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Mythical Fantasy: Chain Reaction

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Level 88
Menu & Battle System Guru

Background Information

I originally started this game way back on RM2K my freshman year of high school. A few years later I began another game called "Samurai Assassin" which was acclaimed over at gaminggroundzero and rpgwolfpack, however the game never found a release as I got caught up in high school stuff and college preppping. Being a junior in college now, and after much delay I have picked the project back up and plan to finish it! Having most of the storyline already created in rm2k, I hope to incorporate much of it into a re-newed project.

Spoiler for Very Brief Background:
A nation built on freedom; a classless nation of equal oppurtunity. From what was once a time when only nobles and mages held power and public opinion has been transformed by the Verronian Emperor Greven Motavias. However, all of his work is at risk of being lost after his death. His two sons, Rune and Sage, have used their own beliefs to split the nation into North and South provinces. Years later, after countless battles between the two sides, a civil war seems to be rising. Sage's son, Akili, hopes to end the clashing led by himself and the South Verronian army led by his cousin, Serra.

Spoiler for Deeper Background (Story Form):
*this is obviously subject to change and also just the first section*

   The blackness covers the night, and even the stars remain unlit. The air grows thick as night sets in over the royal country; the people, well remained at rest in their sleep, could not expect complete safety. For this is the kind of insecurity of this time. The people of this country have been separated for nearly 14 years. This situation creates an unsettling feel in the lack of protection and safety from outside countries. For what they don’t know is that another death may change the course of everyone’s lives.
   Both sides of this family have been searching for power; for money; for rule. No side has gained or faired the upper hand. Many battles have been fought, no side has won, and no side has lost: only strides of no gain with no victor rising. Greed; this is what separates this family. Both leaders want to rule their blood-related country. The irony is, they are brothers. Their father’s death has caused an unresolved conflict. To see this, we must see the past and see how morale was destroyed and forgotten.

*  *  *  *  *
The Past
*  *  *  *  *

   The great Emperor Greven Motavias led his country to victory by commanding great battles, making great compromises through long negotiating and fairly ruling over his people. He has lived for 55 years and has been blessed with two sons, Sage Smith and Rune Rava. Being heartbroken over his wife’s death at pregnancy, his sons are his only joy and only remaining hope for they have been dueling for years.
   After teaching his sons many lessons of life and of battle, they have grown to become young men who will be ruling their father’s country for years to come. Sage has grown noble while his brother, Rune, seeks power and authority.
   During their childhood they both have grown apart because of moral differences and political beliefs. Sage and Rune’s animosity grew towards one another, and their faltering relationship contributed to the loss of unity in the family. It shows when they trained for battle with each other and in family disputes, like when Sage, out of aggressions, actually stabbed Rune in the arm with a dull sword. Or when Sage slept with the one suitor Rune had intentions on marrying and then ended up embarrassing him in front of her family when they found them in bed together. Motavias saw these disunites and squabbles, although he sometimes only thought of them as brotherly clashes, he felt this sadness may lead to unhappiness of the whole nation because his sons stood as the people’s hope and joy.
   Motavias grew old and ill. One day, he suddenly fell very ill and for forced to be for months. Years passed until Motavias died after enduring an unknown and suspicious disease. His death resulted in a new dynasty having to be created. The two sons of Motavias were named Kings of the nation’s two capitals of Verrono. However, Sage and Rune both sought full rule of the country so that the nation could fully focus on their own ambitions. The two sides began fighting over control of the country. The desire for power brought much disgrace to the royal family as the nation was moving closer to civil war.
   As the years passed, Sage and Rune had children of their own. Sage had a son named Akili while Rune had a daughter named Serra. Both Akili and Serra grew up as childhood playmates despite their parents’ resentment of one another. Although there was hatred of one another between them, both Rune and Sage cared very much for each other’s children.
   Sage’s son, Akili, had grown to be quite the soldier and the hope of the North Verronian people. His complexion fascinated the young girls of his country, and his smarts impressed the politicians, aristocrats, mages, and nobles. His light skin and muscular tone marked him as a fit soldier. Serra was also raised a soldier under her father’s army. Built like a normal 19-year-old girl, she was strong-willed and would do anything her father asked of her…even if it meant fighting her own blood. It was not her looks that did not impress suitors, it was her ambitions and skill in battle that both put off men and gained their respect. However, very smart, earning her ranking over many brave and challenging men.

