) You'll come to that coonclusion someday... I guess...

Blizzard has to be the most opinionated, preachy son of a bitch I've ever met on the internet.

I mean, he barged into a thread about legalizing marijuana, getting the first reply, and immediately starting up some shit war and completely derailing the topic.

I swear, can't people not do drugs and be indifferent, or even amiable about it? It's like every straight-edge kid needs to prove something, and be as much of a jerk as possible whenever somebody even mentions drugs.

edit: He's like one of those guys on TabIt in a thread about religion, lol, right Zypher?

Didn't I say already, I don't care? I don't want drugs, you take them if you want. I don't care. I have my opinion and that's it. It's not like I am trying to convince anybody "Drugs are bad" or something. Go into the world and make your own experience, then you'll see.


Yup. Tobacco is worse, I know. I think it should be illegal, but who am I to judge?!
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 09:17:42 PM
It's a personal choice, I thought we cleared that up already.

It may be a personal choice to not take them, but a personal choice to pseudo-intellectually preach about how drugs are bad is extremely dumb. How about you let us have OUR personal choice on whether or not to take these drugs, and not have the law decide for us?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: GilgameshRO on January 21, 2007, 09:18:53 PM
It's also a personal choice for people to start flaming eachother but if it continues this topic is going to get locked.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 09:20:25 PM
@Zypher: Well, marihuana CAN lead to harder drugs and when you're in phase 3 (yeah, yeah, I know...) you can be a threat to the community. That's why it's illegal, I guess.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 21, 2007, 09:20:49 PM
Didn't I say already, I don't care? I don't want drugs, you take them if you want. I don't care. I have my opinion and that's it. It's not like I am trying to convince anybody "Drugs are bad" or something. Go into the world and make your own experience, then you'll see.
If you don't care, then get the hell out of this thread already.

And yes that's exactly what you're trying to convince everyone with your "three phases" crap, and your CONTINUING TO POST IN HERE WHEN YOU CLAIM YOU DON'T CARE.

Leave the thread. Please. Don't even respond to this. Just get out of the thread. Prove to me that you really don't care. Get out.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 09:23:57 PM
Don't I have a right to post my opinion? What does this have to do if I don't care? ?_?
But fine, have it your way. ::)

And I didn't invent that 3 phases shit.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Malson on January 21, 2007, 09:25:46 PM
Oh, and since no one did it yet: LOL LAGALIZED
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Djangonator on January 21, 2007, 09:26:21 PM
So are you saying that rather than THINKING you are know? Sounds pretty ignorant and short-sighted to me.

No, I meant I can admit if I am wrong.

Alcohol can kill you, marijuana can't. Pardon me if I'll call alcohol a harder drug.

No need to apologize. As I already said, alcohol is unhealthy for organs (plural), while marihuana is only unhealthy for your brain. I know that it's a harder drug.

How do you KNOW it is a harder drug? that is what i was trying to ask.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 09:30:10 PM
I don't. I would say so, because of the side effects. Alcohol is most lethal than marihuana as it seems.

@alren: Ok, THIS is the last reply. Didn't want a question directed at me to be left unanswered.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Djangonator on January 21, 2007, 09:31:54 PM
Well if you don't know, don't say you do.

Also, once again, this isn't a thread over whether or not it is right or wrong to do marijuana. It's about the legalization. BACK ON TOPIC, PLZ.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 09:34:20 PM
Sorry, I didn't mean to say I know it 100%-ly. I assume it is a harder drug.
Well, legalization inevitablely leads to the question if it's wrong or right to legalize it *points at this thread*. I mean, you have a reason to vote for yes or no.

*gets the fuck out*
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Zetsukomaru on January 21, 2007, 09:35:19 PM
This thread quickly went from 'should it be legal' to 'OMG IT'S WRONG/RIGHT.' ...That's great unimaginable fun, I'll tell you.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on January 21, 2007, 11:53:01 PM
All drugs should become legal. Once produced by companies, applied with strict safety rules, the narcotics will become safer, much safer. Also more test can be openly done on humans, thereby providing us with more REAL information. Plus the tax cut would have to put a few new houses in politicians hands....
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Djangonator on January 21, 2007, 11:59:04 PM
LOL exaclty :)
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Jesus Hitler on January 22, 2007, 02:17:30 AM
It seems to me that Blizzard listened to DARE a little too much as a kid. Marijuana itself leads to "harder drugs" as much as alcohol does. The reason it ever leads to anything else is because people who sell both pot and cocaine/heroin/LSD/whatever would rather have you using something that actually makes you addicted.

