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[Visual] DARK ACADEMY, The Mist Reaper's story finished. Part 2 soon

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Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Chapter One

Twas a dark morning when I first entered the realm of hell... I could only remember it as if it was only the day before yester's. Which is not exactly remembering it as if yesterdays... Just like remembering it fadily... It was a school monday morn. Or was it tuesday? Anyway, the week just began. As I was awakining from my father's yell, I just woke from the dream. I dreamt of a gray hooded man, and the number of zero behind him. As I got ready and woke to the bus I tried to figure out the dream. I had had it the last three nights in a row. Each night one less number. The first night a three. the second a two. Last night a one, and this morning, the zero. When I arived at the bus stop, I looked at my watch. I was shocked then, It was of but two in the morning! I couldn't beleive my dad thought I was late! Then, I here a car crash in the distince... Then, the fun began. I saw a man with his mustach over his nose running in the oposite direction of the noise. He was screaming as load as I ever heared the same line over and over... He yelt 'Please! Its not my time!' Twas then saw a black hooded man holding a scyth. When he spoke, His voice was weak and panting.'I know its not your time, but this is what I do in my spare. Kill the inocent to pass the time... And your reeaally~ inocent, aren't you!' said the hooded one. the man being persude triped a rock on the other side the street from me. He grabbed the rock he tripped on, and through it at the scyth holder. It hit him in the head, reveiling his face. A skull all that was there. Then, suddenly, a light apear over the horizen. A bus. But was to early to be the bus I ride. But that you will know tomarrow. For now, I end my story.
-End chapter one
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 07:38:00 PM by boe »
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

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Level 89
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Naw! how many leaders of ausace co are there?! :whoa:
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Chapter Two
 Hello again people, today is a new day, and I shall give you another part of my story. As I sit on the bench next to the bus stop, where the skellital humanoid stand with his scyth against the mustach-over-nose man, who had fallen. I saw a light over the horizen, the bus that was not mine was coming. The scyth weilder, whom I apose can only be the great Grim Reaper, spoke out these words: 'Looks like the bus has you this time...' And right before the bus was about to hit them, the Grim Reaper jumped out of the way, next to me. I shiver in fear as he talks to me. 'So, twilight's mindcontrol sent you the dreams, right? And did they also make your dad wake you up today?' As he sat there waiting for the bus to open its door, he looked at me waiting for a reply. Now I could see his fae much better. there was a crake in his fore-head, and next two his left eye on his icey white skull. I could only stare and node, for it was the first time I saw an undead being. After the bus open its door, the reaper screamed at the driver about how he stopped right before hitting the man, and letting him go. I looked, and he was almost a mile down the road. I rest my story for now. Until then, the end.
End Chapter two

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PEOPLE! I AM STOPING EACH CHAPTER FOR A REVEIW! COME ONE! GIVE ME ONE! Also, when you make a reply, leave the subject of it as which chapter you are reviewing. thx
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 91
Weird. I don't understand anything that's happening right now. It's hard to follow. :?

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Its a first person story of the man who becomes the mist reaper. read ch. 1 then ch. 2
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Chapter Three

 Hello, it is good to dee people still here. Now back to my story. As I climed on the bus, a gust of wind blew by me. I asked what I would do for school when it started to the Grim Reaper. He said that a snow storm would come. I was shoked and told him such was imposible since it was only the middle of spring. Suddenly, the gust of wind blow from behind me with a pair of evileyes. the grim reaper told it to hold his scyth. the gust solided and grabbed it. Then the reaper looked me in the eye, and told me this: 'Look, Gusst here wanted it to be an army of tornados, we talked him into a snow storm. Deal with the unlogics!' I agreed that I would prefer Gusst NOT to kill my friends. I sat next to the Grim Reaper as Gusst phased out the window with the reapers sycth. after awhile, the Grim Reaper whispered to himself something about Gusst. I asked what and he said he saw a tornado in the distance. Tomarrow I finish my story. I will hope you stick arround. For now, farwell

Code: [Select]
Yes, there are two s' in Gusst
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 91
Heh. But don't end now. Add abput 20 more chapters. I'm starting to like it.

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Don't worry, Mist will stop telling the story. I wont... I'll tell of his adventures up till he suicides SPOILED! sorry...
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 91
Great. You spoilered your own story. Isn't that, like, a cardinal sin of the internet??

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Code: [Select]

"As I rode the bus down the road faster than any roller coaster I have ever been on, I saw the man running away, go right threw the bus. Suddenly we stopped. Then the bus sinked into the ground. The Grim Reaper told me tis would take all day the first timeI was going to the base. I had no clue of what he was talking about. That night, we arived at a large black ground. We went threw the earth to the magnet withen it. I slept the whole time and missed alot. There I learned about the dark academy, and how I could control Water Vapor, thus I named myself the Mist Reaper. The Grim Reaper was my master. My first mision was to kill that man the skellinton was hunting in the morning. Two years have passed, and I ave ranked a level before one that I do not need a master anymore. My powers have grown, and I have become one of the most famous trainees. I also learned of the only true religion, Scarluss. Now, my friends, this is where I am now. In tis very tower, telling you this very story. And now I-- Oh hold on..."

 A gust of air swooped by the listeners. Then a light wispher told the one who calls himself the Mist Reaper something.

 "I am sorry everyone, I must go now!" Said Mist.

End Chapter Four
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You see, this story begins where he left off. This is unique because it went from a first person story to a third person story. What do you all think?
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 91
Now, the plot seems to be rushing. Why don't you give a detailed account of the dark academy, the other students, and our protagonist's adventure to find this man the grim reaper wanted??

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Because Mist knew he would have to go on a mission soon, and sped it up. I have to check my arcives of notes before I give you chapter five. And why are you the only one reviewing my story besides from diablo's one post?
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 91
Meh. If you spent time and detail on this story, it would be a nice little paperback novel.

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
It would be about fourty chapters then! I have it all detailed out here in my personal notes.
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
dangit, lost the notes for the mist reaper story. But here is the ending in chapter twenty two:
Basicly mist hangs himself to be like his master, an undead. But acording to which, if a living Dark Academist suicides, they are ommitted from the dark academy forever. Mist joins the high concile and starts a group of four people to carry out missions that Gusst secretly gives them. Gusst is still friends with Mist though. And he is Mist, not the Mist Reaper after he joined the High concile. The adventures continue on from there. My friend, justin, has the Mist of the High Concile notes. He will be posting those when he joins crankeye.
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.