*  *  *  *  *
Akili’s Tale
* *  *  *  *

   Since they were little, Akili has stayed by Serra; treating her like his own sister. And the relationship helped both him and Serra to deal with their parent’s greed and selfish agendas. Growing up was not easy for Akili. His father consistently expected much of him. He felt like his skills were not being used properly because he was coerced to lead his father’s journeys. With the Motavias family sharing a four-way throne, Akili felt disgraced when compared to other princes who ruled over much larger countries by themselves.
   Despite disagreeing with much of his father’s beliefs and Sage’s ridiculous quarrels, he still loves him greatly and would do absolutely anything to protect him. Nonetheless, he still wishes for his father’s blood battle to end; despite wanting to, one day, rule over all of Verrono.
   Akili’s problems end up making a huge dilemma that can not be settled, it is even worse because it involves sorrow with his own family. On one hand, he wants his father to have his country, but on the other, his uncle must relinquish the throne and the only way for that to happen would mean him dying. Despite Akili and Rune not being close, he would not want to see him die because he knows that Rune has tried to see past the family quarrelling and express himself as a loving uncle. He has always respected Rune and stayed away from talks of ruling the country with him to prevent anything from being stirred up. But Akili has always had a strange distrust towards him because he feels he always has to watch both his tongue and back when in Rune’s presence. The greed has broken his family apart and it effects how safe the people feel, even from the royal family’s own kin.
   This strange family quarrel could easily have been resolved but the greed that lurks and the hatred that has risen between the two fathers prevents any hopes at peace. Through the stupid battles where meaningless bloodshed has occurred, and the money wasted on war, Sage and Rune have caused their shared country much confusion and anxiety. Rune’s greed to become better than his broth and do anything to gain control of Verrono, and Sage’s greed to become a true emperor and follow in the footsteps of his father, was nonsense to Akili. He saw the manifest stupidity of the situation because it has revolved around him his whole life. After many thoughts, he eventually decided to help his father, at many risks, rather than achieving any of his goals first.
   Under the inevitable orders of their parents’, Akili and Serra are sent into battle against each other. Both sides do not like the complications but they also want to be respectful of their fathers’ wishes and commands.

Spoiler for "Characters":


Wrath Knight
Age: 19
Weapon: Sikandar's Ambition
Akili is the Prince of Verrono. Although he does not agree with his father's ambitions and desires, he carries out his orders because he is a respectable, noble, young individual. Although, at times Akili lets his fury get ahead of himself. Being a knight he wears heavy armour that suits a prince's involvement in combat. He also heads the North Verronian troops in battle.

Holy Knight
Age: 19
Weapon: Knight Sword of Athena
Serra is the Princess of Verrono. She is both beautiful and strong. Her skills in combat are said to match any Verronian knight as it is said that Pallas Athena herself trained her. Serra is both witty and cunning. She believes that all actions should be just and that all people-whether noblemen, knight, commoner, bard-should be faired as equal. However, she must hide her true beliefs because her father, Rune, is working towards reversing his father's work, of creating an equal country, and putting aristocracy to rule.


Age: 17
Weapon: Hanzo's Kunai

Mage Samurai
Age: 31
Weapon: Chaos Katana


Sky Archer
Age: 24
Weapon: Akhilleus' Heel


Weapon Specialist
Age: 19
Weapon: Zeus' Creation


Assassin Samurai
Age: 33
Weapon: Akuma-Ken

Mage Knight
Age: 23
Weapon: Sceptier


Looking for: Spriters, Mappers, Photoshop Specialists, and even a few Scripters (although I've pretty much got a lot of things covered so far)

-Weapon Leveling Script (ShadowClan)
-Soul Rage / Soul Limit Script (Blizzard)
-Splash Screen (Blizzard)
-Custom Stat Growing System (Blizzard)
-Center Player Script (SandGolem)
-Element Affinity (Blizzard)
-Advanced Message Script (Dube)
-Icon Commands (Mewsterus)
-Animated Battlers Script (Minkoff and DeVVulfman)
-Custom Abilities Script
-Custom Menu System: Mythical Fantasy Menu System (see below)
-Custom Battle System: Epic Battle System (see below)