I have no interest in smoking marijuana, but that's because I have no interest in smoking generally.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on January 22, 2007, 02:19:46 AM
Not only that but the positive effects of pot are reduced over time leading you to try other things to get a buzz.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Jesus Hitler on January 22, 2007, 02:25:49 AM
Not only that but the positive effects of pot are reduced over time leading you to try other things to get a buzz.

The positive effects of drinking are reduced over time, too, but they don't go looking for more powerful intoxicants. Why? Because liquor stores don't encourage you to try new drugs.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on January 22, 2007, 02:44:11 AM
I disagree. People go out looking for new drugs in many cases without it being offered first. What happens to people who don't buy the drugs themselves? Peer pressure is not the only answer to pot being a gateway drug.

I'm sure more then a few liquor stores sell drugs on the side too...
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Moss. on January 22, 2007, 03:20:40 AM
I'm sure more then a few liquor stores sell drugs on the side too...
Lol, what?
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Christina on January 22, 2007, 03:54:02 AM
probably if drugs were legalized people wouldnt use it to rebel anymore, theyd find something else.

because yes i believe people only do drugs because its "cool" and because its rebeling against the legal system.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on January 22, 2007, 04:01:49 AM
probably if drugs were legalized people wouldnt use it to rebel anymore, theyd find something else.

because yes i believe people only do drugs because its "cool" and because its rebeling against the legal system.
Yeh your right, cause this thing called "Addiction" is really just a cry for attention. The only reason people go to detox centres is to make friends, it's all one big act.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Ravenshade on January 22, 2007, 11:15:15 AM
Only natural drugs should be legalized, although, age limits should be imposed, some drugs are like alchohol,...shouldn't be given to kids.

Cannabis yes
Magic Mushrooms yes
Heroin...fuck no to addictive
Cocaine...go to the dentists more often, they inject it into your gums  ;8
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on January 22, 2007, 11:27:05 AM
As I'm quoting someone: " No one will be forcing a joint down your throat", you don't have to take it if you don't want to. As to the whole: It will make it more accessible to children" idea: Uhhh sorry to break it to you, but drugs are MORE then accessible to children, if they're going to take it, they will.

With narcotics legalized, there would be no more shady dealers. Organized crime would be kicked in the balls, hardly. Because without a monopoly the prices would drop. With legal drugs, you would be made to acquire a licence to make/sell, you would be trained how to do it well and safely. It would also be closely watched 24/7 by " Some big brother figure ", to insure this.

Cheaper and Safer. It's simple.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Ravenshade on January 22, 2007, 11:30:21 AM
Oh I agree with that...I just meant for a law...ah sucks...

let's tax it!
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on January 22, 2007, 11:33:38 AM
Oh the taxing would be the best part! What 50-80%?

Well the best part if your a politician... ;8
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Ravenshade on January 22, 2007, 11:36:14 AM
Nah i'm planning on going into law as a barrister, and earn $500,000 a year...that'd be fun.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Ruhani777 on March 24, 2007, 06:30:35 PM
just go to canada  >:(
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: biohazard on March 24, 2007, 06:35:15 PM
Marijuana isn't legal in Canada either... But yes, I fully support the legalization of marijuana, as it is less harmful than cigarettes, and it can be made into almost anything.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: Deliciously_Saucy on March 24, 2007, 06:44:31 PM
Marijuana isn't legal in Canada either... But yes, I fully support the legalization of marijuana, as it is less harmful than cigarettes, and it can be made into almost anything.
I thought it was legal in Toranto or something??
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: modern algebra on March 24, 2007, 06:46:50 PM
Marijuana isn't legal in Canada either... But yes, I fully support the legalization of marijuana, as it is less harmful than cigarettes, and it can be made into almost anything.
I thought it was legal in Toranto or something??

Decriminalized. It is not legal - just it isn't a criminal offense. I personally hate marijuana, because it smells like shit burning over a pit of acidic radioactive waste. And I have friends who use it all the time and act like shitbags when they're on it. I'd hate to see people walking sown the street smoking it. I already hold my breath when people are smoking cigarettes.
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: biohazard on March 24, 2007, 10:03:54 PM
Well people don't get into a barfight if instead of alcohol there is marijuana...
Title: Re: marijuana should be Lagalized
Post by: landofshadows on March 26, 2007, 04:06:27 PM
I have found some stuff that's Legal and MUCH better:-

SALVIA Kicks butt !!!