Spoiler for Title:

Original MF Menu System (Original, see page 2 for the updated system)
Spoiler for Menu:

Spoiler for Weapon Menu:

Spoiler for "Armour Menu":

Spoiler for "Skill Menu":

Spoiler for "Equipment Menu":

Spoiler for "Aurora Ore Menu":
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 03:25:16 AM by blazinhandle »

Level 89
Koopa Troopa!
I'll get the bad stuff out of the way, in the battle screen, its all a bit cramped. With the status and name. Also, next to the SP bar...why is there a percentage?

I am now coming to read the story and reply.

EDIT: From what I read...it founds awesome. I like the name and the idea of two brothers engaged of battle. And also the evil uncle. (Like in FE, Lord Lundreg or however you spell it.)
Btw, somewhere near the bottom you but broth :p
But it sounds good, hope you can complete it.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 08:11:05 AM by pkmemanyp »

Level 90
I like the idea, the menu is awesome even though as you said the faces don't really match.

As for the battle system, I've got a lil question. You know how the previous versions didn't show pictures of the character along with HP, SP, etc; you modified it so you can do that, right? Is there gonna be a release of that by you? I've been requesting for that for ages.

Nice gathering of battlers, too bad I gotta place them in order manually. Good luck and all


Ancient Mummy
Level 90
The menu does look reaaly good  :o

Hope you get this game done  :D

Nice Gw faces  :)

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
looking great so far.
the menus are cool
I'd just fix up the proportions of the battle screen and
then get some matching faces.

everything else is awesome!

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 88
Dude! This looks awesome! Can't wait for the release! The menu is cool, Battle system could be improved, but still decent, Menu looks nice too.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
looks great, maybe some map screenshots? (I like seeing em'.)
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Art Master
Level 90
Leaps and bounds better than the first one. All you need to do now is change the Battle Background and everything great.

Level 90
Woot! Can't wait  ;D

The battle system looks awesome! Looking good, looking fine~


pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
looks great, maybe some map screenshots? (I like seeing em'.)
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
Menu & Battle System Guru
UPDATE! Here's a screen of my updated CBS (...and its about 100%!) and a battledrop I've made (hahah i whipped it up in about an hour). Lemme know whatcha think. I've made all of the baatle menus (Adrenaline: Skills provided by armor+shield+helm, Aurora Ore: skills provided by accessory [which is one of the main elements of the plotline], Rest: which resoteres stamina (stamina is need ofr each skill), and Oracle which is an attribute awarded based on calling of an oracle who provides the party with restorative abilities, revival skills, and some defensive skills (based on items which call for OSP [oracle summoning power]).

Battle backdrop:

CBS battle:

The sprite battlers are drawn by staff member Demitri.

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Serra looks masculine, LOL.
BTW, it looks nice. Good luck!

Level 89
Serra looks masculine, LOL.
BTW, it looks nice. Good luck!

My thoughts exactly. I was pretty sure Serra's pic was depicting what looks like a pretty boy instead.  :-\
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Looks great. I can't wait for a demo. Good luck on this.

Art Master
Level 90
Serra looks masculine, LOL.
BTW, it looks nice. Good luck!

Thats because it's a male Face Set. Still..all of this looks amazing.

My thoughts exactly. I was pretty sure Serra's pic was depicting what looks like a pretty boy instead.  :-\
If this is made with RMXP Ill kill myself ::)

Better get to it, then >.>

pokeball ZanOfflineMale
Level 87
"Jesus saves! And takes half damage!"
Looking really good.
I'm a pacifist...
And things get very peaceful when all of your enemies are dead.

Level 88
ok here is the thing love your story......... but i feel like this have already been done with tactic games back in ps1 hmmm i just cant remember

=) the menu is ok

the title screen lacks a bit of something

all in all its good :blizj:

i did mentioned i help with you with the battlers just waiting for the description and a handraw pic of the battlers will be appreciated asumming you know how. if not a description will do. and how many frame per action and

what are the ff. poses should be


1 ready pose
2 attack
3 skill
etc :blizj:

Level 88
Menu & Battle System Guru
The Epic Battle System

Spoiler for "WeaponSkill":

Spoiler for "Adrenaline":

Spoiler for "AuroraOre":

Spoiler for "Oracle":

Mythical Fantasy features a unique battle system made up of several complex elements and developed systems. Battles are begun by either running into an enemy, challenging a foe, being surrounded and forced into battle, or neutral warfare (as you can see there are no random battles) and partake away from the current map.

The battle system itself is a modified conditional-turned based with everyone, pending status, participating in order of agility, special skills, and the Dragoon Ore system (more on that later). In order to participate in battle, character must have enough stamina to perform. Everything from attacking, skill using, to spell casting sucks the energy out of characters, however, every turn a certain percentage is rewarded back to the characters as if they are recovering strength. Characters essentially have seven options from which they can act in battle, from the four battle selection bars:

1) "Attack"
The standard RPG first-choice phenomena where a character chooses to use his/her brute strength, and the strength of his/her currently equipped weapon, to damage a single foe.

2) "AdrenaBurst"
A single hidden ability within each character. When certain requirements are met (certain life, stamina, kill count, a close friend falls in battle, etc.), pressing the right key within the first battle selection bar (Attack>>AdrenaBurst) will enable that hidden skill to be unleashed.

3) "WeaponSkill"
The only way characters can train hard in battle and become better is to be swinging those swords, aim those arrows, and waving those wands....well you get the point. WeaponSkills are accumulated as a character's weapon and his/her experience using it increases. Ofcourse, in order to swing those weapons, it will require stamina.

Without stamina, WeaponSkills cannot be used (as well as attacks). Stamina is gained how? How else: swinging those damn swords and getting stronger! The more you use WeaponSkills the stronger you're going to get and thus your stamina is going to increase as well!

WeaponSkills are separated into four groups: Level I, Level II, Level III, and *. With level one being the weakest and the latter being an ungodly ability to devastate opponents. Each category is different among characters with different separations for different purposes, however, Stamina Use lay as the only common denomenator for all skill sets.

Once inside the WeaponSkill menu you can press either << or >> if you have progressed a certain skill set to hold multiple abilities.

4) "Adrenaline"
C'mon tell me you didn't think that if Arshes had just seen his girlfriend Hilda slain, his best friend Basil raped, and his main man Cyrus beheaded that he had no chance at wanting to desperately whoop some ass that he just couldn't because he simply had zero stamina, right? Well if you did you're wrong! That's why we have Adrenaline!

Adrenaline (a modified system of Blizzard's Soul Rage System) is a system that uses, you guessed it, an Adrenaline meter. Taking shots, giving shots, or using a special ability to pump up you and your characters will all add to the meter. And once you have enough to splurge it'll be like giving it to Sepheroth right after you saw Aeris take a Masamune in the back. The system is similar to WeaponSkills except you do not gain skills via leveling. You gain Adrenaline Skills (see Armour) by the equipment you are currently wearing. Those skills are also separated into skill sets, where some equipment provided a single decent skill, others provide two or three, or a hidden gem of an armour holds a very powerful ability.

5) "Rest"

Resting is a command where a character takes a leave of a turn to regain lost stamina. What better way to build up for a huge assault?

6) "AuroraOre"

Awwww, behold the best of all commands and the story's main plotline (whoops, let that one slip). The AuroraOre command allows, what else?, the abilities to unleash the power of an equipped ore. Ore can gain up to three extremely useful and powerful abilites. What's even better is that each use of AO unleashes the chain of skills that you have acquired. Say that Akili has not only found his orb, is compatable with it, but also learned all three of its abilites (Lone Wolf, Ravage, and Vengeance for Baldr). Well, once he chooses the AO command he'll unleash Lone Wolf, Ravage, and Vengeance for Baldr in one fell swoop. What's even better is that some AO abilites, when strategically-used properly will force other characters to join in on the fun resulting in a enemy-blood-soaked battlefield.

So how exactly do you use the AO command? Well certainly you just couldn't used it on demand. No, it's a lot more harder to gain an AO than it is to build up the Adrenaline Meter. Characters can acquire up to 5 AO at one time, but to gain even a single AO, they must reach a certain kill count. Kill counts are based on how compatable characters are with their AuroraOre. Say Akili is slightly compatable with his Vali's Vengeance AuroraOre, he'll have to kill five enemies before he can use the AO command one time. Saving up your kills can often save you in a pinch, not to mention create one hell of a show on the battlefield.

7) "Oracle"
Nope, sorry folks, there's no items in Mythical Fantasy. Well none that can be used in battle anyway. The Oracle ability is the final command where characters must find sacred writings, passages, etc. to call upon and use Oracle-like abilities. Each item is different, with each giving a different value of Oracle Summoning Power. Players must read/use the items out of battle and bestow OSP onto the party's current leader so that he/she may become familiar with the language of the Oracle. There are just three skills sets for this command:

Restorative: Simple abilities that heal, cure illnesses, etc.

Resurrective: Abilities to revive fallen allies.

Destructive: Abilities to seek revenge after allies have fallen in battle.

And that about wraps it up. The screenshots above will clear a lot of things up as well as the upcoming promo showing exactly what everything is. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 04:44:14 PM by blazinhandle »

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
That battle system sounds great. I would sign up for bug testing, but I am going on vacation soon and won't be able to  ;9. Anyway, this looks great. I will check in on this topic the minute I get back from vacaation to see if I can d/l the demo. Great work, from what I see.

Level 88
ei can you send me a copy of your game? ill gladly sprite most of your battlers spriting needs =)

to the level i sprite for my game

Level 88
give me the weapon for xavier and the battler set of akili (if only if you want to) i wanna do his ready pose.

Level 88
Legend of Dragoon 2 Project - Story Writer
I can be a demo tester if you like, pm me if you need

Level 88
Menu & Battle System Guru
Here's what I've been up to lately....yeah, yeah, I bought a PS3 in July so I've been...busy....and well classes start tomorrow so we'll have to see how I can fare for a demo here soon...

The Mythical Fantasy Menu System

Main MF Menu
Spoiler for:
Weapon Skills
Spoiler for:
Spoiler for:
Armour Skills
Spoiler for:
Spoiler for:
Aurora Ore
Spoiler for:
Spoiler for:

Level 88
Menu & Battle System Guru
Updated character portraits - Original work by my girlfriend's sister.

Spoiler for:
Spoiler for:
Spoiler for:

BTW-Excuse the double post but the site only allows so many pictures...

Level 89
SWEET game! Finally an rpgmaker XP game with a CBS. EVERYTHING looks sweet. Let me be a beta tester please!



Level 87
Hey guy, i can be a mapper if you like? I dont really know how people think of my work but around where i live im the best mapper so that might count for something? give me say 3 days? and ill post of things. also if i do become and mapper ill need the tilesets used in your game.

Level 88
Menu & Battle System Guru
That'd be really helpful, can you post some of your work?

Level 87
no problem. i currently dont have like any maps what so ever. so itll be awhile. are you on any sorta deadline at all.
im currently not in a making on any game thats why i dont have maps but if i become a mapper for your game you'll get maps every once in a while. also i forgot to ask. which rpg maker are you using? RPG Maker XP what? the enterbrain version or Postality Knights Enhanced? Im using PKE so if your using the enterbrain version transferring maps may take awhile.

Level 87
ive thought of a better idea, istead of using rtp tilesets send me the ones your using in your game and tell me some places to make and ill try and use the tileset and if you think the maps i make with the tilesets are good enough then ill do it but if you think theyre not thats perfectly fine aswell. i just thought now it would be better to show you what i can make with the tilesets your using in the actual game. so send me a pm and ill send you my email and you email the tilesets or post em or whatever you want to do.

Level 88
Menu & Battle System Guru
Calling knowledgable Game and Play Testers!

A demo is finally ready! All that is left is smoothing out some rough edges and having game testers run through it and give me helpful feedback as well as analyze problems.

I'm looking for 5 testers who are trustworthy, script and event knowledgable, and available over the course of this week.

Thanks! Looking forward to your help!

Level 88
ei you got your own groupie  :tpg: i envy u  :flag:

oh yeah nice game, im amaze the way you keeping up things  ;8

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
Wow, this looks really good, I love it really. The custom menu features are amazing :D

I'd have no problem helping with some beta testing if you want. Good luck with this, I want to see more XD